Carnal Alpha: The Alpha’s Obsession Book One, page 1

Carnal Alpha
The Alpha’s Obsession Book One
Olivia T. Turner
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Also by Olivia T. Turner
Become Obsessed with OTT
Don’t be shy. Come Follow Me…
Copyright© 2020 by Olivia T. Turner.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including emailing, photocopying, printing, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. For permission requests, email
Please respect the author’s hard work and purchase a copy. Thanks!
This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, businesses, companies, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Edited by Karen Collins Editing
Cover Design by Olivia T. Turner
This one is for Anna,
Who once gave a BJ to a banana in a family restaurant,
And is now a respected lawyer.
Chapter One
“If it doesn’t rain soon, we might have to feed these to the cows.”
Zoe glares at me as she wraps a possessive arm around her tomatoes. “These are high quality, organic tomatoes, painstakingly grown with love and sweat. If you feed them to cows, I’ll feed you to your brother’s crazy bear.”
I glance at the forest on the edge of our ranch where Adrian’s deranged bear is probably terrorizing the local wildlife. I can’t worry about him and his savage grizzly now. We have bigger bears to fry. Our entire 1200 acre ranch has dried up from the drought and the grass is getting too burnt for the cows to feed on.
We have about five hundred of them and they’re getting hungrier every day.
Jane walks over, carrying a basket full of the largest zucchinis I’ve ever seen. “Who are we feeding to Adrian’s wild bear?”
Zoe’s eyes light up when she looks at her. Those two have been together for over twenty-five years and still have hearts in their doey eyes.
“Cameron is eying our vegetable stand,” Zoe says as she takes the zucchinis and sets them on the table next to the radishes.
“Oh, is he?” Jane asks as she picks up a tomato and starts tossing it to herself while she glares at me.
These two work for us on the ranch. They’re in charge of growing all the fruits and vegetables and selling them to the locals. They’re very loyal to us Bowen brothers, but they’re even more loyal to their produce.
“You can keep them for now,” I say as I slowly back away from the two women. “Let’s just hope it rains soon.”
It’s been weeks without a drop this summer and everything is starting to turn to dust. The grass is brown and crunchy, and with not enough to eat, the animals are starting to get irritable. We’ve been supplementing their diet with bought feed, but we’re running low on that too and there are shortages throughout the state of Montana where we live.
My eyes narrow on Logan as he comes riding over the yellow hill in the distance. I hope he has good news.
Logan is my brother, even though we don’t share the same blood running through our veins. We were best friends as kids and when his dad got into a tractor accident when Logan was only fourteen years old, my parents took him in and he’s been a brother to us three Bowen boys ever since.
Dust explodes under the hooves of his horse as he gallops across the wide-open pasture. Logan is shirtless as he grips the reins and bounces on his huge black stallion named Zeus, his cowboy hat clinging to his brow. The guy never takes it off.
I glance over my shoulder and see both Jane and Zoe watching him as he cuts through the dry dusty field.
“What are you two looking at?” I ask them with a grin. “I thought you were only interested in women.”
“He’s a beautiful man,” Jane says as she watches Logan approach. “I enjoy looking at beautiful flowers too. But that doesn’t mean I want to have sex with them.”
“Fair enough,” I say with a laugh.
I start jogging across the field to meet him. The sweltering summer sun is out in full force today with no cloud in sight.
Logan pulls up the reins and comes to a stop in front of me. I stroke his horse’s head and my hand comes away slick with sweat.
“Anything?” I ask, clinging onto the last tiny bit of hope inside of me.
Logan’s cowboy hat drops as he shakes his head. “Everywhere is dry.”
“Even the west side by the lake?”
His big shoulders slump. “Even by the lake. There’s nowhere for them to graze.”
“Shit,” I mutter as I look around, wondering what the hell to do. “All right. I’ll have to go find some feed for these cows.”
“Want me to come with?” Logan asks.
“Nah, stay here. I might need to load up a few bags on the passenger seat of the truck.”
My inner grizzly bear starts growling and pacing angrily as I head back to the house to get ready to leave.
Stop, I tell him. I don’t need this shit now.
He rumbles back with annoyance as he circles around inside of me. It’s the most irritating feeling to have an agitated grizzly bear inside of you. It’s like every cell in your body is twitchy and you can’t shake it off.
After a snarl from my bear, I stop and squeeze my fists.
I’m not dealing with this now, I hiss at him. I got five hundred hungry cows. Understand me?
He doesn’t give a shit about hungry cows. I think he would slaughter every single one of them if it meant getting closer to his mate. That’s the only thing on his mind. It’s always on his mind. And it’s starting to drive me crazy.
I’m thirty-two years old and haven’t even had a whiff of my mate yet. I’m starting to wonder if she’s even out there. I’m having my doubts.
Although, my bear has none. He knows she’s out there waiting for us to discover and he believes it’s our duty to spend every second desperately trying to find her.
I admit it would be nice to finally be with my fated mate, but I can’t always put everything on hold to wander aimlessly around the planet until I run into her. It may never happen.
My bear knows exactly what he’s going to do to her when he finds her. He wants me to claim her body as our own and to mark her neck so that she’ll never be allowed to leave.
He starts rumbling angrily as I continue inside the house and grab the keys to my truck.
I don’t know if I’ll ever find her. It’s not looking good.
All three of my brothers—Adrian, Julian, and Logan—are bear shifters and not one of us has found our mate.
It must be something in the water.
Or, in our dry ass ranch’s case, the lack of water.
Chapter Two
I start to get that edgy scared feeling when I feel all three of the men staring at me as I hurry away. I wonder if all women have that sixth sense—the sense of knowing when a bunch of creeps are staring at us—or if it’s just me.
It started about two minutes ago when I was standing on the corner of the street waiting to cross. A gust of wind took up my skirt and gave the three guys standing in front of the convenience store a show.
“Come here, girl,” one of them hollered at me as I quickly crossed the road even though the light was still green.
I turned back and gave them the finger. That’s when they started to follow me.
Now, I’m clutching my stack of resumes to my chest as I hurry down the streets of Blackcloud Point, wondering when they’re going to leave me alone. My mother always taught me to head straight for the closest police station whenever I’m being followed, but I’m new in town and still don’t know where it is.
So, I just keep hurrying down one street after another, hoping they’ll get bored and leave me alone.
“Where are you going?” one of them shouts and they all laugh. “We want to see that ass again!”
I get a fresh spike of adrenaline and hurry down a narrow side street, which turns out is more of an alley. It’s too late to turn around, so I just keep going forward with my heart racing.
Blackcloud Point, Montana is a quiet town and even quieter in the middle of a weekday afternoon, so there aren’t that many people around.
“Oh crap,” I whisper when I turn around and see two of them following me into the alley. At least I’ve lost one of them. It’s a start.
“Show us those baby blue panties again!” one of the boys hollers.
“I bet they’re dark blue now,” the other one says and they both laugh. Their horrible laughter echos along the brick walls, making me tremble.
I’ve never been in a situation like this before and I’m terrified. I don’t know what to do.
I grab the tiny bottle of hairspray that I have in my purse and hide it by my side, ready to spray at any second.
I gulp when I glance back at the men following me. They look huge. Big muscular bodies that I can’t possibly fight off, especially with a measly bottle of hairspray as my only weapon.
Something snaps in me and I just start running. My legs burn and my chest aches as I sprint as fast as I can, running for my life.
I hear their footsteps behind me, getting faster, slamming harder as they chase me, but I don’t dare look back. It would only slow me down.
I’m so close to the exit of the alley. I’ll be out in the busy street in five seconds… four… three…
“No!” I scream when the third boy pops up in front of me. I slam right into his huge chest and his strong cruel arms wrap around me, holding me in place. My pile of resumes slip from my hands and they litter the alley as the wind blows them away.
“I caught her so I get first dibs,” he says with a vile laugh.
As he looks at his friends for approval, I quickly raise the hairspray and spray the fucker right in the eyes. He screams out in pain and shock. I knee him right in the balls and take off running. He tries to grab me, but I dart around his clumsily arm and run into the street.
I’m desperate for help. I can’t outrun these three, so I quickly look up and down the quiet street for help.
A gray pickup truck in the distance is heading my way, so I sprint toward it, waving my arms and screaming at the top of my lungs. I stick to the center of the street so the driver has no choice but to stop.
His hard eyes lock onto mine through the windshield and the fear inside me just washes away, replaced by something else… Something I’ve never felt before. I don’t even know the words to describe it. Love? Yearning? Lust? Relief? Fulfillment? None of those are quite right. The word circling through my tingling body over and over again is ‘finally,’ but I’m not quite sure what that means.
He seems as shocked by the feeling as I am because he doesn’t seem to be slowing down. My screams for ‘Help!’ turn to screams of ‘Stop!’ until he suddenly realizes he’s about to run me down and slams on the breaks. The truck squeals to a stop in front of me, only a few inches from my chest.
The man just sits there staring at me in complete awe and shock as he grips the steering wheel with tight fists. I’m not doing any better. I’m staring back at him in the same way.
Dark eyes, dark hair, dark beard… then why do I feel so light?
My heart is racing. My skin is tingling all over.
Looking at him is like looking into a mirror and seeing a different reflection gazing back at me. I can’t explain it any better than that. It’s surreal.
It must be the adrenaline from being in so much danger that has hijacked my brain, or maybe I’m just so desperate for some help that I’m overreacting to seeing this guy, but my whole body is screaming at me to go to him.
His door opens and he steps out.
I swallow hard when he walks around his door and his whole body comes into view. He’s enormous. But none of it is soft curves like I have in abundance. It’s all hard sculpted muscle.
His thick muscular legs fill his jeans nicely and I slide my eyes up them to his hard stomach and massive chest. I can see his muscles moving and rippling under the t-shirt that doesn’t seem to want to put any space between it and his skin.
This view is spectacular and I can’t look away. There are three men catching up behind me and I can’t even seem to convince my eyes to take a look at where they are. I’m lost in his beauty.
His sleeves are tight around his round biceps that each have sexy tattoos running down to his thick wrists. I want him to take his shirt off so I can study every inch of him. It’s all I can think about as he walks up to me with that stunned look on his face.
He stops in front of me and inhales deeply. The sight makes my pussy clench and I squeeze my thighs together.
“It’s you,” he says in a breathless tone.
He’s speaking to me like he recognizes me, but I don’t want to tell him that he’s mistaken me with another girl. Another extremely lucky girl.
I hear footsteps rushing up behind me and I quickly spin around and back up toward the guy. The three young men are grinning and enjoying the look of fear on my face.
“Is this your boyfriend?” the one with the blond hair asks with a sneer.
The man steps forward as a low rumbling sound rips out of him. It sounds almost primal, like a growl, and it makes my nerve endings come alive.
“A fucking bear?” the blond says with a laugh as the three men begin to separate and circle him. “Are you kidding me?”
“She’s mine,” he growls as he stares him down.
I gulp as I see his torso begin to grow. His large back muscles were already big, but now they’re fucking huge.
“No way,” the guy with the AC/DC shirt on says as he shakes his head. “We saw that sweet ass first.”
“If you’re lucky, we’ll let you have a taste of that pussy when we’re done,” the third guy says.
“That pussy,” he roars, “is mine!”
He rips his stretched shirt off, shredding it to pieces as he charges them. I barely get a glimpse of his muscular back before it’s suddenly sprouting brown fur and growing even larger.
The guys finally seem to realize what they’re up against because their laughs and smirks turn to looks of panic and concern. But it’s too late to run.
A giant grizzly bear explodes out of my savior with a vicious roar. He slams into the blond guy and sends him flying. He’s still in the air while the bear turns and leaps onto his friend with a snarl.
My mind feels like it’s short-circuiting. What the hell is happening?
I’ve heard of bear shifters before, but I’ve never met or seen one in real life.
And now there’s one fighting for my life.
Or, for my pussy according to him.
The third guy begins to shake and grow. I gasp as his AC/DC shirt tears to pieces and a full-grown tiger bursts out.
“Watch out!” I scream as the tiger leaps onto the grizzly bear’s back. His teeth sink into his thick hide and the bear roars out in anger. With a vicious shake of his body, the large cat flies off and the bear lunges on him.
It’s chaos as a second tiger comes running into the fight. All three of the men were tiger shifters and all three of them are now fighting the man who risked everything to save me.
He could have kept driving. He should have gotten back into the truck. But he didn’t. He’s fighting for me and all I can do is watch as he faces off against three giant cats.
The cats are fast and strong, but the grizzly bear is ferocious. With every swipe of his deadly paws, he’s making them pay. It’s a blur of orange, black, and red around him as they brawl in the middle of the street.
One of the cats steps away from the brawl and snarls at me as he limps around on a bloody leg.
The grizzly bear sees this and he doesn’t like it. At all.
With a savage roar, he charges the tiger and collides into him with his jaws snapping and his long black claws hacking at striped skin.
The other two take the opportunity to escape and they flee back to the alley where they first caught me.
When the tiger stops fighting back, the bear releases him and lets him slink away. He’s got bloody patches all over his stripes and I can’t help but hope that his asshole human side can feel all of that pain wherever he is hiding inside.
The massive grizzly bear turns and looks at me for the first time and I feel a tightness in my chest when his dark brown eyes lock onto me.
He’s looking at me in such a territorial way. As if I belong to him. As if he owns me.
But there’s no fear that comes along with the possessive look. A comforting warmth fills me up instead, flowing through my veins as I feel lightheaded and dizzy with excitement.