Baby, it's Hot in Here: Curves for Christmas, page 1

Baby, it's Hot in Here
Curves for Christmas
Olivia T. Turner
Copyright© 2019 by Olivia T. Turner.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including emailing, photocopying, printing, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. For permission requests, email
Please respect the author’s hard work and purchase a copy. Thanks!
This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, businesses, companies, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Contains explicit love scenes and adult language.
Edited by Karen Collins Editing
Cover by Cormar Covers
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Don’t be shy. Come Follow Me…
Cherry Poppins
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By Olivia T. Turner
A Mailing List Exclusive!
When I look out my office window and see her in the next building, I know I have to have her.
I buy the whole damn company she works for just to be near her.
She’s going to be in my office working under me.
Under, over, sideways—we’re going to be working together in every position.
This young innocent girl is going to find out that I work my employees hard.
And that her new rich CEO is already beyond obsessed with her.
This dominant and powerful CEO will have you begging for overtime! Is it just me or is there nothing better than a hot muscular alpha in a suit and tie!
All my books are SAFE with zero cheating and a guaranteed sweet HEA. Enjoy!
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To all the people who have their Christmas decorations out on November 1st.
You’re my people.
Sneak into my Christmas office party my friend said…
It won’t be a big deal she said…
Well, now I have her hot CEO Trevor Benotti staring me down with his hungry eyes like Santa staring at a plate of cookies.
It all started when I spotted him at the bar.
I knew immediately that he was the true alpha male in the room.
Power and authority flowed off him in waves and he had so much confidence, you’d swear he owned the entire world.
I didn’t think I could ever be with a man like him.
A big curvy girl like me would need a Christmas miracle for that to happen.
Well, luckily there’s always a little magic in the air at Christmas time.
Because when Mr. Benotti sees me, all my dreams come true.
I’m all he wants for Christmas.
He’s obsessed with unwrapping me to get to his new toys underneath my dress.
And Mr. Benotti is the kind of dominant man who always gets what he wants.
Looks like I’m going to have a very Merry Christmas…
Chapter One
“Are you sure I look okay?” I ask as I self-consciously glance down at my new red dress after we step out of the cab.
“Will you stop?” Alicia says as she shakes her head at me. “You look stunning.”
“I don’t look lumpy?”
“Lumpy, Kelly?” she says as she stares at me in disbelief. “Are you kidding me? Get with the times, girl. Big is beautiful.”
“Big may be beautiful, but huge is still horrendous.”
“Stop it,” she says as she pays the driver. “You look hot as fuck. Greg is going to lose his freaking mind when he sees you in this red dress.”
Greg is the new software developer at Alicia’s company and she wants to set me up with him.
I swallow hard as the nerves start to hit.
“Are you sure it’s okay for me to be crashing your office Christmas party? It’s not weird?”
“Stop worry about everything, girl,” Alicia says as she wraps her arm around mine and starts pulling me toward the hotel. “Christmas parties were made to be crashed. We’re going to have a blast. At least after we get a few drinks inside you to loosen you up.”
“A lot of drinks,” I say with a nervous chuckle.
“Now, you’re talking!” She laughs before flashing the doorman a sexy grin as he holds the door open for us.
My mouth drops as we walk into the Opulenta Hotel, one of the swankiest hotels in Manhattan. It’s stunning. It’s so big you could fly a helicopter in the lobby, but with the giant chandeliers, thick marble columns, and beautiful furniture that was probably handcrafted in Paris, you’d be too afraid to break anything.
“Look at those staircases!” Alicia squeals as her arm tightens around mine.
There are two identical grand staircases on the other side of the massive lobby that start on the second floor and curve down as they flare out at the bottom. “It’s just like in Titanic!” I say.
Alicia pulls me to it. “I’ll never let go, Jack. I’ll never let go.”
We take turns posing and taking pictures in front of it. I give Alicia’s phone a seductive look as I whisper in a throaty voice, “Jack, I want you to draw me like one of your French girls.”
An elderly lady gives me a dirty look and then hurries off.
We both burst out laughing and hurry up the beautiful stairs.
“This is where your office Christmas party is?” I say in awe as we walk toward the grand banquet hall. It looks like a party that Beyonce and Jay-Z would throw. The huge double doors open every few seconds as someone walks in or out. I keep getting glances inside and my heart starts pumping in excitement.
“Hey, Jill!” Alicia waves as they shoot each other fake smiles. “She’s such a bitch,” she whispers to me as the girl hurries away.
“This place is beyond amazing!” I’m still looking around in awe.
“Better than your Christmas party?”
I laugh when I think back to it. I own and run an Etsy t-shirt printing business that has one employee: me. Two if you count my cat, which I don’t since all he does is get in my way.
My office party consisted of Thai food, two Hallmark Christmas movies, a bottle of wine, and a nine-thirty bedtime. It was nothing like this.
“I thought you were working for a small little rinky-dink company,” I tell her as she stops in front of a mirror to check her makeup one last time before entering. “What’s the name again?”
“Redemtech. It’s right next door.”
“That giant building next door?”
“That’s the one.”
“Oh my god.” It was huge. “And what do you do? Sell software?”
She shrugs. “Something like that. I think it has to do with nuclear power plants or something.”
“You don’t know?” I ask with a laugh.
“What?” she says as she gives me a defensive look through the mirror. “I’m in human resources.”
When she’s convinced she’s looking as good as she’ll get—which is pretty damn good by the way. Alicia is a knockout with a figure I’d kill for, beautiful pecan brown skin, and stunning ink-black hair—we head inside.
My jaw keeps dropping. I’ve never been to a party like this before. It’s like a party from Rich Crazy Asians: The Christmas Special. Only instead of crazy Asians, the enormous decked out room is full of Manhattan’s brightest minds around.
It’s very festive with Christmas lights hung everywhere and a giant Christmas tree towering to the high ceiling against the far wall. People are already dancing and having fun, and everyone looks so good. The women are dressed in their best outfits and the men in designer suits. I even spot a couple of Santa hats on and I immediately love this party.
The band is playing upbeat Christmas music and I smile when I see the singer moving along the stage, singing to the already packed dance floor. He’s dressed like Santa mixed with James Bond and has a killer voice.
My pulse starts to race with excitement as we move into the room. Alicia is saying hi to everyone as I look around in awe, imagining what could happen. There’s something about Christmas lights and the magic of the season that always makes me feel like something special is about to occur. It never does, but it doesn’t stop me from feeling like it could.
Alicia says I watch too many Hallmark movies, but I
The drinks are flowing from the three packed bars—two big ones and one small one—and my mouth starts to water when I see the red and green martinis the waiters are handing out.
I look down at my dress for the hundredth time. It cost way more than I could afford, but the reflection in the mirror looking back at me in the store looked so elegant and classy that I just had to have it. It shows off my huge boobs and manages to somewhat hide my round stomach and thick hips, which is no easy task.
“Let me make your tray a little lighter,” Alicia says as she grabs two martinis from a passing waiter. She hands one to me and I actually moan when I take a sip.
“This is so good,” I say as I take another gulp of it. I better not go too fast or I’m going to get wasted.
“Oh shit,” Alicia says when she spots someone in the crowd. “Hold on. I have to say hi to my boss.” She thrusts her drink into my hand and then pushes up her boobs. “If she asks who you are, I didn’t bring you here.”
“It’s okay.”
She just leaves, strutting over with her chin in the air as I stand in the crowd awkwardly, looking like a lush with two drinks in my hands.
There are hundreds of people here, but only one catches my eye.
My breath halts when I see him standing at the bar. It takes me a few seconds to realize he’s even real. I didn’t think men like that existed.
The music fades to a dull buzz as the thumping of my heart reaches my ears. I can’t look away. He’s perfect.
Late 40’s I’d guess with salt and pepper hair and the most intense grey eyes I’ve ever seen. His gorgeous face is clean-shaven and my body starts tingling when I picture rubbing his cheek with mine as he wraps those big thick delicious arms around me.
He’s wearing a grey fitted suit with a white collared shirt that’s open just enough to flash the sexy ink on his skin underneath. I take a sip of my drink as I watch him over the glass, wondering what more of his shredded body is tattooed. Undressing him would be like unwrapping a Christmas present—full of surprise and excitement.
Even from across the room, I can feel the authority and power flowing off him in waves. People keep coming up to him to say hello in a respectful way. Their body language changes as they approach him submissively. Backs become a little straighter and heads a little lower. I can’t hear what’s being said, but it’s always short, respectful and then they move on.
He’s a powerful man. The true alpha in the room.
And I can’t take my eyes off him.
Alicia returns and takes her drink from my hand. “Thanks. God, she’s such a bitch. Even at the Christmas party, she gives me shit. So, I left three hours early yesterday without telling anyone? Does she have to be such a buzzkill? I had a massage booked!”
She sees me staring in complete captivation across the room and tries to spot what I’m gawking at.
“What are you looking at?” she asks as she stands on her toes and looks around.
“Who’s that guy?”
“The one at the bar. Grey suit.”
She sucks in a breath when she sees him and a flash of jealousy surges through me. I don’t like anyone looking at him, especially my knockout of a friend.
“That delicious piece of man meat is Mr. Benotti. Tyler Benotti. CEO and founder of Redemtech. Breaker of hearts. Man of a million women’s fantasies. And my boss.”
“Is he single?”
She laughs. “Why, you interested?”
I just stare at him.
She looks into my glass. “How many drinks did you have while I was gone? Nobody can get with Mr. Benotti. Plenty have tried. They have all failed. He’s married to his job and that’s it.”
I still can’t take my eyes off him.
She grabs my arms and pulls me away. “Come. I’ll introduce you to Greg. It’s going to be love at first sight, I just know it.”
I let her pull me away, already knowing she’s wrong.
My love at first sight has already happened and he’s over by the bar…
Chapter Two
With every few words that Greg says, a tiny drop of spit flies out of his mouth and lands on my hand. I take a step back from him as he rambles on about ferret food.
This is so awkward. I’m sure he’s nice, but he’s not my type. At all.
I’ve always been attracted to authority. To power. I like dominant men who can command a room full of people with ease. This guy couldn’t command a plant on his desk.
“And how about you?” he finally asks after he’s rambled on about himself for a full seven minutes. “Have you ever had a ferret before?”
God, he’s still on the ferrets?
I take the last sip of my drink, wishing I had another bigger one to chug. “Nope. I’ve never had a ferret before.”
“How come?”
Because I don’t want anything in my apartment that can crawl up my pant leg. “No reason,” I say with a forced smile.
“This is my eleventh.” He says it like it’s some kind of an accomplishment. “Slippers. I called him slippers because when he came home he immediately crawled into my slipper and fell asleep. Isn’t that cute? I know what you’re thinking and yes! I have pictures!”
“Great…” I mumble as I nervously look around for someone to save me.
I want to kill Alicia right now. Does she not know me better than this? Why would I ever be interested in a guy like this?
“This is Slippers in my bed,” he says as he thrusts the phone in my face. Are those Pokemon sheets?
Does she think I’m this desperate? Well, I am a twenty-four-year-old virgin, so maybe she does…
My eyes glaze over as he flips through picture after picture. Oh no… My stomach drops when I see there’s 349 of them, and I’m pretty sure they’re all of ferrets. If I don’t get out of here soon, I’m going to be seeing every single one of them.
“This was my last one,” he says as he shows me another disgusting rodent thingy. “Squiggles. He died of cancer. I spent twelve thousand dollars in vet bills to save him, but nothing could be done.”
Twelve thousand dollars?!? On a ferret?!? Now I really hate this guy.
A drop of water hits the phone screen and when I look up, I see that he’s crying.
Okkkaaaayyy. I’m out of here.
“Well, it was nice meeting you, Greg,” I say with a polite smile. “I’ll see you later.”
He looks startled. “Oh, yeah. You too. Hey, Alicia said you’re single. So am I.”
What a shocker.
“Want to go to the ferret park with me this weekend? It’s a lot of fun. There are some really cool people that hang out there.”
“Cool people?” I say as I stare at him blankly. “At the ferret park?”
“Yeah! Want to come?”
“No,” I say blankly. “I really don’t. Sorry.”
He looks confused as I turn and hurry away, disappearing into the crowd before he can send his ferret army after me.
I head straight for the small bar in the back, hoping that hottie Mr. Benotti is still there, but he’s gone.
I sigh as I lean on the bar, feeling like it’s time to move past the light stuff and into the Whiskey. I don’t care how old and desperate and barren I get, but in this moment I make a vow to myself to never ever share a bed with a ferret.
“What can I get you?” the bartender asks me.
It’s too early to hit the Whiskey. Maybe in an hour…