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Bare for the Alpha: The Ridge Brothers Bear Shifters #1, page 1


Bare for the Alpha: The Ridge Brothers Bear Shifters #1
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Bare for the Alpha: The Ridge Brothers Bear Shifters #1

  Bare for the Alpha

  The Ridge Brothers Bear Shifters #1

  Olivia T. Turner



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9




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  Copyright© 2019 by Olivia T. Turner.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including emailing, photocopying, printing, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. For permission requests, email

  Please respect the author’s hard work and purchase a copy. Thanks!

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, businesses, companies, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Contains explicit love scenes and adult language.


  Edited by Karen Collins Editing

  Cover Design by Olivia T. Turner


  I’m new in this Montana shifter town and no one will even so much as glance in my direction.

  My father has made sure of that.

  He’s the Sheriff and he’s got three rules:

  1. Don’t talk to my daughter.

  2. No fighting between crews.

  3. See rule #1.

  I’m all alone and wishing for someone to look my way.

  And then someone does.

  A mean looking grizzly bear shifter named Damon Ridge, and once he sees me, he refuses to look away.

  This rough, wild-looking man keeps telling me I’m his mate.

  He keeps saying he’s going to claim me.

  That I belong to him.

  I didn’t realize how possessive a bear shifter could get.

  If I knew how obsessed these huge men could be, I never would have come here.

  But now that I know how it feels, I’m never going to leave…

  Do you like an alpha who snarls in the streets and growls in the sheets? Damon is a dominant Over-The-Top grizzly bear shifter who will have you howling for more.

  This hot shifter book is SAFE, with no cheating, and a furry HEA guaranteed. Enjoy!

  For my husband.

  You’re the only one for me.

  Well, unless Jason Momoa is interested…

  In that case, I think we should see other people.

  Chapter One


  “Don’t talk to her.”

  It’s barely above a whisper, but I hear it. How many times have I heard those four words since I arrived at the town of Blackcloud Point in Montana? Too many.

  “She’s the Sheriff’s daughter.”

  The guy who asked me for a stick of gum looks at me again, but this time there’s a different look on his face. The confident smirk of a flirty guy who’s breaking the ice with a girl he doesn’t know is gone. It’s replaced by an uneasy tension.

  His eyes widen as he quickly turns and hurries away, leaving me standing there with an untouched piece of gum in my hand.

  I watch as the two boys scurry away leaving me all alone on the sidewalk.

  My father is the Sheriff and he’s got three rules:

  1. Don’t talk to my daughter.

  2. No fighting between crews.

  3. See rule #1.

  How am I supposed to make friends with that posted outside the Sheriff’s office?

  I’ve been in town for three weeks and I haven’t made a single friend. I’m nineteen-years-old and have been living with my mother for my entire life until a month ago when she sprung the news on me. She’s a glaciologist and she landed her dream job studying ice… in Antarctica.

  I was happy for my mother but it sucked for me. I was too poor to get my own apartment (and I wasn’t about to go live in an igloo with a bunch of penguins for neighbors), so I called up my father in Montana and asked if I could crash with him for a while.

  I hadn’t seen him in years and I was nervous to even ask, but he seemed really excited to have me over, so I moved my stuff up to Big Sky Country.

  I haven’t seen him since I hit puberty. He took one look at me when I stepped off the bus and his whole face went pale.

  The word quickly got around not to touch Sheriff Peters’ little girl.

  Or talk to her. Or look at her.

  How am I supposed to start over in a new town with all of that going on?

  It’s hard enough that it’s full of shifters.

  But I have to deal with the Sheriff making things difficult for me too.

  I pass four people on the way home and they all turn away from me when I smile at them.


  This place sucks.

  I know it’s my father’s doing and I’m at a level nine pissed by the time I get home.

  “Austin!” I holler when I step onto his rundown property. There are four cars scattered around, but only one has an engine in it. The rest have animals living in them.

  My hands are clenched into fists as I storm around the mobile trailer to the back. The one-bedroom mobile home. My closet is the Lazy-Boy. I sleep on the couch.

  This morning I woke up to my father sitting on my clothes in his bathrobe. He was eating cereal and watching The Sopranos. I don’t know which noise was worse: the gunshots from the show or the crunching of his Fruit Loops, but either way I wanted to put the remote control through his skull.

  I hate it here.

  I should have moved in with the penguins. At least they don’t get up at five am to go to work.

  “Austin!” I holler again. My eyes are on the little patch of forest behind my father’s property as I wait for him.

  My eyes dart to the flash of white in the brown and green, and I hold my breath as a giant polar bear comes lumbering out of the trees.

  His eyes are on me as he sniffs the air between us. My jaw is clenched and my hands are squeezed into fists. I used to love this bear as a kid. A memory of my mother putting me on his back flashes into my mind. I was laughing so hard as I clung to the white fur with little hands. His huge shoulder muscles moving under me felt like an earthquake, but I couldn’t stop laughing.

  But like most things when you grow up, the magic dies with age. Now, I just see him as an annoying old bear who’s trying to make my life difficult. And succeeding.

  The polar bear stops before he gets too close and huffs out a breath.

  I cross my arms over my chest and tap my foot. “Come out, Austin. I need to talk to you.”

  The bear hesitates for a moment and then recoils back. I turn away as his body starts to tremble. I hate this part. I always have.

  His huge body shakes and begins to crumple in on itself. Skin-crawling snaps and horrible tearing sounds crawl into my ears as I squeeze my eyes shut. I remember back to the first time I saw my father phase from a polar bear into his human form. I was stunned at how violent and painful it looked. I had three nightmares that night.

  Finally, it’s over. I open my eyes, but I keep them averted as he walks over to the broken down washing machine that has his clothes laying on it.

  “You should call me, dad.”

  I roll my eyes as he gets dressed. Is he kidding me? He lost that title when he split on me and my mom and never came back.

  “You should stop trying to make my life even more difficult than it already is,” I snap back.

  “What are you talking about?” He looks genuinely confused as he walks over in his jeans and t-shirt. My father is a huge man with a giant frame and a chest that would have the Hulk envious. But I hold my ground as he thunders up to me.

  “Nobody in town will even look at me! How am I supposed to get a job? How am I supposed to have any friends?”

  His thick jaw clenches as he looks down at me. “It’s not friends that I’m worried about.”

  “Oh please,” I say, rolling my eyes as I turn away. “I’m nineteen-years-old. I’m old enough to date. I’m old enough to get married for heaven’s sake.”

  His brow furrows as he watches me with troubled eyes. He looks older than I remembered, but he’s still a handsome man. The gray in his hair suits him.

  “That’s what I’m worried about,” he says with a heavy sigh. “This is a shifter town, Kinsley. It’s not like anything you’ve ever known before.”

  “I’ve been around shifters before,” I say defensively.

  He shakes his frustrating head. “As a kid. Not as a curvy woman. These men… they’re not like the guys you went to school with. They have wild animals living within them. Do you understand that? They’re brutal, savage men, and I’m not about to toss them my voluptuous daughter like tossing a steak into a pack of hungry wolves.”

  A tingling starts to sweep up the back of my neck and across my face. I’m a virgin who’s never had so much as a first kiss, but the thought of an untamed shifter going all savage and barbaric after one look at me is getting me all tingly.

  “I’ll be fine. You worry
too much about me.”

  “It’s not just you that I’m worried about,” he says with a sigh. “The peace in this town is being held on by a thread. I have five crews that are just looking for an excuse to tear each other’s throats out. I don’t want you to be that excuse. The Copeland lions are frothing at the mouth to take down the Ridge brothers.”

  “So, what then?” I ask, staring at him in disbelief. “I’m just supposed to sit around here all day? No job? No friends?”

  He looks at me for a long moment as he rubs the salt and pepper stubble on his jaw. “Okay.”

  “Okay, what?”

  “I’ll get you a job. We have some documents at the station that need to be put into the computers.”

  “Data entry?” I say as disappointment cripples me. I’ll be sitting in the back room of the station all day by myself with a computer from the seventies. “I was thinking more of a waitress job in town.”

  “Out of the question,” he snaps. “It’s working at the station or nothing. Unless you’d rather hang out here all day?”

  I turn and walk away with my body tensing. “I’d rather go back home,” I whisper under my breath.

  “You are home now.”

  Damn it. I forgot he can hear everything with his enhanced shifter hearing.

  I continue down the secluded dirt road with my hands in the pockets of my jean jacket until I’m out of his view.

  “I hate Montana,” I say, kicking up a cloud of dust as I shake my head. But even as I say it, a part of me feels like I belong here. It feels like I’m home.

  I look up at the gorgeous view of the mountains in the distance and breathe in the crisp spring air. Dark clouds are coming in and they’re filling the air with an electric sizzle. The cool wind tickles my face as it brings my hair up for a ride and I smile.

  My father’s words replay in my head and I start to wonder if a shifter would actually find me attractive.

  I’ve always had a thing for big men. The larger the better.

  And this town is full of them.

  My body starts to tingle once again, but this time it’s creeping down between my legs.

  Is there one out there for me?

  Chapter Two


  Everett’s grizzly bear opens his deadly jaws and roars. His hot breath slams into my face as I stare at the back of his throat. The bear’s huge body is jacked as he raises his claws, threatening me. He looks furious.

  “Shut the fuck up,” I growl back at him. I squeeze my hand into a fist, hoping, praying that he makes a move.

  I’m not in the mood to handle my brother’s shit today and I’d love an excuse to put him or his bear in their place.

  “Are you two at it again?” Cash asks with a shake of his head as he walks out of his cabin. The screen door slams shut behind him as he walks over with a cup of coffee. “Just kill each other and be done with it.”

  “Don’t tempt me,” I hiss under my breath. I’m not in the mood to deal with anyone’s shit.

  My bear is raging inside of me. The furry maniac is desperate to get out. He keeps lunging for the surface, trying to pull me in. I squeeze my body and flex my muscles with each surge, straining to hold him back.

  Everett’s bear doesn’t know who or what he’s picking a fight with. My grizzly is not the same bear that he grew up with. Something has changed.

  There’s something in the air that has flipped a switch in the beast.

  For the past three weeks, my bear has turned into a fierce feral animal. I can’t sleep. I can’t eat. He’s constantly moving, prowling, snarling, growling. He’s relentlessly restless and he’s making my life a living hell.

  My eyes are heavy with lack of sleep and I haven’t had an appetite for weeks. Me, Damon Ridge, the man who could eat a truckload of steaks for a main course is unable to even touch a piece of bread.

  Everett’s grizzly growls in my face once again and a spray of hot bear spits covers my cheeks. I clench my jaw as he stands up on his hind legs and glares at me.

  He’s the middle brother and Cash is the youngest. I’ve always been the alpha of the crew. I’m the oldest and the biggest, but lately, my bear has been busy making my life hell and not focusing on the small crew.

  Everett’s bear doesn’t like it and is testing me. It’s not a full-on challenge, but it’s close. Soon, he’ll get enough guts to come at me properly.

  I just hope my brutal bear doesn’t kill him when he does.

  My eyes are hard and serious as I glare up at Everett’s bear. “Last chance,” I growl. “Submit or I’ll let the beast out and we’ll go from there.”

  The bear’s boldness buckles as I stare him down. He looks away and then drops to his four paws.

  “Smart move,” Cash says with a laugh as he sits down in his chair. He curses when he spills a bit of coffee on his shirt. “Shit!”

  Everett’s bear lumbers away, his big brown furry ass swaying as he heads to the forest to lick his emotional wounds.

  I finally pry my eyes off him and sit down by the fire. It’s out, but that’s where the chairs are.

  The three of us live on a little ranch in Blackcloud Point, Montana. My mother left it to us when she died and we could never agree on how to chop it up fairly so we’ve just kept it as is. We each have a small log cabin on the property so at least we get some privacy and a break from each other.

  “What was that about?” Cash casually asks as he watches our brother Everett disappear into the forest.

  I’m taking deep breaths and squeezing my hands in and out of fists as I try to calm my bear down. It’s not working too well. The fucker is all amped up and pissed that he didn’t get to come out for a fight.

  “Your bear is still going all screwy?”

  My eyes dart up to his as I flex my body, trying to hold my grizzly back.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” he says with a laugh. He takes a sip of his coffee and looks up at the storm clouds rolling in. We have about ten minutes before they open up and drench this place.

  A couple of minutes later, and my bear finally calms the fuck down. He’s still restless, but at least he’s not lunging for the surface anymore and trying to get out.

  “I don’t know what the fuck has gotten into him,” I say as I rub my forehead. “I haven’t slept in weeks.”

  “Maybe he got a whiff of tail,” Cash says with a shrug.

  My mouth drops as I slowly look up at him. For the stupid brother, sometimes Cash is a goddamn genius.

  “You think he smelled her?”

  Cash scrunches his face up. “Who?”

  “My mate.”

  It finally dawns on him. “Oooooh.” Maybe he’s not so smart after all.

  That would explain why he’s gotten so fucking testy lately. Maybe he got a whiff of her and he’s pissed that I’m not out there looking.

  “You think she’s in town?” Cash asks as I dart up to my feet.

  “I don’t know. Could be.” My heart is racing. I haven’t slept in weeks but I’m suddenly full of energy. My mate could be nearby…

  The girl I’ve dreamed about for decades. I was beginning to think I’d never find her. No wonder my bear has been busting my balls.

  “Where are you going?” Cash asks as I walk away with a spring in my step. “It’s going to start pouring any second now.”

  “Don’t care,” I say as I start jogging to the main road. If my mate is nearby, I have to find her. I have to at least look.

  She’s all I can think about now. My mate. The reason I was put on this earth.

  I’m thirty-two years old and still haven’t laid eyes on her.

  I haven’t breathed in her sweet scent or touched her soft skin, but I still feel like I know her intimately. I know every part of her because she’s a part of me.

  She was made for me and I was made for her.

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