Mountain Man Taken, page 1

Mountain Man Taken
Olivia T. Turner
Copyright© 2019 by Olivia T. Turner.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including emailing, photocopying, printing, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. For permission requests, email
Please respect the author’s hard work and purchase a copy. Thanks!
This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, businesses, companies, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Contains explicit love scenes and adult language.
Edited by Karen Collins Editing
Cover Design by Olivia T. Turner
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Don’t be shy. Come Follow Me…
Mountain Man Obsessed
Chapter One of Mountain Man Obsessed
I fled to the mountains to get away from women.
They all wanted a piece of my fortune, but I wasn’t about to give them anything.
I didn’t want romance. I didn’t want love.
Until I saw Savannah.
Young. Innocent. Wandering through the wilderness by herself.
I followed her to make sure she was safe from the beasts lurking inside the darkness.
But who’s going to protect her from the beast lurking inside me?
The obsessive one who wants to own her.
The one who wants to steal her away where she can never escape.
She’s striking something deep and primal in me and I don’t know if I can hold it back.
And there’s no one around to stop me.
This mountain of a man is one Over The Top possessive alpha! Insta-love at first sight, this growly, bearded alpha goes into full-on barbarian mode when he sees his girl bathing in the river. SAFE and with a super sweet Happily Ever After full of little mountain babies!
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By Olivia T. Turner
A Mailing List Exclusive!
When I look out my office window and see her in the next building, I know I have to have her.
I buy the whole damn company she works for just to be near her.
She’s going to be in my office working under me.
Under, over, sideways—we’re going to be working together in every position.
This young innocent girl is going to find out that I work my employees hard.
And that her new rich CEO is already beyond obsessed with her.
This dominant and powerful CEO will have you begging for overtime! Is it just me or is there nothing better than a hot muscular alpha in a suit and tie!
All my books are SAFE with zero cheating and a guaranteed sweet HEA. Enjoy!
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To Ryan,
The man who reenacted my favorite Dirty Dancing scene in the lake with me while on a weekend away in the mountains.
We didn’t do a lot of dancing that weekend,
But we did a whole lot of dirty.
Chapter One
I have no idea what I’m doing out here.
I can’t get a fire going and the only thing I’ve eaten all day is a cold can of pinto beans. It tasted even worse than it sounds.
My pack is getting heavier by the second and my shoulders are aching under it. Every step up the uneven path sends little pebbles rolling down the mountain behind me, but I keep going.
The view is spectacular up here in the Montana mountains. I’ll be hiking through thick overgrown sections where the trail just seems to disappear and then all of a sudden I’ll come out the other side and there will be an absolutely breathtaking view of mountains, rivers, and forest below me. Huge eagles cut circles through the sky as they soar above it all, and I suddenly feel so small. Just a little teenage girl by herself in the wilderness. Vulnerable to all of the beasts lurking in the darkness who would love to tear through and eat up a little thing like me.
A shiver runs through me as I whip my head around and scan the thick forest. It feels like there are eyes on me, like something, or someone is watching me. Following me.
I shake the feeling out of my body and keep moving my tired feet. A normal hiker would be wearing proper waterproof hiking boots and have an expensive pack that distributes the weight of everything they’re carrying across their entire body, but I’m not a normal hiker.
I’m not even a hiker.
All I have is my old Converse running shoes and my backpack from school with the busted zipper and ripped pocket.
This all started when my mother brought me to her new boyfriend’s hunting cabin for four days. It turns out that after a few beers, Rick and his drunk friends get way too handsy for my comfort. It also turns out that my mother turns a blind eye to it all.
So when Rick walked into the bathroom while I was a taking a shower, I had enough. I raided the pantry for canned food and then I raided his fishing and camping equipment for supplies. I filled my backpack with whatever I could—matches, canned food, a water filtration kit, bandaids—and I managed to tie a small tent to the bottom of it.
I told my mother—who was already pissed drunk at ten am—that I would be back in four days when they were ready to return home. She didn’t even try to stop me.
I had spotted the entrance of the Hidden Falls Trail when I was in town on our first day so I decided to try that. It’s a three-day hike that loops back into town, but I’m giving myself an extra day considering I’ve never been on a hiking trail before.
I hitchhiked my way into town and just started walking. I’m seven hours in and starting to think that it might have been safer taking my chances with Rick and his horny buddies.
It never even occurred to me that there could be bears or wolves lurking about, just salivating at the thought of eating a helpless little eighteen-year-old girl who is in way over her head, but now I’m in too deep and there’s no turning back.
I come up to a little babbling creek that cuts through the path and bend down in front of it. Splashing my face with the cold water feels incredible and gives me a little boost of energy. I fill up my water bottle and drop in a filtration tablet and keep going. On my own.
I’m always on my own. With a mother like mine, I’ve learned to survive in every situation possible. We’ve been homeless, we’ve lived in trailer parks, and now I’m horrified to think that we might soon be living with Rick.
I’m starting to think that it’s time to go out on my own for good. I just turned eighteen two weeks ago, so it’s time. Once I get out of this trail and we return home, I’ll start looking for a new job and for a new place.
I continue down the path and suddenly start screaming and doing my best Bruce Lee impression when I walk into a huge spiderweb. I’m not made for the wilderness.
A deep exhausted sigh falls from my mouth as I keep trekking uphill. I’m a proud and independent woman, but sometimes, I just want a strong man to take care of me. The kind of alpha male who will throw me over his shoulder, pamper me, and protect me from the disgusting Ricks of the world.
I’ve met a lot of Ricks in my life, but I’ve never met a man like that.
Is he out there waiting? Or am I going to be alone forever?
I've never been with anyone before. I was just never interested in handing my V-card over to a boy who doesn’t care at all about me.
It’s cheesy, but I’ve been saving it for someone special. Someone who loves me completely.
A cute squirrel scrambles up a tree in front of me and I smile as I watch him staring down at me from a high branch.
“Don’t worry, little guy. I won’t eat you.”
He doesn’t seem to trust me because he doesn’t come down to say hello. Good move. In my experience, it’s never a good idea to trust strangers.
I wave bye to him and keep moving on my sore ankles and tired feet.
It feels good to be surrounded by trees for once, but I’m not used to it because I keep having this feeling like I’m being followed. Like I’m being watched.
It should creep me out, but for some reason, it doesn’t. It makes me feel warm and safe like a guardian angel is watching over me.
Hopefully, my guardian angel doesn’t have sharp teeth and a furry back. Hopefully, he doesn’t have a taste for barely legal teenage virgins.
Because if he did, I’d be helpless.
He’d be able to take whatever he wanted from me.
She’s too young to be out here on her own. I keep waiting for her to turn back, to return to the safety of the town behind us, but she keeps walking deeper and deeper into the wilderness even though she is wildly unprepared.
Her shoes are a joke and they’re about to disintegrate if she continues any further. She doesn’t have any of the right equipment and she’ll never make it back into town before dark even if she turns around right this second, which is something that doesn’t look like is on her mind at all.
She’s city folk. Too urbanized and way too damn young to be sleeping out here in the wild all by herself. She doesn’t belong out here. This angel belongs in comfort. She should be spending her life laying in soft sheets and eating the finest of foods. I want to give her that life. I want to take her and show her that kind of luxury.
I was in the middle of one of my rare trips into town, picking up some groceries when I got struck by lightning on a sunny day. It wasn’t actual lightning, but it felt pretty damn close.
I caught a glimpse of her when she stepped out of some woman’s pickup truck and was immediately fixated.
Her wild curly amber hair was tied up in a big thick ponytail as she looked around, gripping a backpack to her chest. My heart began to slam against my ribcage as I watched her wave goodbye to the truck with her slim tiny hands that could have belonged to a child.
She took off in the direction of the Hidden Falls Trail and I immediately dropped my grocery bags on the sidewalk and followed her.
Everything about her was captivating. I wanted to know what she was doing in my town, why she was going hiking with such crappy supplies, and where the hell had she been all my life? Questions and filthy thoughts were swirling through my mind as I crept past the barber shop, never taking my eyes off her.
My eyes were locked on her ass, which looked stunning in her tiny shorts. Tiny shorts that were not suitable for hiking at all. She was heading toward a three-day trail, and without someone to look after her, she looked like she would last about a day.
There were grizzly bears, mountain lions, and wolves that prowled along the trail and they would all love to eat a young supple girl like her.
And I wasn’t about to share. This girl was all mine.
I kept my distance, but followed her as she walked onto the trail, never letting her leave my sight.
It’s been seven hours and my hands are still shaking. My body has been screaming at me to get her.
There’s no one around, it tells me. You could run out and have her. Take her. You could do whatever you want.
And I could. I could run out there and snatch her up, throw her over my shoulder, and trek back to my secluded cabin in the mountains and never let her leave.
I could strip her young body bare and keep her like that for the rest our lives so not one minute would go by where I didn’t have a full view of her young ripe cunt and big tits.
My pulse races just thinking about it and a bead of sweat drips down my back. This is agony. I’m fighting every instinct I have here.
She’s so young and vulnerable. She’s basically asking for it.
My cock hardens and aches when I imagine what it would be like to rip off her panties and sample the sweetness I know she has waiting for me. I would treat it properly and make her moan until she realized that we belong together.
The trail comes to an opening in the forest and there’s a breathtaking view of the mountains and valleys below. I don’t even take a glance at it. There’s no better view than her.
She walks up to a fallen log and sits on it while I watch her from behind a tree. She takes her shoes off and winces as she rubs her feet. Those shoes are cutting her sweet skin and it kills me to watch. I want to go out there and pick her up. I would carry her wherever she wanted to go to save her from that sharp stinging pain.
I watch as she searches through her backpack and pulls out a protein bar. She winces as she chokes it down.
I can’t take my eyes off this girl. I can feel myself becoming obsessed. Every thought I now have is about her and I want to know everything about her life, her thoughts, her feelings. Everything.
Deep down, I know that she won’t be leaving these mountains without me. I don’t know what that means yet, but I know that it’s true. I can’t live without her.
She leans back and closes her eyes as she looks up at the sun with a smile on her face.
My hard cock is throbbing as I stare at her soft pink lips. I quietly fumble with my zipper and pull it out. Warm drops of cum are leaking out of the tip like a leaky faucet and my balls feel so tight that they ache. I’ve been hard for most of the seven hours that I’ve been following her and now it’s finally time to get some relief.
I swallow back groans as I rub my pre-cum all over my cock and start to jerk off as I watch her from the distance. My mouth waters as I watch her big tits moving up and down with every relaxed breath that she takes.
It takes every ounce of restraint I have to stay here and not go down there, pull up her shirt, and take her hard pink nipples into my mouth.
I know I’ll just freak her out. I’ve never been good at this… chasing women. I’m told I’m good looking and my body has never been stronger or harder, but my personality is just as strong and just as hard. I say what I want and I take what I want, and that tends to scare women away.
It’s one of the reasons why I moved up into the mountains to get away from it all. Women came to me in droves for my money, but I just scared them away whenever I opened my mouth.
But this girl is different. I don’t want to scare her away.
She’s young and innocent and doesn’t deserve to hear a harsh word. I know that if I’m given the chance, I’ll treat her better than anyone else will. I’ll love her with my whole body and soul, and she’ll never want for a thing. She’ll be satisfied in every way possible.
I’m stroking my cock harder and harder as I picture myself going down there and telling her that she now belongs to me. I order her to take off all of her clothes and she does it with an excited look in her eyes.
I don’t remember the last time I jerked off and here I am jacking it behind a tree while spying on a barely legal teenage girl. When I picture sliding my cock inside her tight wet pussy, it’s too much and I cum hard. Thick streams of cum shoot out all over my hand and drip down onto the forest floor. I hold my breath, but a sharp grunt breaks through.
She suddenly turns her head and looks around with a worried look on her face. I’m still stroking my hard dick as I watch her, wondering if I should step out and show her the mess she made me make.
I’m hidden well in the thickness of the forest so she doesn’t see me. Yet.
She just quickly picks up her bag and continues down the trail at a faster pace.
I clean up my wet cock with a leaf and then follow her.
* * *
My desire for her has only grown as the sun descended below the mountains in the distance. It’s dark and she’s set up camp for the night—if you can call that a camp.
It took her forever to set up the tent and I almost went down to help her, but then she figured it out. The urge to steal her and take her to my cabin so I can treat her like she deserves to be treated has only increased, but so far, my restrain has been held in check. But I know it’s barely holding on by a thread.
She tried to get a fire going and nearly went through her whole box of matches, but she sparked nothing but smoke and frustration. When she left to get some dryer sticks, I ran down and started the fire properly for her.