Redeeming luke, p.26
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Redeeming Luke, page 26

 part  #1 of  Days of Grace Series


Redeeming Luke
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  “If it hadn’t been for me and Grady,” Ruth said, “He wouldn’t have one this year either.”

  “Okay.” Emma’s voice called out. “I’m coming down with the trunk. It’s a bit heavier than it looks.”

  Nella and Ruth helped balance the trunk as Emma reached the bottom steps. Seeing her mother’s trunk, Ruth’s heart began to flutter. Her favorite moment of Christmas was opening the old trunk and pulling out the ornaments one by one, listening to her mother’s stories about each of them.

  Nella took hold of a small handle on one end of the trunk. “I can drag this into the living room. Ruth, you stay and be sure Emma is all right.”

  A few moments later, Emma emerged with Luke’s box. She cradled it as if it were a treasure to her. Ruth smiled. It had become so clear over the past months that Luke and Emma were falling in love, when would they ever give in and admit it?

  Back in the living room, Nella had turned on the old radio. Bing Crosby’s smooth voice filled the room crooning Silent Night.

  “Oh!” Emma held out her hands. “I forgot!” She rushed to the kitchen, and then reemerged with her purse. “I hope you don’t mind. I brought two of my favorite childhood ornaments.”

  Ruth couldn’t contain her joy as she watched Emma unfold the cloth wrapped around the ornaments.

  “I wanted them to be enjoyed by more than just myself,” Emma explained. She held up a crocheted angel, yellowed at the edges. “My grandmother sat with me one Christmas and showed me how to make these. This is the only one I have left. And this,” she unwrapped the other ornament. “Was given to my grandparents on their first Christmas together.”

  Ruth gasped at the beautifully ornate Tiffany and Company ornaments. The red, gold and green crystals danced in the light of the fire.

  “We have something else for you.” Nella disappeared to the kitchen. When she came back she handed Ruth a large paper bag. “Emma and I have been working on this for weeks.”

  Ruth opened the bag and giggled. She withdrew long strands of popcorn and cranberries. “It’s perfect! Mom and I always had popcorn and cranberries on our tree, and I just haven’t had time to do it.”

  In the midst of their giggling another knock came at the door. Ruth rushed to open it, hoping it would be Luke or Grady. But they would use the back door. She opened the door and heard herself screech.

  Olivia smiled back. “Am I still invited? I mean, I know I haven’t been around and all—”

  Ruth threw her arms around Olivia and hugged her. “Of course, of course you’re invited! I’m so glad you came!”

  Emma and Nella engulfed Olivia in their arms as well.

  Joy danced through Ruth’s stomach right along with the kicks of her baby. Having Olivia here made everything nearly perfect. She couldn’t wait to start decorating the tree but … she wanted Luke and Grady to be here too. This Christmas was important for so many reason. It was the first for her and Grady as a married couple, her first with Luke, and her first without her mother.

  Gentle hands rested on Ruth’s shoulders behind her as Emma whispered in her ear. “Staring at the door won’t make them come in any faster.”

  Sighing, Ruth nodded. “I know. I just want everything to be okay. I don’t want Molly to lose her foal.”

  Olivia approached. “Do you need help with anything?”

  Ruth swiped a tear from her eye and smiled. “Yes. You can help me make some more cocoa.”

  In the kitchen, Olivia poured milk into a pan on the stove and Ruth retrieved the cocoa and sugar.

  Olivia’s eyes traveled to Ruth’s large belly. “I guess you’ll be having your baby pretty soon, huh?”

  Ruth rubbed her stomach and sighed. “Yes. In just a few weeks.”

  “Are you scared?”

  Ruth sprinkled cocoa into the milk while Olivia whisked. “Honestly? Yes. I am. Everyone tells me not to be, but I can’t help it. Especially after …”

  “After Esther?” Olivia’s brow wrinkled. “I heard about it. I’m sorry. It sounded awful.”

  “Yes. It was.” Ruth pushed the kitchen curtains aside to peek out at the barn. “I hope it doesn’t happen again with Molly.”

  “Ruth? There’s something I need to tell you.”

  Drawn by her friend’s serious tone, Ruth dropped the curtain. “What is it?”

  “Well,” Olivia removed the cocoa from the heat. “It’s just that—I’m going to be—leaving.”

  Ruth stared at her friend, not understanding her meaning.

  “Leaving Petaluma,” Olivia clarified.

  “Oh. I didn’t know your family was moving.” Her heart pinched in her chest.

  “My family isn’t. Just me.”

  Ruth set her hand on her hip. “Are you going to see your mother?”

  Olivia poured the cocoa into mugs. She shook her head. “Hollywood.”


  Olivia’s eyes widened and darted in the direction of the living room. “Shh!”

  Ruth leaned in, whispering. “Well what did you expect? What are you talking about? Who do you know in Hollywood? Why would you want to go to a place like that?”

  Olivia took a defensive posture. “I’ve been thinking about it a long time. My mother isn’t coming back. And as long as I stay here, all I will ever be is a second mother to my brothers. At least with me gone, daddy will have one less mouth to feed.”

  “I’m sure he would rather feed you than have you run off to Hollywood! What on earth are you going to do? How will you live?”

  “I’m going to be an actress.”

  Ruth stared at her friend. Stunned. “Has someone contacted you or something? Did you send your picture in to a magazine?”

  “No.” Olivia shrugged. “I’m simply going to go and get a job, and start auditioning.”

  “Olivia! This is crazy! Where will you live?”

  “I’ll figure it out.” Olivia took Ruth’s hand. “It will be fine. I’ll be fine. I promise. And, I promise not to leave until after your baby is born.”

  Emma’s voice interrupted their hushed conversation. “What are you two whispering about in here?”

  Her smile dissipated as she glanced between the two of them. “Is everything all right, girls?”

  “Yes, ma’am!” Olivia smiled brightly. “C’mon Ruth, help me carry the cocoa.”


  Luke walked to the house with Grady in tow. It had been a long delivery and they were both weary from the fight.

  He opened the door, shed his coat and hung it up. The smell of hot cocoa, cookies and popcorn balls wafted to him. Nat King Cole sang The Christmas Song on the radio, a fire crackled in the fireplace, and happy chatter in the living room brought something to life inside Luke.

  For the past three months the ice block that had formed around his heart had been slowly melting. At first, he wasn’t even aware of it. But now, it was if he could feel again. Emotions he’d denied himself for so long he no longer fought. He felt … warm.

  “Luke! Grady!” Ruth heaved herself up from the sofa and pressed a hand to her lower back as she moved toward Grady as quickly as her swollen belly would allow.

  “She’s okay.” Luke smiled.

  “She had a boy,” Grady added.

  Squealing, Ruth threw her arms around Grady first, and planted a kiss on his lips.

  Luke raised a brow and looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. He caught Emma stifling a giggle with her hand over her mouth, and quickly dropped his hand from his neck. Ruth released Grady and turned to Luke. She stood on her tip-toes to kiss his cheek. “Can we go out and see him?”

  “Not right now.” Luke smiled. Enjoying the show of affection from his niece. “Mama had a hard time and didn’t want to have anything to do with him. We couldn’t leave him alone with her until she warmed up to him.”

  “She wouldn’t hurt him would she?”

  “Actually, yes, she might have. Especially if he tried to nurse. But we finally got them settled in together. He’s nursing, they’re happy and warm. You can see them tomorrow.”

  Feigning a pout, Ruth agreed and tugged them into the living room.

  Luke couldn’t recall the last time he decorated a Christmas tree, or the last time he’d felt so at ease, happy even, in a room full of people. The scene was like something off a Christmas card as they talked, laughed and sang with the radio while hanging ornaments on the strongly scented pine tree. By the time they were done, it was a sparkling symbol of … a family.

  He stared at the tree until someone elbowed him in the arm. He turned to see Ruth smiling.

  “Did you happen to notice where Emma is standing?”

  He looked for Emma. She was talking to Nella in the doorway of the kitchen. Luke frowned at Ruth. She rolled her eyes.

  “Look up.”

  It was Luke’s turn to roll his eyes at the clump of mistletoe, held together by a bright red ribbon, hung right above Emma. “That has to be your handiwork.”

  “I figured Grady and I shouldn’t be the only ones to get Christmas kisses this year. “So?” Ruth wriggled her brow. “Are you going to kiss her, or not?”

  “Well, I hate to be a spoil sport,” Nella said from across the room. “But it is awful late for this old lady. If I’m to be back here in time to help with that turkey, I should be getting home and go to bed.”

  Luke rubbed his neck and stepped away from Ruth. “Let me help you get to your car, Nella.”

  “And Grady and I can drive ahead of you in case there are any trees down in the road,” Ruth added. “We can also give Olivia a ride home, too, right?”

  Grady answered, “Sure.”

  “Ok, then.” Ruth tugged on Grady’s arm. “You get Nella’s coat. Olivia, are you ready? We can help Nella to the car and wait for Grady.”

  Ruth managed to get them all ushered out of the house, and cast a final wink in Luke’s direction. Luke stood next to Emma, pinching the bridge of his nose. Could his niece be any more obvious?

  “Okay, something strange is happening,” Emma said, looking up at him. “What the rush to get everyone out of the house?”

  “Oh it’s not a rush to get everyone out of the house. Ruth wants the two of us to stay here for a minute.”

  Her brow knitted together. “What? Why?”

  Luke held her gaze, but pointed to the mistletoe above them. Heat raced through his chest at the way her cheeks filled with pink.

  She whispered a barely audible, “Oh.”

  In the middle of the word, Luke touched his lips to hers. The familiarity of her perfume, the scent of her hair, her hand on his cheek, the way her lips moved with his … he wanted this more and more every day. She leaned into him, fully trusting, He didn’t just want to kiss her. He wanted a life with her. He wanted to take her to a church and put a ring on her pretty little finger. Go to sleep every night with her kiss on his lips, and wake to her beautiful face every morning.

  He had finally surrendered to his redeemer. And in return, his redeemer restored to him a life of joy and love.

  He was finally the man he knew Emma wanted him to be.


  If Luke thought the craziness of Christmas and New Year’s Eve were over, and life would settle down, he was mistaken. He sat in a waiting room chair, his left leg bouncing up and down uncontrollably. Emma set her hand on his knee. He looked at the sparkling diamond ring on her left hand, still in disbelief at how his life had changed in the past year. He had asked Emma to marry him on New Year’s Eve, and she’d said yes.

  He took her hand in his and lifted it to his lips.

  “I know it’s hard to wait, sweetheart,” she whispered.

  “Why do you seem so calm, then?”

  “I’m pretending, trust me. Inside, I’m a wreck.”

  Luke wrapped his arm around her shoulders. She leaned into him. Nella sat in a chair across from them, her knitting needles in motion, even when she checked the clock on the wall every five minutes. J.D. and Barbara Hudgins sat together, looking at outdated hunting and home magazines. Olivia sat on the other side of Emma, chewing on a forefinger nail.

  And poor Grady. He just paced back and forth.

  “I don’t understand why I can’t be in there with her.” He shoved his hand through his hair. “Did you hear her crying in the car on the way here, Luke? She was in so much pain. And she was scared to death. She didn’t want to go in there alone.”

  “I know.” Luke nodded. “But that’s just the way it’s done. They’ll let us know soon enough.”

  Luke knew his words landed on deaf ears. He imagined himself in Grady’s place one day, waiting on Emma to give birth to his child, being kept away from her, feeling helpless. He squeezed her hand tighter.

  Silence settled over the waiting room again. For the next hour and a half, few words were spoken. Finally, a nurse arrived, smiling.

  Grady rushed to her and the rest of the waiting party leapt to their feet.

  “Congratulations, Mr. Akins.” The nurse smiled. “You have a daughter.”

  “A daughter?” Grady repeated. “I have a daughter?”

  The nurse nodded.

  Grady spun around. “Did you hear that? I have a daughter!”

  Everyone took turns hugging, slapping on backs, laughing and wiping away tears. The nurse led Grady out of the waiting room to see his little girl.

  Two days later, Grady informed Luke that Ruth had begged and pleaded with the nurses at the hospital to let Luke come in and hold the baby.

  “I really don’t need to.” Luke held his hands in the air. “I mean, I’m happy for the two of you, and she’s the cutest little bug I’ve ever seen, but really, I’m fine.”

  “Well you’re really going to let Ruth down if you don’t go.” Grady smiled.

  Luke sighed. “That’s blackmail.”

  Grady rocked back on his heels. “Yes sir.”

  “Fine.” Luke held out his hand. “Lead the way.”

  He followed Grady into Ruth’s room. The sight of her holding her baby girl struck him in a way he didn’t expect. His chest expanded with pride, but his heart clenched with sorrow.

  Kate, you’d be so proud of her. And your grand-daughter is beautiful. I wish you were here to see them.

  Ruth beamed. “Well, come in. Sit down in the chair there. Grady, come get her and take her to her great-uncle.”

  “You sound like a mom already,” Luke quipped. “Bossing everyone around.”

  Ruth lifted her chin. “I rather think it runs in the family.”

  Grady approached with the baby. Luke tensed. What if he dropped her? He looked up at Grady, shaking his head. “We really don’t have to do this.”

  Grady laughed. “It’s okay. I thought she would break too, but she’s tougher than she looks. Here, hold her head like this.” Grady demonstrated, and placed the baby in Luke’s arms.

  If anyone else in the room spoke, Luke was oblivious. All he could see was that baby girl. All he could hear was her breathing. She had sparse auburn curls and tiny, feminine features. She opened her eyes and stared at him as if she recognized him. As if she’d been waiting to finally meet him. And he felt the same. He’d waited a very long time to meet this little person.

  Images flashed through his mind. Sadie. The accident. Running away from home. J.D. Nella. Kate. Ruth. Grady. Emma. And now…

  He looked up at her parents. “Did you decide on a name?”

  Ruth exchanged a look with Grady and smiled. “Yes. Last night. Her name is Sadie Kathryn.”

  Luke’s breath caught. “Sadie? My Sadie?”

  Ruth nodded, her eyes moist with tears. “Yes. And Mom.”

  Luke looked down at Sadie Kathryn and smiled as she wrapped a tiny fist around his pinky finger. “Welcome to the family, Sadie Kathryn. I’m your Uncle Luke. You know what that means? I’m your kinsman redeemer. I’ll explain that later … after I tell you about my own Redeemer.


  Thank you, Lord, for teaching me that you never give a dream without a plan to fulfill it!

  Rick, for choosing me to share your life with, spoiling me rotten, making me laugh everyday, and teaching our sons how a man should treat a woman.

  My sons, Zach and Kyle, for revealing my strengths and weaknesses in ways I never saw coming. I’m so proud of you both.

  Mom, Linda Dodds, for teaching me how to overcome when life doesn’t turn out exactly as you planned.

  Dad, Gerald Dodds, my spiritual superman. No words can express how grateful I am that you are my father. I’ve learned from you how strong a quiet faith can be.

  The Posse, Kim Vogel Sawyer, Eileen Key, Marjorie Vawter, Connie Stevens, Kristian Libel and Jalana Franklin, for all the encouragement, honest critiques, prayers, and good times that shall not be spoken of outside The Posse. See y’all in June!

  Beverly Sticken (aka Kimberly Rae Jordan) for being my very first writing mentor, and bringing me into a critique group that would change my life, and for hysterics in a Nashville elevator.

  The Coffee Girls, Linda Dodds, Cheryl Bigon, Joyce Wilson and Faye Jackson, for honest talks, prayer, and straight up goofiness.

  Jim Peterson, the first editor I ever met back in 2004. I had no idea what a great friend and encouragement you would be in my life. Your words from that first meeting, “I’m proud of you,” have rung in my ears for 10 years. You understood the undertaking it was for me to get to conference all alone.

  Pastor Bill Funk, for being the first person to push me out of my comfort zone, put me in a pulpit, in charge of a ministry, and constantly telling me, “Keep writing.” It all terrified me, but I’m so thankful for your vision now!

  J.D. and Barbara Hudgins. For being wonderful pastors and mentors to my family for three generations. I look forward to the day we are all reunited with you both in Heaven.

  Patricia Dodds for being my Fwend in Da Lawd!

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