Redeeming Luke, page 2
part #1 of Days of Grace Series

Luke finished his breakfast and checked his watch. “We better get going.”
He left twenty-five cents on the table to cover their meals and the milk. They waved to Nella on their way out.
“Goodbye.” Nella smiled. “Good luck on your new corral, Luke.”
Luke touched the brim of his hat. “Thanks, Nella.”
“And you.” She pointed at Ruth and winked. “You enjoy your lunch under that romantic old oak tree with Grady Akins. He’s a handsome one too!”
Ruth’s eyes widened. Her gaze darted to Luke. She ducked her head and rushed past him, out the door. Luke looked to Nella for an explanation.
“Oh dear.” Nella held both hands to her chest. “Oh, I am so clumsy.”
Luke stepped closer, pushing his hat back on his head. “Who is Grady Akins?”
Nella opened her mouth, then looked past him to the door. She closed her mouth.
“Nella,” Luke stepped in front of her, blocking her view of the door through which Ruth had just escaped. “I don’t know anyone named Akins around here.”
Nella wrung her hands. “Well, his family moved here from Oklahoma a month ago after the bank where his daddy worked closed up shop. I guess the bank couldn’t survive what with all the wheat and corn fields destroyed by the drought.” Her dark brows lifted. “They’re one of the lucky ones though. I understand they still have plenty of old money.”
“So why come here? Why not stay in Oklahoma and do something different?”
“Mr. Akins is a cousin to Caleb Elder. They bought Caleb’s cattle ranch. Caleb’s mama lives in Arizona and her health is failing. He took what they offered and moved to take care of her.” Nella shrugged her round shoulders. “Anyway, I guess the Akins’ figured life here in California would be better than what‘s happening out there.”
Luke rubbed the stubble on his chin, musing at the thought of a banker trying to become a cattle rancher. “And they have a boy, this, what’s his name again?”
“Grady. He’s seventeen.” She reached up to lay her hand on Luke’s shoulder. Her chocolate eyes peered into his. “He seems like a real good boy.”
Unconvinced, Luke’s gaze narrowed. “What’s all this about lunch under a romantic oak tree?’
Nella smiled sheepishly. “I’ve seen them there every day, eating lunch together for the past two weeks. It’s sweet, really.” Nella held her hand over her heart. “Does my heart good to see two young people discovering love for the first time.”
Luke tugged his hat down lower on his head. “Yeah, well, it does something very different to my heart.”
Ruth adored that sweet old lady, but right now she could strangle Nella. Sitting in the truck, waiting, Ruth wondered if they were talking about Grady. Was Luke asking questions about him? Was he curious about the boy she was falling in love with? Was he angry? Was Nella telling all of Grady’s good qualities? Would Luke listen to her if she did?
Startled by the grating squeak of the truck’s door, Ruth forgot the questions swirling in her mind. Luke eased his long legs into the truck and sat behind the steering wheel. Ruth focused on a crack in the windshield. They sat in silence. Why wasn’t he saying anything? She scooted closer to her door.
Finally, Luke spoke. “Why didn’t you tell me about this boy?”
Ruth lifted her chin. “You didn’t ask.” She felt his dark eyes on her. Her stomach turned a little bit.
“I’ve asked you several times if you were making friends at school.”
Refusing to look at him, and trying to avoid the unnerving sensation of his gaze boring into her soul, Ruth steeled herself. “And I told you I’ve made a few friends.”
“The only friend you’ve told me about, or ever had over to the house, is Olivia Hawkins. You didn’t say anything about a boy.”
Waves of conflicting emotions crashed into one another. Ruth wanted to tell someone about the boy who had stolen her heart. She wanted to talk about how wonderful Grady was, how he treated her with such kindness. How he listened to her as if everything she had to say was important and worth taking the time to hear. He made her feel things she’d never felt before.
Ruth missed her mother so terribly right now, and tears stung the back of her eyes at the thought of her. Ruth was lonely, and in love, happy and angry. All at once. words began to spill out.
“You never cared to know anything about any of my friends. Why should Grady be any different? You have no right to be angry. You aren‘t my father, and you aren‘t my mother. You‘re just the poor sap who got stuck with me because my mother died!” She crossed her arms in front of her.
A dizzying concoction of panic and regret replaced the momentary relief at having finally said what she meant to say. She ventured a glance to her left.
Luke’s dark brown eyes narrowed. The muscles in his jaw flexed. He breathed slowly, as if he were counting each breath. Ruth held her own breath. He had never raised his voice to her. Had never lifted a hand. Maybe it was just a matter of time. . .
He turned and faced forward, wrapping his hands around the steering wheel. His knuckles turned white.
Ruth reached for the door handle. “I’m going to walk to school.”
Her hand stilled on the handle at the eerie calm in his tone. She slowly withdrew her hand, and folded both hands in her lap. Tears threatened. She willed them not to fall.
Luke turned the key in the ignition until the engine sputtered to life.
The five minute drive from Nella’s to Petaluma High School may as well have been five hours. She had grown used to Luke’s quiet ways, but his silence right now was downright intimidating. If he’d just say something, even if he yelled at her, at least she’d know what he was thinking. She could fight back.
She gathered her books and her lunch in her lap before they reached the school, tapping her foot nervously on the floorboard. As soon as the truck jumped and jolted to a stop, she got out and closed the door behind her.
Ruth drew in a long, cleansing breath of the fresh morning air, as if she hadn‘t taken a breath in days. A grove of eucalyptus trees that bordered one side of the school waved their branches, filling the air with their spicy scent. It mingled with the smell of hay, fresh cut grass and a nearby magnolia tree. She crinkled her nose though as a warm breeze ushered into the pleasant mix of scents, the obnoxious smell of manure from a nearby dairy farm.
The sound of excited chatter and laughter meshed with chirping birds as Ruth approached the steps of Petaluma High School. Many of the other students had arrived already. Clusters of girls stood in packs, giggling and pointing at boys standing on the school steps. Boys flirted with girls as they walked by, while other students relaxed on the grass lawn until the bell rang. Ruth scanned the bustling activity until she spotted Grady. Their eyes met and he left his friends to jog over to where she stood.
Her heart tap danced in her chest. The tense drive was forgotten. She adored the way he slicked back his light brown hair. He had a strong brow and dreamy chestnut colored eyes. He could look stern and sullen at times, but inside he was very sweet. He also had the cutest dimple on the left side of his face when he smiled.
“Mornin,’ Ruth.”
She just loved his southern accent. “Morning, Grady.”
He reached for her books. “Can I carry those in for you?”
Ruth giggled. “It’s only a few steps, silly.”
Shrugging, he took the books which she gave up gladly. Grady held her gaze long enough to cause wild flutterings in her stomach. Then something caught his attention.
He motioned to something behind her. “Is that your uncle?”
Ruth spun around. Luke still sat in his truck, watching them. He got out of the truck and walked toward them. Ruth pressed her lips together and closed her eyes.Grady leaned in to whisper. “He doesn’t look happy.”
Her cheeks burned.
Luke stopped in front of them. Grady looked from Ruth to her uncle. When she said nothing, he held his hand out.
“Hello, sir. I’m Grady Akins.”
Luke accepted the gesture. “Luke Morgan.”
Ruth stepped between them. “Did I forget something in the truck?”
Luke slipped his hands in his pockets, nonchalantly. “No. Just thought I’d come meet your friend.”
The school bell rang interrupting the chatter of students, bringing sweet relief for Ruth.
“Well, we have to go now.” Ruth grabbed Grady’s elbow, tugging him along with her.
Footsteps followed close behind.
Ruth came to an abrupt stop. She turned around, pulling Grady with her. “Are you going to follow me to class?”
Luke stared at Ruth’s arm, linked with Grady’s. “I haven’t actually met any of your teachers. Seems like as a good time as any.”
“You can’t follow me to class!” Ruth hissed, her eyes darting to other students as they rushed by in every direction.
Luke bent down and whispered in her ear. “I’m pretty sure I can.”
Ruth sucked in a furious breath. “Fine! Follow me! I don’t care!”
Shespun on her heels and walked ahead of Luke and Grady. As she reached her first class Ruth held out a hand. “This is our English class. You can leave now.”
Luke craned his neck to look through the window in the classroom door. “I haven’t met your teacher yet.”
Ruth crossed her arms. “She doesn’t have time to meet you. She’s has a class to teach.”
The door opened, drawing their attention. Ruth’s teacher stepped out into the hallway.
“Oh! Good morning Ruth.” She nodded at Grady.
Grady mumbled a greeting. The teacher looked up at Luke and held out her hand. “Hello, I’m Emma Darby.”
Luke shook her hand and offered a puzzled look at Ruth. “I thought Mrs. Landry taught English here.”
Miss Darby glanced between Ruth and Luke. “Mrs. Landry moved to San Francisco to live with her daughter and son-in-law.”
“We should go in now,” Ruth suggested, catching Grady by the elbow again. “Come on.”
Grady followed Ruth into class, whispering, “Why didn’t you tell him about our new teacher?”
Ruth didn’t answer. She went straight to her seat and sat down. Why hadn’t she told Luke about the new teacher? Because she was only one of six. Because he wouldn’t have cared. He wouldn’t have asked questions about her favorite teacher the way Mom would have, or baked cookies for Miss Darby, or invited her to dinner.
Olivia Hawkins, Ruth’s best friend, rushed into the classroom, made her way through their classmate’s desks, and sat in in the one next to Ruth.
“What’s happening?” Olivia whispered. “Why is Miss Darby still outside?”
“She’s meeting Luke,” Ruth whispered back. “Didn’t you see him?”
Olivia’s already large blue eyes grew even larger. Her blonde curls bounced as she looked back at the classroom door, then turned to Ruth again. “I wasn’t paying attention. Why is he here?”
“Nella told him that she saw me having lunch with Grady under the oak tree.”
“Oh.” Olivia’s nose scrunched up. “Well what’s wrong with that? He’s not sore about it, is he?”
“I don’t know. I mean, yes. I just don’t if he’s sore about me having lunch with Grady, or sore that I haven’t told him about Grady.”
“Does he know about—”
“No!” Ruth’s eyes darted to the others sitting around them. Fortunately they were all taking advantage of the teacher’s absence, too engrossed in their own conversations to pay any attention. “And he won’t find out either. Right?”
Olivia frowned. “Of course not. What do you think I am? A snitch?”
Ruth looked across the room at Grady. He was laughing with two other boys. He winked at her when their eyes met.
Miss Darby returned to the room and clapped her hands three times. “All right, Class. Please settle yourselves and stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. Come on now, hands over your hearts. Oliver, will you lead us please?”
Ruth watched the boy walk to the front of the class on bare, dirty feet. The same pair of overalls he wore everyday bore a new stain on the bib. Some of the kids made fun of Oliver's dirty clothes. But what choice did the boy have except to wear them? Since his mother's death, he had no one except a drunken father to see to his needs.
Oliver faced the flag, and led the Pledge.
“Thank you, Oliver,” Miss Darby said. “You may sit down now.”
Miss Darby pointed to the blackboard. “Everyone, the assignment is on the board. Please spend the next thirty minutes reading the text, and then we will have a discussion time about Mr. Dickens’s writing style.
Olivia and Ruth both groaned as they opened their books.
“Ruth?” Miss Darby held her hand out toward the door. “May I see you outside for a moment?”
Ruth exchanged a glance with Olivia, and followed their teacher.
“Let’s step away from the class room door,” Miss Darby suggested. “It’s much too hot to close it on the other students.”
If Miss Darby didn’t want the other kids to hear what she had to say, this was not going to be pleasant.
“I enjoyed meeting your uncle this morning.”
Miss Darby’s warm smile always reached something deep inside Ruth. The same place in her heart that longed for her mother always seemed a little less lonely when Miss Darby smiled. Olivia and Ruth had decided after seeing the movie Swing Time, their teacher looked like Ginger Rogers, without all the Hollywood makeup and fancy clothes, of course.
“I’m wondering.” Miss Darby held her hands together. “Why you didn’t give him the letter I sent home to all the parents, introducing myself?”
Ruth fidgeted with a button on her dress. “I guess I didn’t think he would care.”
The teacher tilted her head. “He seems to care a great deal, Ruth. But even if he didn’t, I trusted you to give that letter to him. If you’re going to hide things from your uncle, things that I ask you to share with him, you and I are going to have a very difficult time trusting one another. I really don‘t want that to happen.”
Ruth’s heart sank at the thought of disappointed Miss Darby. She bit her lower lip. “I’m sorry, ma’am.”
“I appreciate that.” She gently set her hands on Ruth’s shoulders. “Let’s clear the slate and start over from this moment.” Her smile faded a bit. “There is something your uncle is upset about though. He has asked that the school not allow you to spend time alone with Grady Akins while you‘re on school grounds.”
Ruth waited for Miss Darby to finish her sentence, to tell Ruth that she had talked Luke out of such a ridiculous idea. But Miss Darby didn’t seem to have anything to add.
Ruth folded her arms across her chest. “He has no right to do that.”
Miss Darby removed her hands from Ruth’s shoulders. “Yes, he does. He is your guardian.”
Panic flashed through Ruth’s chest. “No, he can’t! We aren’t doing anything wrong!”
“Yes, he can. And I have to honor his request. I hope you won‘t make this difficult for me, or for yourself.”
Tears pressed at the back of Ruth’s eyes. “But it’s not fair!”
Miss Darby tucked a strand of Ruth’s hair behind her ear. “Your uncle is only trying to protect you the best he knows how.”
“He’s treating me like a child.” Ruth stamped her foot on the ground. “I’m not a child. I’m sixteen years old. Lots of girls get married at my age. All I’ve done is eat lunch with a boy.”
The teacher cupped Ruth’s chin in her hand. “You’re right. You are not a child. So don’t behave like one. Show him that you are a mature young woman by honoring his rules.”
Ruth blinked away stinging tears.
“I know you’ve suffered a great loss, Ruth. I can only imagine how much you must miss your mother. And I want you to know that anytime you feel you need someone to talk with, you can talk with me. Anytime. About anything. All right?”
Ruth nodded. She was upset enough with what Luke was doing. She couldn’t begin to talk about her mother right now.
Miss Darby took Ruth‘s hands in hers and gave them a gentle squeeze. “I have to get back to the class now. You take a few moments to gather yourself, and then join us when you‘re ready.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Ruth walked to the other side of the hallway and leaned against the lockers. How was she going to tell Grady that Luke wouldn’t even let her eat lunch with him? They already had to sneak around to see one another outside of school, because Ruth had been afraid that Luke wouldn’t let her go out with Grady. Now they couldn’t even be together while at school? What if Grady decided that being with her wasn’t worth the hassle of having to put up with Luke? What if that snooty Gretchen Manor got her way, and stole Grady?
Ruth muffled a frustrated cry and kicked at a locker door. She would not lose Grady. Not ever. No matter what Luke said or did.
Luke gently pried loose the stone that had wedged between Duke’s hoof and shoe. The stone bruise explained why the animal had been limping earlier. He untied the leads he’d used to cross tie the animal so as not to get kicked. Fortunately Duke’s owner wouldn’t arrive for another two weeks to ride. The minor injury would be healed by then.
He was lucky to have a business that catered mostly to the wealthy. Folks who had enough money to weather the financial devastation of The Depression that had put so many others in bread lines. The last thing he needed was the owner of a horse he boarded to get browned off and tell all his friends. Luke couldn’t afford to lose even one of his high priced boarders.
Duke nudged Luke with his nose.
“Feel better, ol boy?” Luke patted the horse’s neck. “You can thank me later.”
Duke blew hot air out his nostrils and shook his head.
Luke returned the horse to his corral and left the barn in search of fresh air. The scent of hay and jasmine hung heavy in the afternoon heat, without even the slightest breeze to disperse them among the hills and valleys of Petaluma. He removed his hat, ran his hand through sweat soaked hair, then replaced the hat and wiped his hand on his pant leg. A ride to the creek for a long, cool soak sounded inviting, if only he had the time.