The Ghost Pirates

The Ghost Pirates

William Hope Hodgson

Horror / Weird Fiction / Fantasy

The captivating tale of the ship "Mortzestus," an unlucky vessel haunted by "too many shadows." The unifying theme seems to be the dreadful forces that lurk just beneath the veneer of what we, in immense folly, believe to be "reality." Malign forces may surface at any moment to drag us to destruction or worse.
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The Boats of the

The Boats of the Glen Carrig

William Hope Hodgson

Horror / Weird Fiction / Fantasy

Being an account of their Adventures in the Strange places of the Earth, after the foundering of the good ship Glen Carrig through striking upon a hidden rock in the unknown seas to the Southward. As told by John Winterstraw, Gent., to his son James Winterstraw, in the year 1757, and by him committed very properly and legibly to manuscript.
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The Ghost Pirates and Other Revenants of the Sea

The Ghost Pirates and Other Revenants of the Sea

William Hope Hodgson

Horror / Weird Fiction / Fantasy

Product DescriptionThe third of a five volume set collecting all of Hodgson's published fiction. Each volume contains one of Hodgson's novels, along with a selection of thematically-linked short fiction. Introduction by Jeremy Lassen The Ghost Pirates The Silent Ship: (aka The Phantom Ship, aka The Silent Ship Tells How Jessop Was Picked Up) Stories of the Sea: * A Tropical Horror * The Voice in the Night * The Shamraken' Homeward-Bounder (aka Homeward Bound) * Out of the Storm * Albatross, The * In the Wailing Gully * 'Prentices Mutiny * Real Thing: On the Bridge, The * Derelict, The * Island of the Crossbones, The * How the Honourable Billy Darrell Raided the Wind * The Stone Ship (aka the Mystery of the Ship in the Night) * The Trimming of Captain Dunkan * Regeneration of Captain Bully Keller, (aka The Waterloo of a Hard-Case Skipper) * The Mystery of Missing Ships * We Two and Bully Dunkan * The Haunted 'Pampero' * Real Thing; 'S.O.S.', The * Second Mate of the Buster (aka Jack Grey, Second Mate) * A Fight With a Submarine Revenants, or Posthumously Published Stories of the Sea : * Demons of the Sea * In The Danger Zone * Old Golly * The Storm * Ships That Go Missing * The Wild Man of the Sea * The Habitants of Middle Islet * The Riven Night * The Heaving of the Log * The Sharks of the St. Elmo (aka Fifty Dead Chinamen All in a Row) * By The Lee * Sailormen A Note On The Texts
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Boats of the

Boats of the Glen Carrig and Other Nautical Adventures

William Hope Hodgson

Horror / Weird Fiction / Fantasy

From Publishers WeeklyThe Boats of the "Glen Carrig" and Other Nautical Adventures: Being the First Volume of the Collected Fiction of William Hope Hodgson, edited by Jeremy Lassen, collects all the series sea fiction of this British fantasist, much of it long unavailable. As the 23 short stories show, Hodgson (1877-1918), best known for his novels of cosmic vision, could write quite successfully for the commercial magazine market of his day. Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc. From BooklistVolume one of the Hodgson's collected fiction starts the project well, for it contains much of his best work. Hodgson was a professional merchant mariner for much of his life until his death in World War I, and his career began during the last days of seafaring under sail and without radio. His mostreprinted work is the novella The Boats of the "Glen Carrig", a compelling compounding of survival at sea and the supernatural. In his Sargasso Sea stories, corralled in the book's second section, Hodgson takes the legendary endless mass of weeds in the North Atlantic, which imprisoned ships eternally, as the pretext for six Lovecraftian-before-Lovecraft, undeniably effective tales. The 13 adventures of Captain Gault and the two of Captain Jat are more classic pulp-mystery thrillers; they reflect the era when a captain was "master under God" in fact and in law, and also Anglo-German tensions before World War I. For historically minded genre fans, especially if they savor some sea salt in their fantasy. Roland GreenCopyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved
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