Her Untamed Rockstars
Terry Towers
For as long as we can remember we’ve always wanted the limelight. The lights, the pounding of the music, the panties being thrown at us onstage and the parties that lasted through the night and into the morning, with one or more women in our beds.
But lately something's changed.
One of us is ready to settle down, while the other is still mingling with groupies. That is, until we see Violet.
Red-headed sharp-tongued, Violet Hudson has been around music her whole life. Daughter of the legendary music manager Edward Hudson, she knows her way around rock stars. And their drumsticks. Nothing we say or do can rattle her. Until we offer her both of us.
We can tell she’s intrigued, but she still resists us.
Will she put her career on the line for two men she barely knows? Or trusts?
It’s a challenge we’re eager to take on.
We’re hard rockers. And only for her.
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