Motor Matt Makes Good; or, Another Victory For the Motor Boys

Motor Matt Makes Good; or, Another Victory For the Motor Boys

Stanley R. Matthews

Stanley R. Matthews

Motor Matt Makes Good; or, Another Victory for the Motor Boys by Stanley R. Matthews. Motor Stories: Thrilling Adventure Motor Fiction no. 20 by Stanley R. Matthews. Published 1909 A GREAT SUCCESS!! MOTOR STORIES Every boy who reads one of the splendid adventures of Motor Matt, which are making their appearance in this weekly, is at once surprised and delighted. Surprised at the generous quantity of reading matter that we are giving for five cents; delighted with the fascinating interest of the stories, second only to those published in the Tip Top Weekly. Matt has positive mechanical genius, and while his adventures are unusual, they are, however, drawn so true to life that the reader can clearly see how it is possible for the ordinary boy to experience them. HERE ARE THE TITLES NOW READY AND THOSE TO BE PUBLISHED: 1—Motor Matt; or, The King of the Wheel. 2—Motor Matt\'s Daring; or, True to His Friends. 3—Motor Matt\'s Century Run; or, The Governor\'s Courier. 4—Motor Matt\'s Race; or, The Last Flight of the "Comet." 5—Motor Matt\'s Mystery; or, Foiling a Secret Plot. 6—Motor Matt\'s Red Flier; or, On the High Gear. 7—Motor Matt\'s Clue; or, The Phantom Auto. 8—Motor Matt\'s Triumph; or, Three Speeds Forward. 9—Motor Matt\'s Air Ship; or, The Rival Inventors. 10—Motor Matt\'s Hard Luck; or, The Balloon House Plot. 11—Motor Matt\'s Daring Rescue; or, The Strange Case of Helen Brady. 12—Motor Matt\'s Peril; or, Cast Away in the Bahamas. 13—Motor Matt\'s Queer Find; or, The Secret of the Iron Chest. 14—Motor Matt\'s Promise; or, The Wreck of the "Hawk." 15—Motor Matt\'s Submarine; or, The Strange Cruise of the "Grampus." 16—Motor Matt\'s Quest; or, Three Chums in Strange Waters. To be Published on June 14th. 17—Motor Matt\'s Close Call; or, The Snare of Don Carlos. To be Published on June 21st. 18—Motor Matt in Brazil; or, Under the Amazon. To be Published on June 28th. 19—Motor Matt\'s Defiance; or, Around the Horn. To be Published on July 5th. 20—Motor Matt Makes Good; or, Another Victory for the Motor Boys. PRICE, FIVE CENTS At all newsdealers, or sent, postpaid, by the publishers upon receipt of the price.
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Motor Matts Red Flyer; or, On the High Gear

Motor Matt's Red Flyer; or, On the High Gear

Stanley R. Matthews

Stanley R. Matthews

Leopold Classic Library is delighted to publish this classic book as part of our extensive collection. As part of our on-going commitment to delivering value to the reader, we have also provided you with a link to a website, where you may download a digital version of this work for free. Many of the books in our collection have been out of print for decades, and therefore have not been accessible to the general public. Whilst the books in this collection have not been hand curated, an aim of our publishing program is to facilitate rapid access to this vast reservoir of literature. As a result of this book being first published many decades ago, it may have occasional imperfections. These imperfections may include poor picture quality, blurred or missing text. While some of these imperfections may have appeared in the original work, others may have resulted from the scanning process that has been applied. However, our view is that this is a significant literary work, which deserves to be brought back into print after many decades. While some publishers have applied optical character recognition (OCR), this approach has its own drawbacks, which include formatting errors, misspelt words, or the presence of inappropriate characters. Our philosophy has been guided by a desire to provide the reader with an experience that is as close as possible to ownership of the original work. We hope that you will enjoy this wonderful classic book, and that the occasional imperfection that it might contain will not detract from the experience.
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Motor Matts Triumph; or, Three Speeds Forward

Motor Matt's Triumph; or, Three Speeds Forward

Stanley R. Matthews

Stanley R. Matthews

Motor Matt\'s Triumph; or, Three Speeds Forward by Stanley R. Matthews. Motor Stories: Thrilling Adventure Motor Fiction no. 8 by Stanley R. Matthews. Published 1909 THE BEST OF THEM ALL!! MOTOR STORIES IT IS NEW AND INTENSELY INTERESTING We knew before we published this line that it would have a tremendous sale and our expectations were more than realized. It is going with a rush, and the boys who want to read these, the most interesting and fascinating tales ever written, must speak to their newsdealers about reserving copies for them. MOTOR MATT sprang into instant favor with American boy readers and is bound to occupy a place in their hearts second only to that now held by Frank Merriwell. The reason for this popularity is apparent in every line of these stories. They are written by an author who has made a life study of the requirements of the up-to-date American boy as far as literature is concerned, so it is not surprising that this line has proven a huge success from the very start. Here are the titles now ready and also those to be published. You will never have a better opportunity to get a generous quantity of reading of the highest quality, so place your orders now. No. 1.—Motor Matt; or, The King of the Wheel. No. 2.—Motor Matt\'s Daring; or, True to His Friends. No. 3.—Motor Matt\'s Century Run; or, The Governor\'s Courier. No. 4.—Motor Matt\'s Race; or, The Last Flight of the "Comet." TO BE PUBLISHED ON MARCH 22nd No. 5.—Motor Matt\'s Mystery; or, Foiling a Secret Plot. TO BE PUBLISHED ON MARCH 29th No. 6.—Motor Matt\'s Red Flier; or, On the High Gear. TO BE PUBLISHED ON APRIL 5th No. 7.—Motor Matt\'s Clue; or, The Phantom Auto. TO BE PUBLISHED ON APRIL 12th No. 8.—Motor Matt\'s Triumph; or, Three Speeds Forward. Price, Five Cents To be had from newsdealers everywhere, or sent, postpaid, upon receipt of the price by the publishers STREET & SMITH, Publishers, NEW YORK
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Motor Matts Mystery; or, Foiling a Secret Plot

Motor Matt's Mystery; or, Foiling a Secret Plot

Stanley R. Matthews

Stanley R. Matthews

Motor Matt\'s Mystery; or, Foiling a Secret Plot by Stanley R. Matthews. Motor Stories: Thrilling Adventure Motor Fiction no. 5 by Stanley R. Matthews Published 1909 ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT!! MOTOR STORIES A New Idea in the Way of Five-Cent Weeklies. Boys everywhere will be delighted to hear that Street & Smith are now issuing this new five-cent weekly which will be known by the name of MOTOR STORIES. This weekly is entirely different from anything now being published. It details the astonishing adventures of a young mechanic who owned a motor cycle. Is there a boy who has not longed to possess one of these swift little machines that scud about the roads everywhere throughout the United States? Is there a boy, therefore, who will not be intensely interested in the adventures of "Motor Matt," as he is familiarly called by his comrades? Boys, you have never read anything half so exciting, half so humorous and entertaining as the first story listed for publication in this line, called "Motor Matt; or, The King of the Wheel." Its fame is bound to spread like wildfire, causing the biggest demand for the other numbers in this line, that was ever heard of in the history of this class of literature. Here are the titles to be issued during the next few weeks. Do not fail to place an order for them with your newsdealer. No. 1. Motor Matt; or, The King of the Wheel. No. 2. Motor Matt\'s Daring; or, True to His Friends. No. 3. Motor Matt\'s "Century" Run; or, The Governor\'s Courier. No. 4. Motor Matt\'s Race; or, The Last Flight of the Comet.
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Motor Matts Daring Rescue; or, The Strange Case of Helen Brady

Motor Matt's Daring Rescue; or, The Strange Case of Helen Brady

Stanley R. Matthews

Stanley R. Matthews

Motor Matt\'s Daring Rescue; or, The Strange Case of Helen Brady by Stanley R. Matthews. Motor Stories: Thrilling Adventure Motor Fiction no. 11 by Stanley R. Matthews. Published 1909 ADVENTURES OF A BOY GENIUS MOTOR STORIES Most five-cent weeklies are founded upon the adventures of boy wonders who perform all sorts of impossible feats and who never act or talk as a boy really does. This is displeasing to the intelligent boy of the present day, who is better educated, and who, consequently, demands more logical reading than the old-time boy did. The boys who want to learn something from what they read, as well as to be interested by it, will never find another publication that will satisfy them so well as MOTOR STORIES. "Motor Matt" is not an impossible boy character. He is simply a youth who has had considerable training in a machine shop where motors of all kinds were repaired, and who is possessed of a genius for mechanics. His sense of right and wrong is strongly developed, and his endeavors to insure certain people a square deal lead him into a series of the most astonishing, but at the same time the most natural, adventures that ever befell a boy. Buy the current number from your newsdealer. We feel sure that you will be just as enthusiastic about it as the fifty thousand other boys throughout the United States have become. HERE ARE THE TITLES NOW READY: No. 1.—Motor Matt; or, The King of the Wheel. No. 2.—Motor Matt\'s Daring; or, True to His Friends. No. 3.—Motor Matt\'s Century Run; or, The Governor\'s Courier. No. 4.—Motor Matt\'s Race; or, The Last Flight of the "Comet." No. 5.—Motor Matt\'s Mystery; or, Foiling a Secret Plot. No. 6.—Motor Matt\'s Red Flier; or, On the High Gear. No. 7.—Motor Matt\'s Clue; or, The Phantom Auto. TO BE PUBLISHED ON APRIL 12th No. 8.—Motor Matt\'s Triumph; or, Three Speeds Forward. TO BE PUBLISHED ON APRIL 19th No. 9.—Motor Matt\'s Air-ship; or, The Rival Inventors. TO BE PUBLISHED ON APRIL 26th No. 10.—Motor Matt\'s Hard Luck; or, The Balloon House Plot. TO BE PUBLISHED ON MAY 3d No. 11.—Motor Matt\'s Daring Rescue; or, The Strange Case of Helen Brady. TO BE PUBLISHED ON MAY 10th No. 12.—Motor Matt\'s Peril; or, Cast Away in the Bahamas. Price, Five Cents At all newsdealers, or sent, postpaid, by the publishers upon receipt of the price. STREET & SMITH, Publishers, NEW YORK
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