A Snowstorm in Featherston

A Snowstorm in Featherston

Robin Young

Psychology / Nonfiction / Comics

Rohort a best seller writer has slipped. A Snowstorm etc is his last readable effort. It's a scathing testimony to police incompetence. Answers are sought. First there's love failure. "All I am to you is just somewhere to park the prick". Is the valediction.. Some detection is attempted, more failure. He's outwitted by a homeless man. His confidence is shaken, his writing skills desert him.Wrong Place, Wrong Time #2Sarah Hargreaves is walking through the emerging dawn streets after another night’s work, when she is bundled into the back of a van by six figures dressed in black. She is taken to an underground location, where she is interviewed by a smartly dressed woman and a man from a secret organisation. They have one question:‘What really happened at the Halloween Party three weeks ago?’Sarah is forced to retell the terrifying truth. She is an experienced member of Dark Watch, an organisation set up to eliminate the threat from the creatures of the night. On the hunt for a vampire cell, she and her new boyfriend get an invitation to a Halloween Party – the Vampire Special. She suspects that humans will be lulled to their deaths. What happens at the party surprises even her. Who is her new boyfriend?#2 In the series Wrong Place, Wrong TimeOther stories in the series#1 Hero's BreakAt the height of Christmas shopping in the downtown plaza, two superheroes create havoc as they unleash their powers. Bolt and Accel, tear apart the plaza as they smash cars, shops and restaurants to rumble and ruin in their desire to destroy their rival in love for Psy, a female superhero. The happy Christmas spirit is replaced with ultra violence, chaos and fear.The General flies in to stop them with the rest of the superhero unit of Flame, Amazon and Psy.But they are too late. Bolt's and Accel's actions, through an incidental event, have unleashed an unstoppable terrifying power.#3 Wedding AnniversaryHiding in time a superhero, Subject Zero, enjoys the delights of the wild west; the women, the drink and the fighting. After another night of fun Zero is alerted to the presence of another time traveller who has sought him out across time and space. The traveller is his wife he hasn’t seen for fifty years. She has come to remind him it's their Wedding Anniversary. They discuss old times together and make plans for a reconciliation in the future.Zero is happy, until a massive time disturbance breaks the peace and Zero and wife are forced to reveal their true powers to the inhabitants of the wild west town.
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Rohort went to France

Rohort went to France

Robin Young

Psychology / Nonfiction / Comics

Eight short stories and an account of three unrelated deaths in a boarding house with a quirk Topics. Homelessness. Cycle touring in France. A politically motivated murder. Tracing the birth Father in a group of swingers. Mismanagement of lottery winnings. Obsessive behaviour sometimes in bed.. Sci Fi the museum in Caen, Normandy reminded of the Nazis theories of eugenicsRohort Went to France. Rohort's a fallen star. A successful crime writer. He attempts to solve a simple crime, he fails. It's obvious he knows nothing about criminals. Travel will become his theme, crime is abandoned. He goes to France in search of inspiration. A snowstorm in Featherston is the last readable whodunnit by the novelist Rohort.He pillories the police Two fans go to Featherston to unearth the truth. He's been swapped in love for a policeman. He's attempted to solve some simple crimes, he can't. He's been outwitted by a homeless man living in a drain. His confidence is shaken, his writing skills desert him. The night in the Cemetery is a tale of homelessness, there's too much liquor at a funeral, there's a wager, do ghosts exists? A night spent in the cemetery will confirm. Some homeless men are sheltering in the cemetery, the ghost spotteres meet them. Lottery Town. There's disenchantment with the behaviour of lottery winners. The evaporation of the winnings. There's widespread disillusionment. Lottery Town will be built, there the winners will live, their money will be managed . The search for the Father. There's a group of Swingers. A daughter is born, she's an infant star, there's money in abundance. But who is the Father? There's envy. "What did he do to deserve it? He had to get someone else to do it with his wife. "Was one sour comment. Teront. Is a tale of obsessive behaviour, the location bed. There's a description of an erotic act in a public toilet. The narrator recognises the hand writing.it's Teront's. Teront's a lady killer, many is the number. Then there's tragedy, a road accident, a much loved uncle suffers loss. It's traumatic and has reach, Teront's affected, the count becomes one lady. Hombo was inspired by a visit to the memorial in Caen Normandy. It reminded of the Nazis theories of eugenics. In the new world order the possibility of unsatisfactory children is eliminated until Hombo messes it up. MS found sculling in the rubbish is an account of three unrelated deaths in a boarding house. No homicide, two were natural causes, one probably suicide,. There was a quirk in all three. Justice. Extravagant promises in an election have won power. Clayton, the central character sees a future dimmed by debt. He shoots the leader. At his trial flaws in the democratic process are exposed..
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