The Dawn of All

The Dawn of All

Robert Hugh Benson

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Catholicism

Gradually memory and consciousness once more reasserted themselves, and he became aware that he was lying in bed. But this was a slow process of intense mental effort, and was as laboriously and logically built up of premises and deductions as were his theological theses learned twenty years before in his seminary. There was the sheet below his chin; there was a red coverlet (seen at first as a blood-coloured landscape of hills and valleys); there was a ceiling, overhead, at first as remote as the vault of heaven. Then, little by little, the confused roaring in his ears sank to a murmur. It had been just now as the sound of brazen hammers clanging in reverberating caves, the rolling of wheels, the tramp of countless myriads of men.
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Come Rack! Come Rope!

Come Rack! Come Rope!

Robert Hugh Benson

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Catholicism

This anthology is a thorough introduction to classic literature for those who have not yet experienced these literary masterworks. For those who have known and loved these works in the past, this is an invitation to reunite with old friends in a fresh new format. From Shakespeare s finesse to Oscar Wilde s wit, this unique collection brings together works as diverse and influential as The Pilgrim s Progress and Othello. As an anthology that invites readers to immerse themselves in the masterpieces of the literary giants, it is must-have addition to any library.
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By What Authority?

By What Authority?

Robert Hugh Benson

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Catholicism

Robert Hugh Benson AFSC KC*SG KGCHS (18 November 1871 – 19 October 1914) was an English Anglican priest who in 1903 was received into the Roman Catholic Church in which he was ordained priest in 1904. He was lauded in his own day as one of the leading figures in English literature, having written the notable novel Lord of the World (1907). BY WHAT AUTHORITY? is Robert Hugh Benson\'s (1871-1914) first published historical novel. In it he portrays the story of the English Reformation in Elizabethan times from the Catholic point of view. This he achieved without the use of the stereotypes that characterized virtually all such productions in his day to the detriment of both sides of the question.
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The Kings Achievement

The King's Achievement

Robert Hugh Benson

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Catholicism

Here is another novel by Monsignor Benson. He writes: “I must express my gratitude once more to the Rev. Dom. Bede Camm, O.S.B., as well as to the Very Rev. Mgr. Barnes. Who have done me great service in revising proofs and making suggestions; to my mother and sister, to Eustace Virgo, Esq., to Dr. Ross-Todd, and to others, who have been extremely kind in various ways during the writing of this book in the summer and autumn of 1904. I must also express my great indebtedness to the Right Rev. Abbot Gasquet, O.S.B., both on account of his invaluable books, which I have used freely, and for his personal kindness in answering my questions.”
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Come Rack, Come Rope

Come Rack, Come Rope

Robert Hugh Benson

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Catholicism

Come Rack, Come Rope is a gripping historical novel which takes place during Queen Elizabeth I's persecution of English Catholics. Based on the real sufferings of a real Catholic family in particular, and Catholics across the country, Robert Hugh Benson's classic novel is one of tragedy and loss, but also heroism and human and divine love.The novel follows Robin and Margaret, a young couple in love who forgo their affection when Margaret realizes Robin is called to the priesthood. Both play a critical role in caring physically and spiritually for their fellow Catholics during this time of terror.Discover their heroism, love, and sacrifice, and be inspired to live it out in our own frightful times in Come Rack, Come Rope.
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