Secured Heart (Windy City #2)

Secured Heart (Windy City #2)

Measha Stone

Fiction / Romance

As a child, Kelly dreamt of having a handsome husband, beautiful children, and a dog playing in the backyard. But life rarely turns out the way you plan, and she fears her clock is ticking. Still on the prowl for the perfect husband, she becomes bolder in her search. A night that starts out like any other, ends up being the one that changes everything. As the owner of a security company, Kendrick McFall takes safety very seriously. His first instinct is to keep Kelly at arms length. However, she isn’t his to command,and she isn’t easily persuaded to stay away from the world in which Kendrick lives. A world that she craves. Taking her under his protection seems to be the only way to keep her safe from the ghosts of his past, and protect her from new threats. Along the way he doesn’t just seek to secure her safety, he wants to secure her heart.**
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