Wolfheart, p.9
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WolfHeart, page 9


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  Misreading the reason for his question, Tayan said, “Not large enough, I think. Including the ones I have here, and the halshaken, not more than four hundred.”

  “Dear Odin,” Eldarin breathed. His own troops only numbered a thousand. How was he to deal with hoarcs with so many druid mongrels and lizards about? “I must get word to our Duke.”

  “I already have, Commander,” Tayan assured him.


  Devernon strode along at a quick pace as he headed through the palace, Tayan's letter to the duke held tight in his hand. The guards had tried to stop him, but upon seeing the seal on the scroll they let him pass on his mission. In the long hall arched with white marble and lined with intricately stitched tapestries depicting the brave acts of past rulers, he noted one of the duke's advisors, an old, hunched-over elf named Galanthal, shuffllng towards him.

  The old elf regarded him as he strode up and stopped in front of him.

  "I must see the duke, I have a message from Lord Tayan," Devernon announced proudly.

  Hearing that name triggered Galanthal's memory--the sight ofthe Red Man staring malevolently at them in his tattered, blood-soaked rags just before he leapt down and began the slaughtering. The Red Man had killed his black knight and two hundred hoarcs that day. He didn't know what Tayan had to do with the Red Man, but it was rumored wherever Tayan went, the Red Man was not far behind. He had no desire to face that human-shaped monster again. The Master had given strict orders not to harm Tayan. Galanthal was sure this was to keep them from provoking the Red Man's wrath.

  "Advisor, are you ill?" Devernon asked, seeing the paleness of the ancient face.

  Galanthal shook his head, thinking quickly. "No...it’s just to hear we have a message from Lord Tayan himself. I shall take it to the duke immediately." He extended his hand.

  Devernon pulled the scroll back from his reach. "Lord Tayan told me to lay it in his hands myself. I have another for the king, also to give to him personally.” Seeing Galanthal's questioning look, he added, "I'm sorry, but that is what I am ordered to do."

  Curling his fingers, Galanthal retracted his hand and gripped the crystal pendant under his robe. "Where is Lord Tayan now?"

  "Newburg. I flew here on the commander's dragon. I am to return any replies with equal speed."

  Galanthal pretended to shift his robe as he gripped the crystal. Lura had to help him with this! Until she came, he would have to stall the boy.

  "The duke cannot be disturbed right now, a sensitive matter of state," he explained. "If you must deliver the message yourself, I will take you in to see him as soon as he is available."

  Devernon didn't like waiting, but if he was to deliver the message himself, it appeared he would have to. Begrudgingly, he nodded and let Galanthal lead him down a side hall.

  Galanthal managed a benevolent smile as they walked along. "Can you tell me what the message is about, so I may counsel the duke if he asks?"

  Devernon didn't see any harm in talking about it. After all, Galanthal was one of the duke's closest advisors.

  "I cannot say for sure, but I believe it has to do with the proclamation for all non-elves to leave our province. Lord Tayan arrived with druids from Longforest and, by what I heard, halshaken are in the river near town."

  Galanthal's fake smile turned genuine. "I see. There was no fighting, I hope," he said, wishing just the opposite.

  Devernon shook his head. "No, Commander Eldarin is working with Lord Tayan."

  "Did you hear why he has brought druids to Newburg?"

  "I don't know. An alert was called then I was brought in to Lord Tayan to deliver his messages. That's all I know for sure."

  Galanthal spoke his worse fear. "Was there a large, red-haired man with Lord Tayan when you saw him?"

  "Not that I saw."

  Coming to the door of his private chambers, Galanthal motioned for the messenger to go in ahead. Inside his private sitting room, an elfmaid with dark-gray hair stood beside a low table ringed by colorful overstuffed chairs. Although her hair made her look older, Devernon was quite taken by her. Her pale-green eyes shone as bright as the smile on her flawless face. The gold dress she wore hugged her lithe shape, the deeply plunging V of the neckline touched the top of her trim stomach, but did not reveal anything but the slightest hint of her small breasts. Devernon could not keep his jaw from dropping as he gazed at her. He had never seen her before in his life, but he instantly knew how wonderful she would feel in his arms.

  The vision spoke to him. "My name is Lura. Please, come sit and have some tea."

  Devernon went forward, unable to breath, let alone answer her. He let her take his hand and sit him down then held the cup as she poured for him. She asked him a question, but he didn't have the presence of mind to understand what she had asked. All he could think of was her beauty and the sweet scent that came to his nose as she bent near. There was not a lovelier creature in all of creation!

  Sitting on the arm of his chair, Lura coaxed him to drink. He gulped half the cup down without even tasting it. Devernon had always been a decent man, but at the moment he could think of nothing more than how warm she would be lying next to him. He didn't even notice as she slipped the message out of his hand to lay it on the table.

  Becoming drowsy, he drifted off into a dream where Lura was taking him by the hand to a room walled by sheer silk drapes and where pink satin pillows covered the floor...

  Lura stayed with him until she was sure he as asleep then got up and faced Galanthal. Her brow was furrowed as she told him crossly, "You only need grip the crystal once to get my attention. To keep squeezing it is like screaming at me!"

  Galanthal sat down, giving her a slight grin.

  "My apologies. What are we going to do about him?" he asked, pointing to the sleeping elf.

  In a fluid motion, Lura slid down into a chair beside him. Snatching up the scroll, she broke the seal and opened the message. She read it then tossed it back down.

  "The question is, what are we going to do about that."

  Galanthal shrugged. "The Master said we cannot harm Tayan. Maybe we can convince the duke to execute him."

  "You idiot!" she snapped. "We can in no way cause him harm! Our Master has promised a long, painful death to any who try. I heard something about another message, for the king?"

  Bobbing his head Galanthal said, "Yes, he is to deliver both messages himself. We can keep him from seeing the duke, but what good will that do if the king knows what is going on?"

  Shifting her gaze to the sleeping elf, Lura rubbed her chin in thought for a moment then smiled. "He shall see the duke and the king...in his dreams. Get me two scrolls for their replies."

  "What are you going to do?" Galanthal frowned.

  With an evil grin, she said, "Take him traveling, of course."

  Devernon lay naked in the pillows with his Lura wrapped around him. Rubbing her smooth shoulder, he kissed the top of her head. Even though he was exhausted from making love, he wanted nothing more than to do it one more time.

  With a soft moan of joy, Lura slid up to give him a long, deep kiss. She put her fingers to his mouth. He kissed each delicate one.

  In her velvety voice, she purred, "My love, this is very nice, but you have a task that needs to be done."

  He knew she was right. To leave her, though, was like trying to tear his own skin off. Clasping her hand tightly, he whispered, "Come with me to Elrad. It will only take an hour to give our Duke Lord Tayan's message then we both can fly to see the king."

  Lura smiled brightly. "Yes, that would be grand.” Jumping up, she took his hand and helped him to his feet. Lingering long enough for a tight embrace, they collected their clothes and got dressed.

  To his luck, the duke was in the sitting room talking to Galanthal as they came out. He was dressed in his flowing court robes, looking every bit as imposing as he did when he sat in judgment at court. Surprised at seeing him there, Devernon stopped to collect himself. Lura put the message in his hand, whispering, "Announce yourself, darling."

  Standing as straight as he could, Devernon walked over and handed the duke his message. "Highness, I bear a message from Lord Tayan Montara of the court of Elrad."

  Giving him a cool gaze, the duke nodded slightly and took the scroll. As his eyes scanned the parchment, his face paled.

  "This...cannot be!” Looking weakly at Devernon, he asked, "You say this is from Lord Tayan himself?"

  Devernon wondered what could cause such a reaction. "Yes, Your Highness. He handed it to me himself, as well as a message for the king."

  Shifting his eyes to look off at nothing, the duke mumbled, "Then he is serious."

  "Your Highness?" Galanthal asked, leaning forward.

  "We will discuss it at council," The Duke told him then to Devernon, "When you give King Aldrlan his message, ask him to send his advice with you when you return."

  "Yes, Your Highness. Shall I wait for you to write it?"

  The Duke waved a hand. "No time, rush that message to the king this instant! Time is our enemy now, let nothing delay you!"

  "Yes, Your Highness," Devernon said with a quick bow. He turned to leave, glancing quickly at Lura. She was by his side, nearly pushing him out the door.

  Hurrying down the hall, he wondered what was in Lord Tayan's letter that had troubled the duke so. He thought briefly about asking Lura what it might be...that would be foolish, though. How would she know what Lord Tayan had written?

  The dragon was saddled and waiting as Devernon and Lura raced into the courtyard. Not breaking stride, he leapt into the saddle and grabbed the reins. Lura mounted right behind him, wrapping one arm around his middle as she pointed at the dragon's head.

  Her voice was firm as she said, "Magic in the wings of light, make this dragon speed his flight!"

  Suddenly, the wings of the dragon were haloed with a faint white glow. Giving a roar, the beast spread them and lifted off the ground without so much as a single flap. Devernon had all he could do to just hold on as they launched skyward. Lura clamped a tight hold on him. By the time they leveled off, they were soaring above the clouds with the duke's palace a speck in the distance.

  Devernon watched the rounded tops of clouds just below them. The dragon's blue wings shone with the brightness of the clouds. The slight breeze blowing on him seemed wrong. He knew they were going very fast; the wind should be blasting him out of his saddle.

  "Magic?" he asked.

  Lura gave him a squeeze. "Yes, to help you on your way. We should be in Elrad before dinner.”

  True to her words, it wasn't long before he saw the towers of Elrad through a break in the clouds. Pulling on the reins, he coaxed the dragon down towards the city below. Elrad was everything he had dreamed it was. The sprawling city of white marble was laid out in a wheel, the side streets looking like spider webs. In the center was the castle with its tall towers crowned with gold. As they got closer, he could see tiny guards patrolling the walls. Beside the courtyard to one side of the main palace there was a large flat terrace. He had no more than thought about landing there when the dragon dove for that very spot.

  They landed smoothly. The second his mount had all four feet on the ground, the glow on his wings faded. Devernon helped Lura down then, climbing down himself, faced a pair of startled guards.

  "I bring a message for the King from Lord Tayan," he announced, holding the scroll up for them to see. The guards didn't question him, just led him into the palace and straight to the king. Lura stayed tight to his side as he was presented to King Alderlan, who shone with all the magnificent royalty he had expected to see. Once the king took the message, he ordered him out of the throne room to wait in the hall. Devernon stood by the doors, holding Lura's hand, until he was called back in.

  As with the duke, the king seemed very upset. His gray-fringed eyebrows knitted with sorrow as he held out another scroll. "Take this to Duke Quinlan with all speed."

  "Yes, Your Highness," he said with a bow then strode out to the dragon.

  The flight back seemed even shorter. In no time he was walking in the halls of the duke's palace with Lura. To his surprise, they met the duke in the hall.

  He didn't ask how they had gotten to Elrad and back so quickly. Looking down at the scroll Devernon held, he asked, "From the king?"

  "Yes, Your Highness," he said, giving it to him.

  The Duke quickly broke the seal. Reading it over, he gave a sigh. "Make your quarters in Galanthal's rooms and await my orders."

  Devernon watched as he moved off down the hall, his shoulders hunched over as if he were carrying a great weight.

  Lura's hand on his shoulder got his attention.

  "Come on, dear, you should rest for a while."

  Wrapping an arm around her slim waist, he walked back with her to Galanthal's quarters. Sitting down in the same chair as when he first arrived, he gathered Lura onto his lap. She began softly rubbing his shoulders and neck as she kissed him. The soothing sensations made him feel drowsy...

  Galanthal watched as Lura took her hand away from the elf's forehead and sat down to study the scrolls.

  "He believes he went to Elrad?"

  She nodded absently. "He will be bedding me again soon. We'll keep him in his dream world until I figure out what to do about Tayan."

  Galanthal wasn't as calm about the matter as the wizard was.

  "If we cannot touch him or make others do anything to him then we are as powerless as if we were in the dungeon!"

  Lura snapped her head up to look at him. A grin creased her face as she said, "Dungeon...yes, that will do very nicely."

  Looking at her cautiously, he asked, "For whom?"

  Taking the quill from the inkpot, Lura spread out a blank scroll.

  "I am going to fix our problem with Lord Tayan. We have work to do."

  A short time later, she shook Devernon's shoulder, calling softly, "Honey, wake up."

  Opening his eyes, he smiled and pulled her close, giving her a warm kiss. She returned the kiss just as passionately then showed him the scroll.

  "Sweetheart, the duke wants you to take this to Commander Eldarin. He instructed me that it is to be delivered in private."

  It took him a few seconds for what she said to sink in. "The commander? What about a reply to Lord Tayan?"

  Lura put on her best serious face. "There are things happening that you should not know about yet. I'm sure your commander will explain, but I cannot."

  Devernon swallowed nervously. "It’s about Lord Tayan, isn't it?"

  She nodded slightly. Giving his hand a gentle squeeze, she said, "Please don't ask me more, I’m sworn to silence."

  Devernon rose to his feet, feeling like he was involved with something that was way over his head. Looking at his lovely Lura, he had the feeling he would never see her again if he left her here.

  "Will you come with me?" he said, so low he barely heard it himself.

  She gathered him into a hug, which caused him to wrap his arms tightly around her.

  "No. My place is here. I would ask you to stay, but I know you have a job to do."

  "This isn't fair, I love you!" he breathed into her ear.

  Looking up at him with tears in her eyes, she withdrew a chain with a tiny sparkling crystal on the end. "I know. Please take this with you, my love."

  Devernon let her put it around his neck as he gently wiped the tear from her cheek. "I do not need that to remind me of you."

  Holding his face in her hands, she told him, "I am a wizard, remember? If you need me, press the crystal to your chest and think of me. It will only work one time, so use it wisely.” Looking softly into his eyes, she said, "Things will become dangerous soon. I want you to come back to me."

  Feelings of love welled up in him for his gray-haired beauty. He wanted nothing more than to hold her forever. As she had said, however, he had a job to do. They would have a long time to enjoy each other once this was over. Kissing her hand, he pulled away with a "Farewell, my love," then strode out to do his duty.

  Lura was very pleased with herself as she watched the messenger's dragon take wing eastward. The dolt had believed the whole thing. She had just sealed the elves' fate. Alderlan had already turned his back on the human kingdom, and this was going to ensure no help was forthcoming from Longforest. By the time her Master was ready to move into Elrad, foolish old Alderlan would find himself standing alone.

  Turning away from the window, she rested her eyes on the hoarc imitating an elf.

  "Galanthal, when they bring Tayan Montara, make sure he is given imprisonment in comfort. Since he is part of the royal family, this must be kept as quiet as possible."

  Galanthal grinned evilly back. "As you wish."

  Chapter 4

  The dark sky drizzled rain as Zodiac led the line of refugees into town. Hair soaked and eyes vacant, the elves showed only a shadow of life as they walked down the muddy street. Tayan noted too many faces missing from the ranks of the Company. He had thought Zodiac had around four hundred troops left; a quick scan told him there was only half that many accompanying the refugees.

  Zodiac himself no longer had his noble bearing as he trudged towards Tayan.

  “How many did you save?” he asked.

  Tayan noted the elven women going by. Clothes tattered, they stared ahead with hollow eyes. Every one had a crude weapon gripped tightly in her hand. Most only had sticks or animal bones, a few had spears.

  “You rescued some hostages?”

  Zodiac snorted. “They rescued themselves. We found them on the way here. Not one has spoken; they’re all in shock.”

  Tayan nodded, another small victory. Knowing what evil was doing, he wasn‘t surprised at their state. He knew whatever children these women had were dead by now. “What about the hoarcs?”

  “Nothing, thankfully.” Zodiac sighed. “If they’d jumped us, we’d lose most of the people we were trying to save.”

  Tayan motioned toward the river. “We killed some hoarcs near town. They’re close but haven’t attacked yet.”

  “Yet.” Zodiac echoed. “Before they do, we have to get these people out of here. We didn‘t win back in Longforest--they let us go. Since then, they‘ve made elves attack us.”

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