Wolfheart, p.34
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WolfHeart, page 34


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  “Can’t you remember a name?” Sally asked.

  Screwing her face up in thought, Ellie shook her head. “I can’t.”

  Although she hated the sound of it, Sally voiced the only name she knew of a woman who could hurt then heal so quickly. “Odif?”

  Ellie looked at her and nodded. “Might be...yes, he did call her Odif.”

  Sally felt her pulse quicken. “Do you remember the name Eric?” she asked anxiously.


  Arthur gave a heavy sigh. “Let’s take a look.”

  “I looked, but I didn’t see them in there,” Ellie explained.

  Taking the bag from her, he laid it down and had Sally hold the bottom. He reached in then pulled his arm back out. “Eric’s not in there.”

  Sally looked up at Ellie. “You said he was escaping. Was he being kept a prisoner?”

  Ellie nodded. “Yes, Duke Toma had to keep him locked up but couldn’t do anything to hurt him.”

  “Was he ordered to do that...or he really couldn’t hurt him?” Arthur asked.

  “Duke Toma ordered that no one was to hurt him, no matter what,” Ellie explained.

  Sally hung her head in thought then told Arthur, “Try Tayan.”

  As Arthur reached in, Ellie cried, “Yes! His name is Tayan!”

  “Got him,” Arthur said and reached in with the other hand. He pulled Tayan out by the arms. As soon as he was free of the bag, Tayan shot to his feet and frantically looked around, poised to fight.

  “Whoa!” Arthur said, hands up. “You’re in Tolina.”

  Tayan looked at him for a second as if to bring him into focus then shook his head.

  “That was weird,” he mumbled.

  Ellie smiled broadly at him. “I did as you said, Master, I went from Spring Valley to here, all by myself!”

  He looked at her and gave her a half-grin. “Good job, but don’t call me Master.”

  Pointing to the bag, Arthur asked, “Odif’s not in there, is she?”

  Tayan shook his head. “No, Sister Amber. I thought she was Odif at first because...” He decided not to finish that explanation. “She will need some clothes, or a robe.”

  Sally gaped at him. “You have another sister?”

  “She’s a priestess,” he explained then cocked his head slightly. “What do you mean ‘another sister?’”

  “Odif was here, and Jeni has a baby. Her name is Erica,” Sally explained.

  Hearing Odif mentioned so much, Arthur decided to leave. “I’ll get the robe.”

  Tayan nodded in thought as Arthur left. “Why did Odif come here?”

  She clenched a fist as she thought about that harlot. “She came looking for Eric. Before she left, she turned the whole house upside-down.”

  By the look on her face, Tayan didn’t need to be told the specifics. Why Odif came looking for his father, he didn’t know. He just hoped she wasn’t going to try to force them together. He had seen all of Eric he ever cared to.

  “Odif can be tough to live with. She’ll do something totally selfless then follow it with something to really ruffle your feathers,” he grinned. “Try to explain it to her, and she just doesn’t get it. You don’t know whether to hug her or choke her.”

  “That’s an understatement,” Sally snorted. “She did tell us you would be coming. Mother and Jeni have gotten the nobles to raise an army for you. Lord Parnal is out on the grounds today with the horsemen. Elder Lord Tolham is training the infantry at his estate.”

  Odif was infuriating, but her heart was in the right place; he couldn’t be too angry with her. “Did she say when Zodiac wants us to move?”

  “No, only that you must be at the city on the plains, even if all you have is a bent stick to defend yourself with.”

  “I think I’ll have more than a bent stick.” As he said it, he realized that, just like on the road to Paladnia, he was once again without anything but the clothes on his back. The white shirt and black pants were fine for now, but he had to get some supplies. Looking down at himself, he saw the formal black shoes. He didn’t even have proper boots. At least here he could send for money at Old Castle; he had accumulated a sizable account in the vaults there.

  Noticing Ellie watching him, he thought briefly about asking her to find a messenger service. She looked thinner, and a bit ragged, as if she had been sleeping outside. He didn’t really want to send her. Anyway, there was one thing he had to explain to her.

  “Sally, would you be kind enough to find me a messenger?”

  “I can do it...Tayan,” Ellie piped up and started for the door.

  “Ellie, I want you here.”

  “Yes, Tayan,” she replied obediently.

  “May I suggest you get some rest?” Sally said. “Once people know you’re here, you’ll have a small army near you day and night.”

  Tayan knew what that was like. His short time with the company as Tayan the Warrior was over, and it was back to being Lord Tayan. He began to realize how much he was going to miss being with his friends. Strangely, even fighting their way up through Longforest seemed like a vacation.

  “You’re right. Give us the rest of the day before you tell anyone we’re here?”

  “I’ll send word around that you will receive visitors tomorrow morning. To avoid people today, stay on the second floor in the west wing.” Glancing at Ellie, she said, “I’ll have three rooms readied for you.”

  The door opened and Arthur came in with a white bathrobe. “Will this do?” he asked, holding it out.

  Tayan took it and passed it to Ellie. “When I pull her out, put it around her.”

  “Yes, Tayan,” she said and squatted down, holding the robe open.

  Thinking of Amber, he got a mental picture of her standing in the dim room, wearing only the brief shorts. Once again, the sight of her pillowy breasts dominated his mind. He stopped himself from reaching into the bag, afraid of what he might be grabbing, and concentrated on her hands. As soon as he reached in, he felt her fingers. He glanced at Ellie to be sure she was ready then pulled Amber out.

  Ellie tried to wrap the robe around her. As with Tayan, for her the dark storeroom was only seconds ago, not weeks. With a squeak of fear, she twisted around in Tayan’s hands and kicked at the robe as she broke free. She shot to her feet poised to fight, only to see Tayan and another man with their backs to her. The green girl had dropped the robe and backed off, gazing at her nervously.

  The elf woman picked up the robe and handed it to her. “You are in Tolina. That is my husband, Arthur. I am Saurenthansia--you may call me Sally.”

  Quickly donning the robe, Amber looked at the room. She was greatly relieved there were only a few people here and not the whole Company standing around. Mother Frieda would have her hide, and the ribbing she would get from the others would be endless! She was grateful to be away from that horrid place and in one piece.

  Tayan had made it to one of his primary destinations. Before she went to see the duke with him, she had business of her own to attend to.

  “Is there a church nearby?” she asked Sally.

  “Five blocks down then two right,” Sally told her. “It is a church of Odin, will that do?”

  “I would prefer Leighna’s church...” Feeling an itch, she reached up and picked a lumpy bit of makeup off her cheek. Looking at it, she added, “Once I get this stuff off me.”

  Sally looked like she wanted to ask why a priestess was wearing heavy makeup and no clothes. Instead she only said, “We should be able to find something to fit you. I’ll have Lenath show you to your rooms so you can clean up.” Going over to a thick cloth rope hanging by the wall she pulled on it.

  Lenath guided the three out. As Arthur went to leave, Sally stopped him. She shut the doors and turned the lock.

  “I thought you were having company?” he asked.

  Leaning her back against the door, she gave him a soft smile. “I just want a quiet date with my husband, to make up with him.”

  He touched her cheek then gathered her into a hug. Their lips stayed locked in passion as he slowly led her over to the couch and laid her down. When he broke the kiss, he stroked her forehead lightly with his fingertips.

  “Relax, my love,” he whispered. “I want to do this right.”

  She didn’t know what he wanted to do and didn’t much care. She was with her husband, and that was all that mattered. He caressed her softly on her cheeks then traced the lines of her nose and lips. She held onto his shoulders as he rolled her dress off her shoulders then continued down her neck. By the time he started exploring her chest, she was in heaven. With his methodical kissing and caressing, she hoped he would linger in the right places.

  He did, and lingered a wonderfully long time.


  The church of Odin was one of the few wooden buildings in the elven district. Although it wasn’t a grand structure, the sanctuary was adorned with stained maple and polished to a soft glow. Amber walked between the pews, looking for whoever might be here. The cream-colored blouse and long brown skirt she had gotten from Penny were a bit too snug. She had a thin shawl around her neck, draped to hide the fact her breasts were pushing against her blouse hard enough to threaten popping the clasps. She had foregone shoes, opting for plain sandals. At least her feet spoke of humility.

  Passing through the small door at the base of the pulpit, she found a Brother washing the floor. He didn’t know where a church of Leighna was, but directed her to the Father’s office. On her way, she saw a Sister coming down the hall towards her.

  The elf woman looked at her benevolently and smiled. “May I help you?”

  “I was looking for a church of Leighna, I need to speak to your Mother.”

  “Perhaps I can help you?”

  Amber shook her head. “The matter is...complicated, I really need to talk to a Mother.”

  The Sister pointed back the way she had come. “Mother Catherine is not in. She will be back shortly if you wish to wait. May I ask what this is about?”

  Amber’s first impulse was to say it was persona--what she had done was very embarrassing to admit to anyone. She was talking to a Sister, though; pride could have no place here. Her cheeks reddened as she said, “I wish to pay penance for my deeds. There is also a grave matter I need to discuss with the Mother.”

  Giving her an understanding nod, the Sister asked, “Who should I tell Mother Catherine is calling?”

  Amber braced herself. “Sister Amber Tanner of Capetown.”

  The Sister’s jaw dropped. “You are a Sister?”

  Amber’s lip twitched. “That remains to be seen. As I said, it is very complicated.”

  Forgetting her formality, the woman gasped, “What happened to you?”

  Amber took a deep breath. “I have just come from Spring Valley. To make a long story short, I was de-frocked by Father Wright. I had to dance...with hardly any clothes on...to free Lord Tayan of Elrad from Duke Toma’s castle. To get in, I had to consort with ladies of...pleasure.” She stopped, not wanting the gaping woman to faint in front of her. “As I said, it is very complicated.”

  The woman just stared at her.

  “You understand why I have to see Mother Catherine?”

  “Lord Tayan is here?” the Sister asked in a faint voice.

  Amber nodded. “He arrived with me,” She cracked a partial grin. “I have disgraced myself, but I did get him here.”

  “Come with me,” the Sister said and grabbed her hand. Leading her in a fast walk down the corridor, she deposited Amber in a small library then vanished.

  Amber took a seat at the only table as she waited. Fidgeting, she looked at the image of her Goddess. Would she be able to be reinstated? With any luck at all, she might suffer through a year of penance and be barred from ever becoming a Mother. She knew women who had lived their whole lives as Sisters--such a restriction would not be too hard to cope with. At least she would still be part of the church.

  She also knew that such light punishment was wishful thinking. She might just end up in a secluded convent as an altar girl.

  Excited voices came up the hall. Amber couldn’t hear well, but she did catch the Mother’s name several times. The door opened as a raspy voice barked for the others to be quiet. An elderly elf woman slipped in, shutting the door on the group of Sisters outside.

  Mother Catherine turned, not looking at Amber as she shuffled over to sit on the other side of the table. The sleeves of her dark-brown robe were frayed at the seams and cuff edges. Her face was deeply lined; even her ears had creases near the tops, making the sharp ends tip out slightly. Bone thin, she looked to be a shadow of a woman. She gazed at Amber with cloudy eyes. Her voice was a dry rasp, sounding like crinkling parchment.

  “I understand you are a Sister. Where are your robes?” she asked.

  Amber swallowed. She knew she had to confess, but sitting in front of a Mother brought home the fact she was going to be judged. This was not an irate priest who worked for an evil duke, this was a real Mother. “I no longer have my robes, Mother.”

  “And why not?”

  Amber clasped her talisman tighter. “They were taken by Father Wright, in Spring Valley. He defrocked me for consorting with druids and accusing Duke Toma of being evil.”

  “Are these things true?”

  “No! I mean, yes, Mother, but Duke Toma was holding Lord Tayan, I found out, and--” She stopped as Mother Catherine held up a frail hand.

  “Who is your Mother, child?”

  “Mother Frieda--we are with Zodiac’s Company.”

  The corner of Catherine’s mouth curled up in a grin. “Frieda, I remember her. Did you discuss your course of action with Mother Frieda?”

  Amber shook her head. “I was alone. All I had were Leighna’s words to guide me. I refused to believe that our Goddess would forsake me.” Tears clouded her vision. She wiped them away and continued. “I had to free Tayan; but to get to him, I had to disgrace myself and dance...with no clothes...in front of men.”

  Clasping her hands together in front of her, Mother Catherine raised an eyebrow. “Sister, perhaps you should start at the beginning. Why were you traveling?”

  “Lord Zodiac has found the source of evil, on the plains. Tayan was sent to gather arms to help destroy it. I was sent to help Tayan and watch over him. Mother, you have to believe I had to dance like that, there was no other way to get into that castle!”

  Mother Catherine tapped the table with her finger. “Tell me details. Start from when you first arrived at Spring Valley and leave nothing out--what you did, or why.”

  Haltingly, Amber told her everything. She tried to hurry through the more embarrassing parts, but Mother Catherine would stop her and make her fill in every sordid bit of information. In Spring Valley, she had convinced herself there was no other way. Now, as she explained it, she realized how much like a common harlot she had acted. By the time she was done, Amber was ready to crawl under her chair.

  Mother Catherine took a few moments to sit and digest what she had heard. Amber was on pins and needles, waiting for her to say something. Despite how rough it had been to confess her sins, waiting for judgment was even worse.

  “Mother, I am ashamed,” she offered. “I freely accept penance and punishment.”

  Taking in a deep breath and blowing out a sigh, Mother Catherine said, “No amount of penance is appropriate for your deeds.”

  Amber felt her heart drop out of her chest. “I am cast out,” she breathed.

  Tears welled up in her eyes. Why had Leighna turned her back on her?

  Mother Catherine frowned at her. “That is not what I said!” As Amber looked up at her with teary eyes, she asked, “Why did you go into that castle?”

  “To free Tayan.”


  “Because he has a holy mission to fulfill.”

  “Is that the only reason? You could have continued on without him.”

  “I couldn’t leave him there.”

  “Why not?”

  Amber leaned forward, raising her voice. “I told you, Duke Toma is evil. I could not let Tayan stay there as a prisoner.”

  “Why not?”

  Amber’s brow furrowed in anger. “Because I love him!”

  Right after she said it, her mouth hung open. She had felt it many times, but this was the first time she had ever voiced her feelings.

  Mother Catherine nodded in satisfaction. “There is your true test, Sister. You are standing at the junction; soon you must choose your path. The decision will not be easy, and once you start down the road, Leighna will expect you to complete your journey. No one can help you decide--that is between you and Leighna.”

  Amber didn’t understand. “I thought every Sister’s goal was to become a Mother. Leighna’s bible says that once Sisterhood is granted, Motherhood is the only path for the faithful.”

  “Every woman who follows Leighna must at some point choose a path--Motherhood to Leighna’s children or motherhood to her own. If you have your own children, care for them and raise them to know Leighna’s light; that is just as important as if you gathered and ministered to a flock,” Mother Catherine explained. Pushing herself to her feet, she waggled a finger at Amber. “Now, before we discuss anything else, go see Sister Leytanitha for some proper robes. I will not have a Sister dressed in commoner’s clothes in this church!”

  She couldn’t believe that was it. There had to be some punishment for what she had done. “What about...my actions?”

  Frowning, the lines in the Mother’s face became bottomless. “If you think for one second that you might be relieved of your holy duties as a Sister, think again. Leighna will not let you off that easily!”

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