Wolfheart, p.32
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WolfHeart, page 32


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  Now and then Sam felt her anger start to rise as Scorpio would dance out of her way, Gloredaniel would scold her for not making a larger flash of light or Odif would press her mind so hard she wanted to scream. Each time she shoved it back down, for no matter how roughly they treated her all she felt from them was the desire for her to be able to defend herself. Each night, Odif would give her a pat on the back or a gentle squeeze on her shoulder and tell her how well she did that day. Many times, that little bit of affection kept her from crying herself to sleep.

  As the days went by, Scorpio enlisted the help of Theo, Hutch and Shilo in their morning practice. Her teammate, Shilo, would make a show of falling down and yelling if she didn’t stay close enough to cover his back. Worse yet, he would smack her on the bottom every time she lost track of him. Mother Frieda’s lessons became more thought-provoking. Instead of just telling her how Leighna expected her to act, she gave Sam a scenario and asked how she would handle it. Gloredaniel took to shooting bits of magic at her, forcing her to think of and cast a proper defense before she was stung. Odif’s lessons didn’t hurt but did push her to reach out farther and focus more with her mind than she ever thought she could.

  One day things changed. Sam went through her sword practice with Scorpio, this time with the emphasis on using her feet as an additional weapon. She fell a few times but got the idea. As they marched, JoJo took over to show her a few of his favorite spells then she sat with Theo and Hutch during the break to just talk about the islands they came from. The afternoon walk was fairly quiet, neither Odif nor Mother Frieda talked much. She was glad for the rest, to just walk along and not have to think.

  By the time they made camp, though, she was starting to think they were giving up on her. Many days she would just listen to Mother Frieda, too tired to show much enthusiasm. She went over to help Frieda as she placed the rocks for the evening’s fire.

  Bringing a rock to her, Sam squatted down. “Leighna says that forgiveness helps to cleanse the soul, correct?” she asked.

  Mother Frieda turned a blank look to her. “That‘s right,” she said as she took the rock. “No lessons tonight, get some rest.”

  “But I do listen, even though I might not look like it.”

  Mother Frieda gave her brief grin. “I know, child. Why don’t you go see if Odif has anything for you to do.”

  She didn’t know what had Mother Frieda so preoccupied but decided against trying to see into her mind to find out. You didn’t do that to friends. “Anything I can help with?”

  Mother Frieda gave a sigh. “Just collect some firewood.”

  “Yes, Mother,” she said, knowing the woman liked to be called that. Her words got her another attempt at a grin, which satisfied her.

  She found Odif just standing still and watching the horizon. Walking up beside her, she notice something in the brush a short distance in front of them. “I think I can tell you where that snake is,” she offered, hoping to get Odif’s attention.

  Odif gave her a grin almost exactly as Frieda had done. “Get some rest, Sam. I think you’ve earned it.”

  She noted Odif was more than preoccupied, she felt...tense, like something was about to happen. “What’s wrong?”

  Shrugging one shoulder, Odif stated, “Probably nothing. I‘ll let you know if there is.”

  The way she stood, as if watching for something, and the firm grip she had on her staff made Sam nervous. She reached out and tried to sense something in the direction Odif was facing. As she did, she got a vague sense of being watched. There was nothing she could identify as being wrong, and no creatures that looked the least bit threatening.

  “What can I do?”

  Still watching the horizon, Odif asked, “Remember the day we found you?”

  “I’ll never forget it.”

  “Good. If one of us tells you to do something, do it quickly and do not get caught out by yourself.”

  She looked up at Odif’s face, which was set in thought. This time she didn’t suppress the urge and hugged her tightly. Odif’s arm went around her shoulders and hugged her back. Never had she felt better than she did at this moment. She could die right now and be happy for all eternity.

  “Thank you for being my friend.”

  Odif’s grip tightened slightly then she let her go. “You’re welcome. In case this is something, you need your rest.”

  “Right after dinner,” she promised then went to collect firewood for Mother Frieda.

  Night fell with Odif and Mother Frieda still wary. The others seemed oblivious to this. Scorpio offered to take a stroll with Odif, who refused. By the way the others grinned and suggested there was something wrong with Odif, she got the idea that “a stroll” had nothing to do with walking, and that Odif never refused. Sam got into her bed, noting the area was carpeted with green power and Frieda was aglow in her white. Although she thought she was too anxious to get any sleep, the next thing she experienced was waking up.

  Something was now very close. It was no longer a feeling of being watched--she felt darkness, like a giant black cloud rushing at her. Fear gripped her heart; she knew the source of the darkness. She hadn’t thought this was possible!

  She popped her eyes open to see forms moving in the dark. Mother Frieda and Porthalen were waking everyone up. As Sam got up, she cried, “My mother’s coming!” which got everyone moving a bit faster.

  Mother Frieda barked out orders in a firm but quiet voice. “Sam, take my hand. Theo, take Shilo’s...Hutch! Grab Porthalen’s hand, it won’t kill you to be separated from Theo! Now, Gloredaniel, grab Sam’s hand and close the circle. JoJo, you and Entaurus keep Odif down, no matter what happens.”

  As they closed to form the circle, Sam noticed Odif was still sleeping. By the way JoJo was kneeling over her, he was keeping her asleep by magical means.

  The blackness was now right behind her. She felt her mother’s presence race at her as she grabbed Frieda’s hand. Heart thumped wildly, she trusted that Mother Frieda was somehow going to protect her.

  Mother Frieda started her chanting prayer. White power enveloped the circle, flooding Sam with a feeling of peace and joy as the blackness dashed harmlessly against the white barrier.

  From behind her, a chilling wail accompanied the wash of evil. “What is this?” Aliana raged. “Who dares keep my daughter from me?”

  Sam held on to the peace as Aliana took on physical form and moved directly behind Frieda. “So, you fat sow, do you think you can keep my own child away from me?” Her voice lowered to a growl. “Release her, or I will eat your soul then feed your carcass to the rats.”

  Ignoring her, Mother Frieda kept up her chant of “Leighna, our light and life, protect us from evil” over and over again.

  Sam felt cold against the back of her neck as Aliana moved to stand behind her.

  “Do you think these bags of blood and bones will keep you from me?” she snarled. “They will weaken. You know I am stronger than they are. I give you one chance to save them. Let go of the sow’s hand and come with me. You do this, and I will spare them.”

  The peace started to waver. Mother Frieda gripped her hand tightly and kept up her chant in a firm voice. Odif was stirring.

  “Refuse, and you will watch each one be picked apart before I roast them,” Aliana continued in a growl. “You know I will do it!”

  Sam did know. She felt her mother’s will press against the white barrier with increasing force. She desperately held on to Frieda’s hand as the peace slowly eroded.

  Her mother‘s voice became calmer. “Why do you fight me? What possesses you to resist when you know I will win?”

  Sam felt her mother’s will start to creep into her mind. Odif had taught her that a single image, if thought about hard enough, would stop such intrusions. She focused on the first thing she thought of, the memory she would cherish forever. She concentrated on the first time she hugged Odif in friendship.

  Aliana’s piercing screech went all the way to her bones. “That...druid...bitch!” she screamed in three separate breaths.

  In front of her, JoJo collapsed. At first, she thought her mother had somehow breeched the circle, but then a kick from Odif sent Entaurus flying back to land against Shilo, who fell and broke the circle. Odif shot to her feet, teeth bared in rage. A low growl came from deep within her chest.

  The beast was loose.

  Waves of power came at Sam from front and back as Odif charged. Frieda jerked her out of the path as Odif and Aliana met, each wailing out their hatred in a terrifying scream. She stumbled back to fall on her behind as the circle broke apart.

  For all the training Odif had given her, for all the power and craftiness she knew her mother possessed, neither combatant showed any refined skill. Using power in its raw form they tore at each other like a pair of mad wildcats.

  The battle on their feet was very brief. In a flurry of motion, Odif thrust her staff into Aliana’s chest as Aliana clawed at her in a sweeping motion, tearing the skin off her forehead and breaking the staff in two. Odif smashed one of the horns off the demon’s forehead as Aliana stabbed a hand into her stomach. She jerked back with a scream; and Odif swung hard again, this time removing her lower jaw with a loud crack as the remaining part of the staff shattered. Aliana dove on Odif; and they rolled on the ground, pieces of flesh and cloth flying away as they fought furiously with nothing but their hands, teeth and raw energy.

  Aliana got over Odif and clamped a hand around her throat to choke the life out of her. Lightning flashed down from the sky to vaporize her arm and Odif threw her off then quickly lunged onto her as she pulled a dark dagger from nowhere. Aliana kicked her leg, which broke with a sickening crack. Odif didn’t noticed. She had put all her energy into driving the dagger into Aliana.

  Locked in a temporary stalemate, Odif used every ounce of power in her mind and body to stab Aliana with the dagger. Under her, Aliana used her one arm and her power to try to keep from being stabbed. Sam knew this wasn’t going to last long--Odif was leaking blood in a steady flow from her side, her leg where the bone was now showing and from the flap of skin that was hanging over one eye.

  Doing the only thing she had presence of mind to, Sam focused on her mother and lashed out with her will--not to destroy, but to distract.

  “Look at me!” she cried with her mind and voice.

  Aliana snapped her head around to glare at her. As she did, Odif forced her arm down, driving the dagger towards her stomach. Aliana’s eyes went wide, and she did the only thing she could to save herself.

  She vanished.

  Odif slammed the dagger into the ground in triumph. A second later, she realized that her foe was no longer under her. Kneeling on her good knee, she looked around wildly, flinging blood as she cried out, “Where are you! I’m not done with you!”

  Dropping down to all fours, she began pounding the ground, wailing out one word every time her first hit. “I...had...her...I...had...her...I...had...her!” She then fell prone and began crying.

  Stunned by the vicious fight, the group approached her slowly. Sam grabbed Mother Frieda by the arm and dragged her over to Odif, who was sobbing from her failure. She had to prod others with her mind to get them moving and help Odif before she bled to death.

  As Mother Frieda prayed for healing, Scorpio wrapped his arms around Odif's chest and steadied her as Theo pulled on her leg so Hutch could set the break. Sam got her forehead skin back in place and wrapped her head with a bandage. When she tried to cover the gaping wound in the druid’s side, Odif stopped her.

  Picking up the burnt-looking dagger, Odif tipped it so the point was in the wound then shoved it into her body so it went up under her ribs. She pushed until it was completely embedded in her flesh.

  Aghast at her action, Sam cried, “Why did you do that!”

  “That was the stick, wasn’t it?” Scorpio said accusingly.

  Mother Frieda eyed the wound then looked at Odif. “What is that thing?”

  Breathing heavily, her face covered in rivulets of sweat, blood and tears, Odif explained. “It’s a soul barb. If I can get it into her, her soul is attached to mine. She will go where I take her, and there isn’t a damn thing she can do about it. I’m going to drag that demon bitch back to the abyss.”

  “Dear Leighna,” Mother Frieda whispered.

  “You’ll end up there, too!” Scorpio cried.

  Odif winced and shifted in his arms. “So what? She’ll be gone for good.”

  Sam had known Odif was willing to die to remove Aliana from the world. But she was not only willing to die, but to damn herself to keep her world safe.

  “I can’t let you do that.”

  Odif eyed her. “Just try and stop me.”


  Aliana appeared at the base of her altar--or, rather, three feet above the floor in front of it. Having to escape quickly, she hadn’t pinpointed her destination, other than to be beside Lucifer’s power. The fall didn’t do her shattered body any further damage, but it did bruise her ego just a bit more. Flailing to her feet, she lashed out at the air with her one arm and made guttural noises that were suppose to be curses and things she would do to Odif once she got her hands on her again.

  In her screaming and stomping fit, fear mixed into her rage. That whore had laid a trap for her with her own daughter! How in the abyss did she know where and when to set her trap? She didn’t know what that dagger was, but it looked to be part of the druid herself. When she drove her hand into Odif to gut the bitch, she brushed against that damn dagger. It wasn’t pain she felt--more like the dagger had started to draw her essence towards it. If it had been the tip instead of the handle she brushed, she was sure it would have fused itself into her somehow. Spying her own ceremonial dagger, she grabbed it and threw it with a hollow cry meant to be a wail.

  “What a temper,” someone sighed.

  She spun to tear apart the owner of the voice. Beside the altar stood a tall man with tightly cropped black hair and a goatee. He leaned on his gem-encrusted gold scepter as he eyed her. Upon seeing him, she fell to her knees and tried to beg for power without a lower jaw.

  Lucifer glared down at her. “Use your mind, or what is left of it!”

  Aliana held up her hand to him as she spoke with her mind. “The druid whore taunts me! She has taken my child, the child I was to give to you! Help me crush her, I beg of you!”

  Lucifer inspected his long fingernails thoughtfully. “I have no direct power in this world. You were supposed to change that.” Shifting his eyes to her, he sent her a mental picture. Before his throne, Odif stood as if to do battle. Aliana lay crumpled by Odif’s side. Odif’s fingers were long and thin, reaching into Aliana’s skull.

  “If she brings you back to the abyss on a leash, who do you think will gain my favor?”

  “I will kill that whore!” she announced, resolving that she would not make another mistake in dealing with that witch.

  Lucifer tipped his head, amused by her rage. “She has bested you twice. I think another meeting will send you back to face me. Do you want to be the one to feed my guardians?”

  She had seen what happened to souls who failed. Lucifer’s personal guardians had eaten the soul of the demon she had replaced. Then, she had enjoyed the sight as the sharp teeth tore the demon into bits of agony. Each bit lived inside the guardians, withering in the pain of being digested forever. The pieces of souls inside the guardians wailed in a chorus of agony that Lucifer himself loved to hear. If she failed then her soul would be adding to this music.

  “Where is your cunning?” Lucifer asked. “Once, you were the most devious creature I ever saw. That is why I picked you to take this world.” He snorted at her. “A guardian can fight better that you!”

  He was right. She didn’t get to be one of his favorites by trying to muscle other demons about. She got here through her talents. Seduction, trickery and backstabbing were the things she was expert in. To face the druid alone was a farce, she should have known better. It ate away at her that her daughter was now bonded to that vile bitch, but if she wanted to get her daughter back she would have to use her skills.

  So far, Odif was the one to take the initiative and set traps for her. She had to set her own trap and not get drawn into attacking the druid directly. She had to lure them where she wanted them then wear them down until they were helpless.

  “That’s my prize concubine,” Lucifer said with an evil grin. He touched the hole where her missing horn was and another appeared. “You are so close to pleasing me--don’t let the powers of hatred and chaos work against you now.” His grin faded into a stern look that penetrated her soul. “I will have this world. If you want to be the one to take it for me then do two things: kill your food slave, and forget the druid! Now go put yourself back together and finish what you started.”

  He vanished, leaving Aliana alone in the dark temple.

  She pondered his words. Kill her food slave? If she truly destroyed him then she could no longer have the endless energy he provided her. Without him, she could not get spears to Hans so quickly or use her power whenever she liked. Destroying him was as impossible as letting Odif go.

  She stayed in her temple as she used magic to reform her lost body parts. Once she was done, she went to her chambers and drained one of her personal slaves to get some energy back. Feeling a little more like herself, she sat and thought about how best to get rid of that cursed druid.

  Chapter 15

  In the weeks after Odif’s departure, Jeni dove into the task of raising an army for Tayan. Arthur and Belenaris took over most of her business affairs while she cared for Erica and went to meeting after meeting with her grandmother to get the whole district involved.

  At the more formal dinner meetings, her mother and father would go together. Other than that, the only time they were within sight of each other was when they had to be. Her mother was always busy with something, and her father was watching after the quarries and keeping an eye on Belenaris and Redman Coachline. After many flowers and apologies on bent knee, Sally said she forgave Arthur, but not once had Jeni seen them hug or even hold hands. When they went to the Duke to help raise support, she cornered her mother in the coach and explained what had happened with Odif, how she was really trying to help. Her mother only gave her a sad smile and said she understood then changed the subject.

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