Connie Carl at Rainbow Ranch

Connie Carl at Rainbow Ranch

Joan Clark

Literature & Fiction / Children's Books / Short Stories

Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there are images such as portraits, maps, sketches etc We have endeavoured to keep the quality of these images, so they represent accurately the original artefact. Although occasionally there may be certain imperfections with these old texts, we feel they deserve to be made available for future generations to enjoy. --This text refers to the Paperback edition. --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
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A Viking of the Sky: A Story of a Boy Who Gained Success in Aeronautics

A Viking of the Sky: A Story of a Boy Who Gained Success in Aeronautics

Joan Clark

Literature & Fiction / Children's Books / Short Stories

Leopold Classic Library is delighted to publish this classic book as part of our extensive collection. As part of our on-going commitment to delivering value to the reader, we have also provided you with a link to a website, where you may download a digital version of this work for free. Many of the books in our collection have been out of print for decades, and therefore have not been accessible to the general public. Whilst the books in this collection have not been hand curated, an aim of our publishing program is to facilitate rapid access to this vast reservoir of literature. As a result of this book being first published many decades ago, it may have occasional imperfections. These imperfections may include poor picture quality, blurred or missing text. While some of these imperfections may have appeared in the original work, others may have resulted from the scanning process that has been applied. However, our view is that this is a significant literary work, which deserves to be brought back into print after many decades. While some publishers have applied optical character recognition (OCR), this approach has its own drawbacks, which include formatting errors, misspelt words, or the presence of inappropriate characters. Our philosophy has been guided by a desire to provide the reader with an experience that is as close as possible to ownership of the original work. We hope that you will enjoy this wonderful classic book, and that the occasional imperfection that it might contain will not detract from the experience.
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Penny Nichols Finds a Clue

Penny Nichols Finds a Clue

Joan Clark

Literature & Fiction / Children's Books / Short Stories

Penny Nichols is the daughter of Christopher Nichols, a successful detective. Mr. Nichols often scoffs at Penny\'s ideas, but when Penny is proved to be right, Mr. Nichols has to admit that Penny has the makings of a good detective. Penny\'s best friend is Susan Altman, and Susan usually accompanies Penny in her adventures. Penny Nichols is deeply interested in her father\'s new case. Christopher Nichols is a successful private investigator who has been hired by an insurance company to catch a gang of car thieves. Yet so far, Mr. Nichols has had no luck in tracking down the thieves. Penny\'s curiosity only gets more intense after a tire is stolen from her car. Penny learns from the insurance adjustor that, incredibly, thirty other tires were stolen on the same day that her tire was stolen. Penny probes the adjuster with questions and decides to try to locate the thieves herself. Penny takes several great risks, including following the suspected thieves into a vacant building. In the end, Penny cracks the case for her father and earns his appreciation. --This text refers to the Paperback edition. --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
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Penny Nichols and the Mystery of the Lost Key

Penny Nichols and the Mystery of the Lost Key

Joan Clark

Literature & Fiction / Children's Books / Short Stories

Penny Nichols is the daughter of Christopher Nichols, a successful detective. Mr. Nichols often scoffs at Penny\'s ideas, but when Penny is proved to be right, Mr. Nichols has to admit that Penny has the makings of a good detective. Penny\'s best friend is Susan Altman, and Susan usually accompanies Penny in her adventures. Penny\'s generosity and unbounded friendliness earn her an instant friend in Rosanna Winters, a young lady in need of advice. Rosanna has inherited the property of her late uncle, Jacob Winters, and must inspect the estate at her earliest convenience. Penny suspects that Rosanna may be the victim of a hoax. Nevertheless, Penny agrees to accompany Rosanna to the Winters home. Upon their arrival, the girls discover two additional claimants to the estate, each of whom with a letter from Mr. Winters\' lawyer! Most troubling, Rosanna\'s letter has disappeared, leaving her no claim! Can Penny help Rosanna, and find out the truth?
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An Audience of Chairs

An Audience of Chairs

Joan Clark

Literature & Fiction / Children's Books / Short Stories

Joan Clark's An Audience of Chairs opens with Moranna MacKenzie living alone in her ancestral Cape Breton farmhouse, waging a war with the symptoms of bipolar disorder and grieving the loss of her two daughters, taken from her over thirty years previously. There are few people remaining in her life, as Moranna cannot help but tax the patience of nearly everyone she encounters. Her long-suffering brother Murdoch has her best interests at heart, though he is fatigued by her enormous needs and pressured by his ambitious wife to invest less time in her. Pastor Andy politely sloughs off the peculiarly intelligent yet unpalatable sermons Moranna pens for him. Her neighbour Lottie knows what it is to be an eccentric and can be counted on to come through in a pinch. The local RCMP constabulary smooths over her legal scrapes. And her lover Bun, who lives with her when not working on the ferries between Cape Breton and Newfoundland, knows how to give her a wide berth on her "foul...
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The Birthday Lunch

The Birthday Lunch

Joan Clark

Literature & Fiction / Children's Books / Short Stories

From the bestselling author of Latitudes of Melt and An Audience of Chairs: utterly engrossing, unsettling and beautifully written, The Birthday Lunch is the story of one pivotal week in the life of a family facing a tragic loss. Hal McNab made love to his wife for the last time the morning of the day she was killed. Joan Clark's riveting new novel opens as Lily McNab wakes up on her 58th birthday, June 30, 1981, in the quiet, picturesque town of Sussex, New Brunswick. Free-spirited Lily has always played the peacemaker between her fierce, doting sister, Laverne, and her loving, garrulous husband, Hal, as they competed for her attention, and the competition has only gotten worse since they all moved into the same big house. Today Laverne feels she's beaten Hal out for Lily's company at a birthday lunch, but it's a bittersweet and short-lived victory. When the sisters stop for celebratory ice cream cones at the town's famous...
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