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Wanna Be Your Man (Player Loves Curves Book 4), page 1


Wanna Be Your Man (Player Loves Curves Book 4)
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Wanna Be Your Man (Player Loves Curves Book 4)

  Wanna Be Your Man

  Hope Ford

  Wanna Be Your Man © 2020 by Hope Ford

  Editor: Kasi Alexander

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  1. Naomi

  2. Naomi

  3. Naomi

  4. Naomi

  5. Naomi

  6. Neil

  7. Neil

  8. Naomi

  9. Neil

  10. Neil



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  About the Author



  I still can’t believe I’m doing this. I agreed, against my better judgment, to go on a blind date set up by my mother. I should know better, but it was the only way to get her off my back. She’s determined and thinks that I need a man. Little does she know that she has ruined my opinion of men, marriage, and love, for that matter. She’s on her fourth husband and I’m pretty sure she’s about to move on from him, too. She thinks just because I’m twenty-four and have a full-time job – that I love – that I’m never going to have a man. She doesn’t realize that I don’t want one. I’m happy on my own. No one to argue with over dinner plans, or what to do on the weekends, or how I should be spending my time. No, I like answering to no one. I like doing what I want when I want. I’ve seen my mom lose herself over and over in the men she dates and eventually marries. I don’t want any part of it. So the fact that I agreed to a blind date is crazy. The fact that I agreed to a blind date with a man that she picked out is absurd and I’m already regretting it.

  She didn’t tell me much about him, which is fine. My only plan is to go on this one date with him to get her off my back and then never see him again. I pull another dress from my closet and hold it up to me, looking in the mirror. My long red hair is in a top knot on my head. My curves are more than generous and holding the too-short dress up to me tells me that it’s not appropriate. Maybe if I knew the guy, or even liked him, but I don’t plan on doing anything to encourage him. Hanging the dress back up, I pull out my khaki shorts, black and white striped T-shirt, and my strappy sandals. I don’t know what we’re doing on this date except that we’re meeting on the dock at the marina. I decide to put on my black one-piece bathing suit underneath my clothes. That way if we’re going out on a boat I’ll be ready. I look at myself in the mirror. I dab a bit of color on my lips and brush the mascara on my lashes. I go in search of my keys and purse before I look at my watch.

  Crap! I’m going to be late. That’s all I need, my blind date calling and complaining about my tardiness to my mom.

  I grab my bag with the sunscreen and towel, my purse, and slam out the door, running to my car. It’s only ten minutes to the marina, so hopefully I won’t be too late.


  It’s rare to have a few days off, and this is really not how I wanted to be spending it. I look at my watch and then at my boat. I’m around people all day, every day. I would love to just set sail on my boat without worrying about entertaining anyone or fighting off advances from the number of women that seem to think since I’m a ball player, I’m easy. Maybe in my younger days, but not anymore. Whatever happened to women of substance? They have to be around, but maybe I’m just not running in their circles.

  I have an hour before my friends are supposed to show up. They’re old friends that I only get to see once in a while, but we’ve sort of grown apart. Instead of hanging out like we used to, now they’re more interested in what has become my life. A place where booze, parties and women are abundant. Looking down the dock, I can already see a line of women wanting to hang out with a real MLB player. I’m so sick of meeting people who are fake and only interested in me because of my career. I’ve been dreading this day and the few days I get off, I should be able to relax and do what I want to do. I pull my phone out of my pocket before I talk myself out of it. I shoot off a quick text. Sorry, I got to bail tonight. Next time I’m in town we’ll get together. I hit the silence button and pocket my phone. I should feel guilty, but I don’t. My so-called friends just want to hang out to get laid anyway.

  I’m about to turn toward my boat and unhook it from the dock when I notice a full-figured woman approaching me in a rush.

  “I’m so sorry I’m late,” she says as she runs to me. She’s beautiful and the closer she gets the more I feel how beautiful she is. It’s like a punch in the gut when I get a look at her up close. She’s pale with freckles scattered across her nose. Her eyes are bluer than any sky I’ve ever seen and her red hair, which is bound on the top of her head, makes me want to release it and see it fall around her shoulders. She sucks the breath right out of me.

  She doesn’t look like one of the women that usually show up for the parties. She’s pretty conservatively dressed in comparison. I almost ask her if she’s here for the party when she laughs and her voice knocks me for a loop. “Nothing like showing up late for a blind date, huh?”

  She’s catching her breath and doesn’t seem to notice my hesitancy. I look around the dock, but besides the women at the other end – who are watching us – there doesn’t seem to be anyone else around. The other guy isn’t going to show up or he’s already left. I reach out to touch her arm but quickly draw it back. She’s hot and doesn’t seem to have a clue who I am, which is so fucking refreshing I can’t help myself. Why the hell not play along?

  “It’s fine. You’re right on time. I hope you have your lake legs with you,” I tell her, gesturing to the boat.

  She seems to take a deep breath and quickly nods her head. I do take her hand then and with my other hand on her lower back, I help her into the boat. I jump aboard and untie the rope that is keeping us docked. I help her to her seat, which is right next to mine, and pull out of the marina. I know I seem rushed, but once I have her with me, I don’t want the man to show up and have her find out the ruse.

  She’s quiet and a little reserved. She watches as I maneuver the boat out and once we’re a safe distance from land, I turn it off so I can focus on her.

  “So, tell me about you…” I stutter, because I don’t know her name. Hell, I should know her name.

  Her pale cheeks blush a pretty shade of pink. “Naomi. I’m not surprised you don’t know my name. My mom probably didn’t even tell you what it was. I’m sorry if she pushed you on to this date with me. It’s rather embarrassing that my mom is finding me dates.”

  “Not at all. It’s refreshing actually,” I tell her honestly.

  She shrugs her shoulders. “So I’m sorry. My mom never told me your name.”

  I clear my throat. “Neil. My name is Neil.” And before she can ask my last name, I ask her, “So what do you do?”

  She slides her shoes off and pulls her feet up underneath her. “I’m a high school teacher. I teach English.”

  I shake my head, disbelieving. “There weren’t teachers that looked like you when I was in high school.” I can’t stop from glancing down her body, but I raise my eyes quickly. I just met her and don’t want to scare her off.

  She looks shocked by my words, but I just shrug my shoulders. I’m telling the truth. When I was in high school, I had teachers that were old and stern-looking. She’s like a breath of fresh air.

  “So what do you do?” she asks me.

  I get up and wave at the passing boat, an old friend of mine. He and his wife wave at us and I tell her about them, hoping to get her off the subject of my baseball career. Don’t get me wrong. I love baseball and it’s what I’ve always wanted to do. But I’m kind of enjoying the fact that she doesn’t know who or what I am. She stands up and waves at them, right when a wave hits the boat and she starts to fall. I grab on to her hips, pulling her to me, holding her upright.

  We stand just like that, her bottom against the juncture of my thighs. I should release her, but I don’t. I’ll hold her, just like this, until she no longer wants to be here. She’ll have to be the first to move, because I can’t force myself to do it. I breathe her in. The soft, feminine scent of her fills my nostrils and all I can think is that she smells like sunshine, hot summer days, and orange creamsicles.

  She twists in my arms and her hands go to my arms, holding her upright. She seems breathless when she whispers to me, “Thanks.”

  She licks her lower lip and I hold back a groan. “Any time.”

  I help her back to her seat and sit across from her. There’s plenty of places around her, but I figure the safest is away from her, where I can’t reach her. I don’t want to screw this up and I know if I sit within arms’ length I’m going to have her in my arms and underneath me before the night is up. Nope, it’s safer here. At least for her it is.

  After her near fall, she seems to relax a little. She’s funny, smart and sweet.

  “So what do you like to do in your spare time?” she asks me.

  I look at her pretty pink toes, up her shapely legs and rounded hips. “Uh, I don’t really have a lot of spare time.” Standing up, I pull my shirt off. “It sure is hot. Do you want to take a swim?” I figure I need to get her off the topic of what I do, but I didn’t expect the reaction she gives me.

  Her eyes get
big as she glances at my chest. She’s staring at me and I almost look down at myself wondering if I have something on me. But when her eyes lift to mine, I see it. There’s desire in her eyes and she’s trying to hide it, but it’s clear to me. I contain my smirk and look at her questioningly. “What about it? Want to swim?”

  She looks like she may say no, but when she says “sure” I want to do a fist pump in the air. Instead, I clear my throat. “There’s a small area down below you can change.”

  She shakes her head. “It’s fine. I have my suit on already.”

  I walk to anchor the boat, giving her space while she removes her clothes, but I can’t stop myself from looking over at her. She slides her khakis off first, and when she bends over, her back is to me and her round ass sticks out at me. I suck in a breath because she’s perfection. She whips off her top and before she turns around, I act like I’m busy securing the boat. When I do finally look at her, she’s standing self-consciously, her arms crossed across her middle. Her breasts are even bigger and more voluptuous than I thought. She’s soft in all the right places and I realize that I like her already a lot more than I should. I don’t know how I’m going to keep my hands off her, but I know I need to. At least today. No doubt the charade of being her blind date won’t last forever.



  Neil is so sexy, fit and confident. He’s nothing like the guys my mom would usually pick for me. I swear when I thought about today, I was sure it would be a man that wanted to talk about his three ex-wives all night. I am a little surprised that he avoids answering what he does for a living, which maybe is his one downfall, because from everything else, the man is too good, too fit, too perfect.

  He’s such a gentleman, even turning away so I could undress into my bathing suit. When he does finally look at me, the appreciative look he gives me makes me feel bold. I drop my arms and step to the side of the boat, ready to jump in. He grabs on to my arm, stopping me. “Not yet. Trust me, I don’t want to cover you up, but I do want you safe.” He reaches under a seat and hands me a life jacket.

  I stare at him in awe. Is this guy for real? He holds the jacket out for me and I slip my arms through the holes. He turns me to him and tightens it around me, buckling the straps together. His musky, clean scent fills my nose and I can’t help but think there has to be something wrong with this guy.

  He holds on to my jacket and I look up at him. He looks deep in thought, and I wonder if he’s going to kiss me. He has that look about him. And just as I’m questioning myself, if I’m really going to let him, he releases his hold on me. I try not to let my disappointment show.

  “Am I good now?” I ask him as he tightens his own jacket.

  “Yeah, you’re good,” he says, and the deep timbre of his voice tells me he’s talking about more than just my life jacket. I turn away from him and jump into the lake, because he’s right: suddenly, I’m really hot right now.

  I come up out of the water just as he jumps in. I swim away, trying to put some distance between us, but it isn’t long before he comes up right behind me.

  He continues our conversation from before. “So, what do you like to do with your time off?”

  I ignore the fact that he never answered me. “I like to read and travel. I don’t have a lot of free time. Even when I’m out of school for the day, there’s still papers to grade and lesson plans. I do travel in the summers, though.”

  “Who do you travel with?” He’s treading water beside me, looking at me expectantly.

  “Well, I usually go by myself. Sometimes I have a friend go with me, but she’s with someone now, so I don’t know if she’ll get to go this summer,” I tell him before leaning back and pushing away from him. The waves keep bringing us closer and closer and before I reach out for him, I know I should put some more distance between us. When I right myself and we’re a few feet apart, I ask him, “Do you like to travel?”

  He swipes his hand through his hair, shaking the water out of it. “Some. I travel a lot for my job.”

  I’m about to ask him again what he does for a living when the sound of motors fill the air. He swims over to me, grabs my arm and pulls me closer to the boat. The noise is so loud, I don’t even question him. I let him pull me. Within seconds, five teenagers go by, driving way too fast on jet skis. They are much closer to the boat than they are supposed to be, I’m sure. If Neil hadn’t pulled me in, we no doubt would have been hit.

  “Are you okay?” he asks me, brushing the hair off my face while his other hand is around my waist.

  Nodding my head, I turn and watch the teenagers drive off and then back to him. “Thanks for saving me. That was close.”

  His forehead is creased in a frown. “Yeah, too close. C’mon, let’s get back on the boat.”

  He helps me up and then follows me. I start to go for my bag, but he hands me a towel and I dry myself off before wrapping it around me. The boat is rocking and he wraps his hands around my forearms to help me to my seat. His hold burns into my skin and I shoot my eyes up to his. He looks almost angry the way his jaw is tight. He takes a steadying breath and mutters, “Well, I think we’ve had about enough. What do you think?”

  I want to tell him no, but I just nod my head at him. He takes care of the anchor, starts the boat back up, and turns it back around toward the marina. “I’m sorry. I bet you never thought you would almost get yourself killed going on this date today.”

  I just laugh, even though I am still a little shaken up. “It wasn’t your fault.”

  He hands me his phone. “Can I get your number? I would like to take you out again.”

  I look between him and his phone before taking it from his hand. I don’t answer him, but I do put my number in. I’m still trying to figure all this out. I don’t know a lot about him, but the fancy boat, clothes and just the way he carries himself tells me that we don’t have a lot in common. I start getting dressed and I have to acknowledge the fact that I don’t want this date to end. When I turn back around, he’s got his life jacket off and his shirt back on.

  As he pulls into the marina, my phone dings. I dig it out of my bag and find I have a text from my mom. She probably wants to gloat about how good she did picking out my date. But I do have to give it to her. She did good.


  I can see it the minute she looks at her phone. The women I’m used to being around would laugh it off and forgive me for anything. But not Naomi. She’s no dumb bimbo. She isn’t going to laugh this off and I realize that I’m a little worried about how this is going to pan out.

  She drops her hand and looks up at me with distrust in her eyes. I look away, focusing on docking the boat. I can’t stand to see that look in her eyes. “Who the hell are you because you’re certainly not the blind date I was set up on. Is Neil even your name? What the hell is this? Should I call the police or something on your lying ass?”

  As soon as we’re docked, she’s grabbing her stuff and trying to get off the boat. I tie it off and chase after her. Damn, what a temper. And so direct. I try not to get caught up in the sway of her hips and finally catch up with her. As soon as I touch her shoulder, she stops and jerks away from me. “Don’t touch me.”

  I hold my hands up in surrender. “Okay, I may not be the guy your mom set you up with to go on a date, but I am the guy who just gave you a nice afternoon out on my boat, right? I didn’t try anything untoward, did I? I mean, you and I had a great time, right?”

  She just shakes her head. “Not the point. You lied the entire time. Are you some kind of con artist or something?”

  Nope, she’s not easy to redirect either.

  “My name is Neil Fox. I was supposed to meet some friends here but they’re assholes and you… well you are beautiful, fun, and interesting. I didn’t see your blind date around and thought, why not go on a blind date? You know?”

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