Making Her Mine (Player Loves Curves Book 1), page 1

Making Her Mine
Player Loves Curves
Hope Ford
Making Her Mine © 2020 by Hope Ford
Editor: Kasi Alexander
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
1. Trinity
2. Trinity
3. Jasper
4. Trinity
5. Trinity
6. Trinity
7. Jasper
8. Trinity
9. Trinity
10. Trinity
11. Trinity
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About the Author
She’s crazy. That’s the only way I know how to put it. My sister is out of her mind. I put my car into park and scan the almost vacant parking lot. The game is over and it took me forty minutes to just get past the gates. You would think since everyone is leaving, the fact that I’m pulling into the parking lot it should have been quick – simple – but no, it wasn’t. But I’ve learned through the years that any time I have to do a “favor” for my big sister, it always turns into a big headache.
It would probably help if she didn’t pick the absolute worst guys to get all hung up on. She called me to come get her so here I am, bailing her out of yet another bad situation. I scan the gate and surprise – she’s not where she said she would be.
I should just leave, but I know I can’t. She’s all I have left, my only family, which explains why I put up with her shenanigans all the time. I may be the younger sister, but it definitely doesn’t seem that way. Even when I was a little girl, I was always looking out for Sheena. I started drawing the line, though, in high school. That was when she started having me be the lookout when she decided to sneak under the football bleachers with her guy of the week. After the first time doing that, I swore I wouldn’t help her out anymore.
I lean my head against the steering wheel in frustration. Am I ever going to learn?
I get out of my ten-year-old Honda and slam the door, walking toward the gate. Spotting a security guard, I chase him down and of course he knows Sheena. I think she’s made her way through quite a few of the players already and the season’s just getting started. The guard points me toward the clubhouse. Apparently, he saw Sheena having an argument with one of the baseball players.
I push open the door and holler “I’m coming in” as I step in the door. I’ve caught my sister in way too many unfavorable positions and I’ll be fine if I never see her in another one for the rest of my life. She probably won’t care enough to cover herself, but it’s still worth a try.
I no sooner get in the door and my mouth drops. This isn’t the clubhouse. This is the locker room.
I cover my face with my hands. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry.” I separate my fingers, peaking through them at Jasper Reilly. He’s wet, rubbing a towel through his short brown hair. I gaze down his washboard stomach, thick thighs and his who-ha hanging down between his legs. I know I’m staring but I can’t take my eyes off of it. The man is well endowed. Well, I assume he is; this is the first time I’ve seen one in real life, and I have to say it doesn’t look anything like the pictures in the textbooks I’ve seen at school.
When he clears his throat, my eyes fly back up to his and he has a smirk on his face. I cover my eyes again. I just ogled a naked Jasper Reilly. I’m not even into baseball players, but I’d have to be completely removed from society if I didn’t know who he was. He is the starting pitcher and the sexiest man in the game as far as I and several million female friends are concerned. “I’m so sorry.”
I can feel my body temperature rise. Whether from seeing him or my own mortification I don’t know, but I’m about to die. I apologize to him again. “Where’s the clubhouse? I’m, uh Trinity, and I’m picking up my sister, Sheena.”
She came in like a wrecking ball and almost knocked me on my ass. She’s beautiful. Her long brown hair is in a ponytail, showing off her beautiful blue eyes and pink lips. I could give her shit for ogling me, but I’m doing the same to her. She’s different from most of the girls I date, but there’s something about her that is making me hot. Maybe it’s the way her white T-shirt is stretched across her large breasts. Or maybe it’s the way her jean shorts show off her curvy thighs and legs. Or maybe it’s the way she’s truly embarrassed that she walked in here. The guys don’t act like it’s a big deal at all. We’re used to women coming in because they’re “lost.” But she’s truly mortified. She has the pink cheeks to prove it. Whatever the reason, all I know is I want her.
The last thing I want to do is point the sexy, sweet sister toward the cad Carter Arnold, but I know that’s where Sheena is—with Carter.
I take a step toward her and she’s peeking at me again through the slit in her fingers. Her eyes go down to my hardening cock and she gasps, stepping backwards.
I slow my roll. I don’t want to be known as that guy. Hell, I also don’t want to be caught in the locker room with a stiffy and a bunch of naked guys either. I tell her where to go and she pivots on her foot, running for the door.
I hurry and get dressed, hoping to catch up with her.
When I throw my bag over my shoulder, I step out in the tunneled hallway and hear yelling.
“This is not another bad choice, sis. Carter loves me. He says he wasn’t cheating on me.” Sheena is yelling at her sister.
I can’t help but laugh when Trinity calls her out on cheating, telling her they are probably made for each other. “You had me come all the way down here to get you so that’s what I’m doing. Let’s go, Sheena.”
I know how Carter is and he’s not going to like Trinity taking away his baseball bunny, so I walk faster down the hallway to get to them. From this angle as I enter into the clubhouse, I go unnoticed. I drink in the sexy curves of Trinity and her strong, defiant stance.
The woman is sexy as fuck!
I still can’t believe I’m standing here arguing with my sister. I have to admit so far the trip has been worth it. I mean, I got to see Jasper Reilly… in the buff. That was enough action for me for one day. Now Sheena’s just about to push me over the edge. She’s the one that needed help. She’s the one that called me crying, all upset that she found out her boyfriend was cheating on her. And what do I do? I drop everything. I came across town, forty minutes from the house to come and save her. And even though Sheena says she’s fine now, it was just a misunderstanding and she may deny it now, I can see it, she needs help. Does she not see how toxic this “relationship” is? If she can’t see what a loser Carter Arnold is, then she’s blind.
Just one look at Carter Arnold and it’s completely obvious what a jerk he is. He’s talented and even a little handsome. Until he opens his mouth. I’ve seen him on television the few times I’ve watched the games and even then it was obvious he’s an arrogant man. Any time he’s done interviews it’s always about him, never giving any credit to his teammates. And yeah, I’d be willing to bet money that he did cheat on Sheena. He doesn’t seem like the faithful kind. But probably what bothers me the most and is sad about the whole thing is Carter is even more of a pompous prick than the last guy Sheena hooked up with. I can’t help but wonder where she keeps finding these guys. It’s like she’s an asshole magnet and she’s never going to learn.
The whole time Sheena’s yelling at me, Carter’s eyeing me. I try to convince her to come with me, but the more he ogles me, the more flustered I get. He’s so obvious about it, and he doesn’t even try to hide it. When I catch him licking his lips, it makes my skin crawl. The second time he looks down my body, I start to fidget. I’m not used to being around guys, especially like him, but I know I definitely don’t want to be on his radar.
Carter draws closer to me, but I force myself to stand still. I may not be experienced, but I know not to let a man like him get the upper hand. His gaze darkens the closer he gets. Sheena finally stops talking and looks between Carter and me, then gives me a dirty look.
He reaches for my hair, but I jerk away and the only thing he gets is a few stray strands of my ponytail sliding through his fingers. It doesn’t faze him, though. He leans down to my height and looks between Sheena and me. He takes a deep breath, almost like he’s smelling me, and I refuse to let myself cringe when he does it. Even before he opens his mouth I know he’s going to say something filthy. “Stay. We’re going to a party. And you could make a smokin’ hot trio.”
With that, I back away from him and don’t even try to hide the disgust on my face. Who does he think he is? Does he really think I would be interested in doing that… with him… with my sister? Gross! “You’re nuts if you think I would let you anywhere near me, you std carrying sorry sack of doo doo.”
“Trinity!” Sheena exclaims at me. “Stop.” She’s looking at Carter with fear in her eyes. Sheena’s been with users and cheats before, but I don’t ever remember her fearing any of her ex boyfriends. No, usually she’s the one that’s dishing it out.
I look at her and shake my head. Amazed, I can’t believe she’s okay with him asking me for a trio but
Before I can back away, he has his hand gripped around my upper arm and his face is scrunched up in anger. When he doesn’t say anything, I realize it’s rage that I see in his eyes. He stares me down and he’s taking deep breaths. I’m hoping that he’s trying to calm himself down, but I don’t think that’s the case because his hand tightens on my arm. I’m pretty sure it’s going to leave a bruise. I refuse to go down without a fight, but I’m no match for him. He’s at least a foot taller than me and probably sixty to seventy pounds heavier. I look at my sister, but she’s just watching Carter and doesn’t look as if she’s going to jump in and help me. I close my eyes and open them, giving him my best go to hell look. I’m just readying myself for the blow, because I’m pretty sure he’s about to hit me.
He starts pulling me, but I stand strong, not moving. The harder I resist, the harder he pulls. When suddenly a strong hand on my other arm stops Carter’s progress.
I turn, thinking maybe, just maybe my sister came to her senses. But that’s not the case at all. Instead, Jasper Reilly has his big hand wrapped around my arm and he’s staring down at Carter. His gaze is fierce as he looks at his teammate.
“Hold on there, Carter,” Jasper says. “Trinity is here for her sister.”
I don’t know who is madder, me or Carter. I’m seething and trying to stay calm at this point. I’m used to Carter acting up and being an ass. However, it’s never bothered me like this. Of course I’ve never seen him put his hands on a woman before either. He’s always been a pompous ass, but it seems like lately he’s getting out of hand. When I saw him grab on to Trinity, I saw red and I had no choice but to jump in.
When I pull her toward me, Carter releases his grip on her. She turns to me with a gasp and I can tell by the look on her face that she wasn’t expecting it to be me. Her face softens staring up at me and all I want to do is get lost in her eyes. But I don’t have that option. I drag my eyes from her and look over at Carter. We stare each other down and the look I’m giving him must tell him not to fuck with me at this point because he drops his hand from Trinity and walks back over to her sister. He puts his arm around Sheena and stares back at me. I look down at Trinity and she’s giving Carter the biggest dirty look I’ve ever seen. For a little thing, she sure does look intimidating.
Carter tugs Sheena in closer under his arm. “Whatever, we’re out of here.” They start to walk away, but I put my hand up in front of them and they stop to look at me. I glance at Sheena and then back at Carter. I don’t trust him and so I’m not going to take my eyes off him. “Sheena, you want to go with Trinity?”
She blows a bubble with her gum and starts chomping on it. She looks completely unfazed by the situation and that fact alone makes me dislike her even more. She’s been around the club a lot lately. She’s what some would call a “baseball bunny.” I don’t really care for her, but she’s always stayed away from me. Now, after the way she lets her “boyfriend” treat her sister, I’d say it’s wise for her to stay as far from me as possible.
“No, I want to stay with Carter.”
Carter looks at me smugly, and with venom in his eyes and tone he says, “There you have it.”
“Sheena.” Trinity starts to walk toward Sheena, and I move between her and Carter. “Let him cool down. Come home with me.”
I watch Carter closely and his eyes are fixed on Trinity, not the girl he has in his arm.
Sheena laughs and rolls her eyes. “You’re just overreacting like always.”
Trinity looks deflated, but she stands by for Sheena and Carter to walk out.
We’re quiet for a second as we watch them walk away. I don’t have a sibling, but I’m still a little confused by the situation and trying to figure out what just happened. It was a shit show for sure. Trinity looks up at me with shyness. She blinks her big blue eyes at me. “Uh, thanks for your help.”
Before I can even answer her, she’s already turned on her heel and starts to walk away. I catch up to her easily, putting my hand on her shoulder to stop her. When she turns toward me, I leave my hand on her arm until she looks at it. I brush a hair off her cheek, wanting just to touch her. Our eyes are frozen on each other until I shake myself out of the trance. “Are you all right?”
She shrugs her shoulders. “Trust me, this is not the first drama I’ve had with Sheena and one of her boyfriends and I’m willing to bet it won’t be the last.”
I nod my head understandingly. “Well, can I walk you to your car?”
Her eyes dip down my body and her face flushes again. It’s almost like I can imagine her thoughts and she’s thinking back to the locker room when she walked in on me. I try to hide my smile and get the thought out of my head. Just thinking about it has my blood pressure rising.
She shakes her head. “That’s okay. I’m fine, really. Thanks for stepping in back there. You didn’t have to do that.”
She obviously wants to go, but I can’t just let her walk away. I can’t get the way Carter was looking at her out of my head. “No problem. Look, Carter’s a real dickhead and I wouldn’t put it past him to meet you in the parking lot if he thought you’d be alone. Will you please just let me walk you to your car?”
She looks toward the tunnel Sheena and Carter just walked down and we can still hear the echo of their voices. She finally looks back at me. I can see the indecision on her face. I feel like I’m holding my breath, waiting for her to answer. I feel like she’s just walked into my life and I’m not ready to let her go yet. I want to spend more time with her and get to know her. For how much we see Sheena around here, I would’ve thought we would see Trinity too. But I would have remembered her. I have no doubt.
She finally smiles softly at me and mutters, “Uh, yeah, that would be great.”
As soon as she says it, I can’t stop the smile that takes over my face. I want to reach out for her, take her hand, touch the small of her back, something. But I don’t. Instead, I just nod my head at her, hold my hand out, and tell her, “Lead the way.”
She starts walking and I slow my stride to walk next to her. Being the starting pitcher for the Tennessee Mavericks, most people would think I have game. But I don’t even try to act like I do. I ask her before I lose my nerve, “So do you have a boyfriend?”
And then I hold my breath, waiting for her to answer me.
Walking next to Jasper to my car, I keep looking at him out the side of my eye.
I slow my stride and take a glance at his tight jeans that are hugging his butt just right. When he notices I’m behind him, he stops to walk next to me.
“So do you have a boyfriend?” he asks me.
If I didn’t know better, I would think that he’s a little nervous waiting for my answer. But when I look at him, he smiles at me expectantly, almost as if he doesn’t have a care in the world. I know I need to tread lightly because I have no experience in these situations.
Instead, I change the subject. “So how was the game?” I ask him. “Did you win?”
With surprise on his face, he asks me. “Didn’t you watch it?”
I want to laugh at his question, but I don’t. I never come to ball games. “No. I only came to pick up Sheena. Baseball’s not really my thing.”
As soon as the words leave my mouth, I know I’ve probably offended him, but he doesn’t act like it.