If I Were You

If I Were You

L. Ron Hubbard

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Detective & Western / Religion & Spirituality

Explore exotic new worlds. Circus midget Little Tom Little is the king of midgets, loved by crowds and carnival folk alike. Only he doesn't just want to be a bigger circus star, he wants to be just like the circus' tall and imposing leader. Trouble begins the moment that a set of ancient books containing the secret of switching bodies finds its way into Tom Little's tiny hands. When he magically trades his small frame with that of the circus chief, he finds himself in a giant-sized heap of trouble—his craving for height has landed him smack in the center ring surrounded by forty savage cats! ALSO INCLUDES THE FANTASY STORY "THE LAST DROP" "...wonderfully entertaining ... excellent audio quality, the cast of talented performers, great sound effects (growling lions and tigers, murmuring crowds, etc.), and intervals of dramatic, ominous music that draws listeners into the tales and holds their attention to the end." —School Library Journal
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The Enemy Within

The Enemy Within

L. Ron Hubbard

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Detective & Western / Religion & Spirituality

Earthlings: Beware! Do you know who your enemies are? Your neighbor? Your boss? Your butcher? Your wife? Only the Voltarians know for sure. They’ve successfully infiltrated our little world—and it may never be the same. They walk among us. They work among us. And they’re making themselves right at home, prepping the planet for a power play unlike any you’ve ever seen before. In this web of espionage, intrigue and betrayal, even Voltarian Royal Combat Engineer Jettero Heller doesn’t know who he can trust. He’s hard at work creating a gasoline substitute to fuel his ’68 Caddy in a Long Island automobile race—a development that could have dramatic consequences for the entire human race. As such, he poses a grave threat to the powers that be. Now, his treacherous fellow Voltarian, Soltan Gris, has formed a secret alliance with a cabal that includes a dirty DC politician, a ruthless billionaire industrialist and a mysterious media madman. Their mission: terminate Jettero Heller. Beset by double-crossing body doubles and backstabbing identity shifters, Heller discovers that the most dangerous battle of all is about to begin . . . against THE ENEMY WITHIN. “A must buy. *” —AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION
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  • 1 190
Fifty-Fifty O'Brien

Fifty-Fifty O'Brien

L. Ron Hubbard

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Detective & Western / Religion & Spirituality

Looking for some excitement, Winchester Remington Smith, barker for the .22-caliber rifle shooting gallery on the circus midway, decides to leave carnival life behind and join the Marines. His quick feet and stealth make him the perfect Marine message runner, but Smith hates the silence between orders. But a message runner he’ll always be if First Sergeant Fifty-Fifty O’Brien has anything to do with it. That’s especially true after Smith deliberately breaks off a message run and uses his deadly aim to save the sergeant’s life. After being brought up on charges, Smith now faces a fatal dash to Mount Pelo, where no messages have penetrated the enemy lines. Smith soon discovers that, even in the most unexpected situations, the tables can turn—much to his and O’Brien’s surprise. Also include the adventure stories “The Adventure of X” and “Red Sand” ©2014 Galaxy Audio
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  • 1 134
Villainy Victorious

Villainy Victorious

L. Ron Hubbard

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Detective & Western / Religion & Spirituality

A monumental work -- acclaimed as agenuine masterpiece -- L. Ron Hubbard's 1.2-million-word-ten-volume MISSION EARTH dekalogy brilliantly blends science fiction and action/adventure on a vast interstellar scale with stinging satire -- in the literary tradition of Voltaire, Swift and Orwell -- on the world's foibles and fancies.A true publishing phenomenon -- precedent-setting when each volume, in turn, became a New York Times and then an international bestseller -- MISSION EARTH has already sold more than five million copies and continues to appear on bestseller lists in contries throghout the world. Winner of France's Cosmos 2000 Award and the Nova Science Fiction Award in Italy, and nominated for a Hugo Award, MISSION EARTH is an epic narrative of a secret invasion of Earth as seen-and vividly recounted -- by the aliens who, unrecognized, already live and work among us. It is a novel crowded with sharply memorable characters and with places and events cloaked in splendor, menace and mystery: Palace City, Joy City, the forbidden prison fortress of Spiteos, the violent fall of the Voltar Confederation. The Voltar Confederation has a long-range plan to use Earth as a strategic staging area in its continuing conquest of the galaxy. However, with the discovery that Earth is being destroyed by pollution, drugs and other menaces, Combat Engineer Jettero Heller is sent on a top-secret mission to save the planet from self-destruction. Unknown to Heller, another Voltarian faction (the Coordinated Information Apparatus) has secretly been using Earth as a supply base for drugs. It dispatches its own counter mission to thwart Heller's plans.
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  • 1 134
Spy Killer

Spy Killer

L. Ron Hubbard

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Detective & Western / Religion & Spirituality

As he wrung the water from his clothes he discarded his memories one by one. As mate of the Rangoon, he had been known as a bucko sailor, a hard case who struck first and questioned afterward, renowned for a temper as hot and swift as a glowing rapier. And the reputation had not helped him when the captain had been found dead in his cabin and when it was discovered that the safe was open and empty. Kurt Reid had been the last man to see the captain alive, so they thought. Shanghai stretched before him, and behind it lay all of China. If he could not escape there, he thought, he deserved to die. His only regret now was the lack of money he had been accused of stealing. A man does not go far on a few American dollars. “Vividly written, super-fast-paced.” —Ellery Queen
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  • 1 131
The Slickers

The Slickers

L. Ron Hubbard

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Detective & Western / Religion & Spirituality

Tex Larimee is a grizzled Arizona sheriff who’s leaving the deserts of Cactus County behind, blazing a trail east to mix it up with The Slickers in the canyons of Manhattan. Years later Clint Eastwood would follow the exact same trail in Coogan’s Bluff—a western lawman on the loose in New York City. Tex’s welcome to New York is a rude one. Robbed of his cash, gun and badge, he’s locked in a room in back of a run-down bar. Breaking out of the bar, he goes looking for his best friend . . . only to find him dead, his throat cut. And the cops accuse Tex of committing the murder. . . . But none of that’s going to keep a good Arizona lawman down. Discovering he’s been the subject of an elaborate frame-up job, Tex has got a few tricks of his own up his sleeve—and in his recovered Colt .45—to make even the toughest of city birds sing a different tune. Much like Tex, L. Ron Hubbard was born and bred on the western frontier and made his way east to explore and experience life in New York City. But unlike the sheriff, Hubbard enjoyed his time in the city, where his writing career took off as he became a leading figure in its literary world. He came to know the streets and haunts of Manhattan as well as he knew the arroyos and canyons of the west, giving him the kind of insights he needed to write stories like The Slickers. Also includes the mysteries Killer Ape, in which a man frees a mistreated orangutan, only to end up with a monkey on his back, as he’s accused of aiding and abetting the ape in a case of murder, and Murder Afloat, the story of a top narcotics cop in the U.S. Secret Service who’s pursuit of a million-dollar score could land him in some hot—and deadly—water.
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Mission Earth Volume 2: Black Genesis

Mission Earth Volume 2: Black Genesis

L. Ron Hubbard

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Detective & Western / Religion & Spirituality

Intrigue, Betrayal, Blackmail... From the violent, heroin-riddled back streets of Turkey to the heart of government corruption in America, Mission Earth relentlessly hurls into a new labyrinth of Earth's underworld, torn by Mafia wars and criminal rivalry, abounding with assassins, killers, prostitutes, drug-runners, and subverted government agents, the gripping story masterly twists and turns with its heart-pounding pace. The fierce, unique blend of tension, ingenuity, humor, betrayal and tragedy continues...
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  • 1 073
The Scifi & Fantasy Collection

The Scifi & Fantasy Collection

L. Ron Hubbard

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Detective & Western / Religion & Spirituality

Boldly go to worlds where no one has gone before. Explore exotic new worlds and fantastic tales that appeared in the pages of the most popular pulp fiction magazines of the 1930's and 1940's. "Pulp-fiction devotees need to put Hubbard's works on their MUST-READ lists. —Booklist The Collection includes: The Great Secret, If I Were You, International Book Awards Finalists: The Crossroads & A Matter of Matter, When Shadows Fall, Danger in the Dark, Greed, The Tramp, Beyond All Weapons and The Professor Was a Thief
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  • 1 037
Dead Men Kill

Dead Men Kill

L. Ron Hubbard

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Detective & Western / Religion & Spirituality

Detective Terry Lane is a standout homicide cop who thought he’d seen it all . . . until now.  As tough as Kevin Costner as Eliot Ness of The Untouchables—and just as incorruptible—Lane has seen the darkest side of human behavior.  But he’s never seen a murder spree like this, targeting the wealthy, the powerful and the privileged.  For the evidence is clear: the killers have not emerged from the seamy underside of the city . . . but from six feet under it.  They are the walking dead, spreading terror and showing no mercy. Following a trail of drugs, blackmail, and the twisted clues of a seductive nightclub singer, Detective Lane will have to think outside the box…or he could end up inside one, buried alive. In 1934, while living in New York, the heart of the publishing industry, Hubbard struck up a friendship with the city’s medical examiner—a relationship that started his education in undetectable crime and provided him with authoritative clinical background for his detective stories. “A rollicking horror yarn [that] taps into the current craze for zombies. . . . heart-pounding.” * —Publishers Weekly *An International Book Awards Winner
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  • 1 036
Ole Doc Methuselah: The Intergalactic Adventures of the Soldier of Light

Ole Doc Methuselah: The Intergalactic Adventures of the Soldier of Light

L. Ron Hubbard

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Detective & Western / Religion & Spirituality

Ole Doc Methuselah was the name by which he was known on a myriad of scattered planets, for he was the most famous member of the most elite organization of the cosmos, the Solders of Light. But he was no soldier in the military sense, for the enemies he fought were disease, corruption and the warped psychology that spread in the isolation of mankind's lost planetary colonies. Encountering double-dealing, mutation and the unexpected, Ole Doc and his unique, multi-armed companion Hippocrates share a series of astonishing adventures in their unending journey through the trackless galaxies. Contents: · Ole Doc Methuselah [as by René Lafayette] · nv Astounding Oct ’47 · Her Majesty’s Aberration [as by René Lafayette] · ss Astounding Mar ’48 · The Expensive Slaves [as by René Lafayette] · ss Astounding Nov ’47 · The Great Air Monopoly [as by René Lafayette] · nv Astounding Sep ’48 · Plague [as by René Lafayette] · nv Astounding Apr ’49 · A Sound Investment [as by René Lafayette] · nv Astounding Jun ’49 · Ole Mother Methuselah [as by René Lafayette] · nv Astounding Jan ’50
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  • 1 035
Mission Earth Volume 1: The Invaders Plan

Mission Earth Volume 1: The Invaders Plan

L. Ron Hubbard

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Detective & Western / Religion & Spirituality

The Voltar Confederacy has a long-range strategy to invade Earth and use it in their conquest of the Galaxy. However, with the discovery that Earth is being destroyed by incessant pollution, Royal Officer Jettero Heller is sent on a top-secret mission to handle this threat to the planet's life. But why is Lombar Hisst, head of the Apparatus, Voltar's deadly intelligence agency, determined to sabotage the mission and see it fail? Can Heller possibly succeed or will he fall into the web of intergalactic intrigue spun by Hisst and his devious henchman, Soltan Gris? Find out as you embark on this mission full of dynamic characters and packed with plenty of twists, action and emotion.
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Death Quest

Death Quest

L. Ron Hubbard

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Detective & Western / Religion & Spirituality

Kinky killers. Exploding speedboats. $2 billion paternity suits. It’s love Voltarian-style . . . and planet Earth is feeling the heat. Voltarian Royal Officer Jettero Heller will go to any length to protect his beloved Countess Krak. He’ll race up the eastern seaboard pursued by the entire Coast Guard. He’ll smash boats, he’ll set off bombs, he’ll fight off every paternity suit that comes his way. . . . But Apparatus Officer Soltan Gris is just as determined to put the Countess out of commission—for good—and he’s found the perfect hit man for the job. Well, almost perfect. This particular Torpedo has one little kink. He takes a bit of an unhealthy interest in his victims . . . after he kills them. And as if Gris didn’t have enough on his plate, wedding bells are ringing. The Voltarian stud is about to tie the knot—with two women! Yes, love is a battlefield. But in this warped war of twisted desires, perverse passions and unholy alliances—the entire Mission Earth enterprise could soon morph into a truly decadent DEATH QUEST. “Remember how you felt the first time you saw Star Wars? This book will do it to you again.” *—ORSON SCOTT CARD
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Orders Is Orders

Orders Is Orders

L. Ron Hubbard

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Detective & Western / Religion & Spirituality

The doomed Chinese city of Shunkien was being systematically destroyed. Japan’s war machine was pounding wreckage into ashes—wiping out a city that had thrived since the time of Genghis Khan. One of the few buildings still standing is the American consulate where one hundred and sixteen US refugees are facing almost certain death, either from high explosives, the ravages of starvation or Asiatic cholera. Unbeknownst to the refugees, their fate rests in the hands of one Marine-- Gunnery Sergeant James Mitchell--and his ability to negotiate two hundred miles of occupied territory in order to bring desperately needed gold and medicine, while overcoming bullets, dive bombers, butchery and his own personal nemesis—alcohol. Add to these seemingly insurmountable odds, a seductive American fan-dancer who hitches along for the ride and saving the lives of the hostages is far from a fait accompli. As a young man, Hubbard visited Manchuria, where his closest friend headed up British intelligence in northern China.  Hubbard gained a unique insight into the hostile political climate between China and Japan—a knowledge that informs stories like Orders Is Orders. In addition, he served as a First Sergeant with the 20th United States Marine Corps Reserve—giving him first-hand knowledge of what it means to be a Marine. “Demonstrating his unique ability to relate even to the most complicated story with a keen eye for detail and realism, Hubbard’s stunning writing ability and creative imagination set him apart as one of the greatest literary figures of the 20th century.” *—Publishers Weekly NewGoldenAge
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