Serena believes herself to be pretty ordinary. She's a size 14, wears glasses, and has a decidedly geeky streak. Just about the only thing that isn't ordinary about Serena is that she's an OtherKin witch, descended from a very long line. Cole is anything but ordinary. He's the physical vessel for an ancient pagan god called Cernunnos. When a coven of witches call that old, powerful energy forth to inhabit Cole's body, chaos ensues. Cole discovers he's an OtherKin mage with powerful magicks at his command. He also loses his memory. But even though he can't remember his family, what he does for a living, or his last name, he knows one thing-Serena is his. He wants to declare that possession in every way. Serena can't believe this gorgeous piece of male magehood wants her. Her. Overweight, plain little Serena. Yet Cole stalks her, seduces her, and generally upsets her previously safe little world. She vows to enjoy every last second of their erotic interlude while she can. But there's another force upsetting the world. One that's much less pleasant. His name is Ashmodai and he's a playful, sadistic demon. And Ashmodai is planning to take Cole and Serena through hell and back before he's through.
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