Every single bad thing that can happen to someone on the internet has happened to Zoe Quinn over the past few years. An independent video game designer, she was once a low-profile internet citizen, living and working online like a growing number of Americans. But when an abusive ex posted an online screed, including naked photos, her home address, and phone number, as well as that of her friends, family, and colleagues, the dark side of the internet came to life. She became the first victim of the infamous #Gamergate controversy. She suffered rape threats, death threats, doxing, and has had to move several times for her safety. But she has come out on the other side, and is now the face of a movement to fight back against internet trolls and online harassment.What happened to Quinn can happen to anyone. It doesn't take much: Maybe you express a political opinion and it gets noticed by the wrong person. Maybe someone who has a grudge against you is relentless enough to...
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