Escape the Milky Way

Escape the Milky Way

Yancey Lane

Yancey Lane

Trapped on post-apocalyptic world a boy longs to be with his father and makes a decision that changes his life. He steals a spaceship and starts an adventure along the way he meets many different types of people; thieves, crooks, and con men. These people change his life and help him find his true destiny.This story was inspired by Huckleberry Finn and his adventure. Left in an orphanage on Earth by his father, a boy looks to the stars wishing him to return. However, his father did not return and his only fatherly figure he has is leaving him for his own home. With the impending loss of his father figure a boy steals a spaceship to find his true father on a planet far in the heavens. Along the way he meets a veteran fighter pilot now turned con man trying to escape his past and the two join together in the search for the father. Show More Show Less
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