Left Behind: A Novel of the Earth's Last Days

Left Behind: A Novel of the Earth's Last Days

Tim LaHaye

Religion / Fiction / Nonfiction

An airborne Boeing 747 is headed to London when, without any warning, passengers mysteriously disappear from their seats. Terror and chaos slowly spread not only through the plane ... show more ▼
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Thunder of Heaven: A Joshua Jordan Novel

Thunder of Heaven: A Joshua Jordan Novel

Tim LaHaye

Religion / Fiction / Nonfiction

Thunder of Heaven pulls readers into an adrenaline-fueled thriller laced with End Times prophecy. From Tim LaHaye, creator and coauthor of the Left Behind series---the most success... show more ▼
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  • 1 191
Kingdom Come: The Final Victory

Kingdom Come: The Final Victory

Tim LaHaye

Religion / Fiction / Nonfiction

The horrors of the Tribulation are over, and Jesus Christ has set up his perfect kingdom on earth. Believers all around the world enjoy a newly perfected relationship with their Lo... show more ▼
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Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist

Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist

Tim LaHaye

Religion / Fiction / Nonfiction

It has been nearly two years since the day of the mass disappearances. In one cataclysmic instant, millions all over the globe simply vanished, leaving everything but flesh and bon... show more ▼
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Babylon Rising

Babylon Rising

Tim LaHaye

Religion / Fiction / Nonfiction

Tim LaHaye created the Left Behind Series, which has become one of the most popular fiction series of all time. Those novels, with more that 50 million copies sold, presented a uni... show more ▼
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Armageddon: The Cosmic Battle of the Ages

Armageddon: The Cosmic Battle of the Ages

Tim LaHaye

Religion / Fiction / Nonfiction

The scattered Tribulation Force is drawn inexorably toward the Middle East, as are all the armies of the world, when human history culminates in the battle of the ages. During the ... show more ▼
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Glorious Appearing: The End of Days

Glorious Appearing: The End of Days

Tim LaHaye

Religion / Fiction / Nonfiction

Thousands of years of human history stained by strife, death, and sin come to an end when the King of Glory returns to earth. The satisfying conclusion of the seven years of tribul... show more ▼
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Apollyon: The Destroyer Is Unleashed

Apollyon: The Destroyer Is Unleashed

Tim LaHaye

Religion / Fiction / Nonfiction

As the world's thousands of believers gather in Jerusalem for a stadium rally, the Tribulation Force struggles with their own personal crises. Newspaper reporter Buck Williams and ... show more ▼
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Mark's Story: The Gospel According to Peter

Mark's Story: The Gospel According to Peter

Tim LaHaye

Religion / Fiction / Nonfiction

Mark's Story opens on the evening of the last day of Jesus as man. The young Mark hears Jesus' prophecies of the events that are to come, and bears witness to some of the most pivo... show more ▼
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Desecration: Antichrist Takes the Throne

Desecration: Antichrist Takes the Throne

Tim LaHaye

Religion / Fiction / Nonfiction

His Excellency Global Community Potentate Nicolae Carpathia, no longer pretending to be a pacifist, has ordered every Morale Monitor armed as he prepares to travel along the Via Do... show more ▼
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The Edge of Darkness

The Edge of Darkness

Tim LaHaye

Religion / Fiction / Nonfiction

Tim LaHaye’s most exciting series ever, Babylon Rising, continues with this explosive new installment, including more revelations than ever before. In The Edge of Darkness, LaHaye ... show more ▼
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Soul Harvest: The World Takes Sides

Soul Harvest: The World Takes Sides

Tim LaHaye

Religion / Fiction / Nonfiction

The world is reeling from a great earthquake. As Nicolae Carpathia begins a worldwide rebuilding campaign, his rage is fueled by an evangelistic effort resulting in the greatest ha... show more ▼
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Thunder of Heaven

Thunder of Heaven

Tim LaHaye

Religion / Fiction / Nonfiction

In the second installment of The End series, not even Joshua Jordan's anti-nuclear technology can stop global events moving to catastrophic as terrorist missiles take down an Ameri... show more ▼
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Matthew's Story: From Sinner to Saint

Matthew's Story: From Sinner to Saint

Tim LaHaye

Religion / Fiction / Nonfiction

The new novel in the Jesus Chronicles, the bestselling series from the authors of the Left Behind novels. Levi was studying to be a priest, but when an unspeakable tragedy befal... show more ▼
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  • 639