The Adventures of Reddy Fox

The Adventures of Reddy Fox

Thornton W. Burgess

Children's Books / Outdoors & Nature

When little Reddy Fox gets too big for his breeches and steals a plump pet hen in broad daylight, the stage is set for an exciting tale as Farmer Brown\'s boy pursues Reddy with lo... show more ▼
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The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse

The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse

Thornton W. Burgess

Children's Books / Outdoors & Nature

A plump little meadow mouse is always an inviting target for hungry hunters in the Green Meadows. This certainly should give Danny Meadow Mouse enough cause for concern; but lately... show more ▼
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The Adventures of Old Mr. Toad

The Adventures of Old Mr. Toad

Thornton W. Burgess

Children's Books / Outdoors & Nature

Old Mr. Toad was acting strangely, and his behavior puzzled all the creatures of the Green Meadow. You see, he was in a hurry, and Old Mr. Toad NEVER hurried unless he was in dange... show more ▼
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The Adventures of Chatterer the Red Squirrel

The Adventures of Chatterer the Red Squirrel

Thornton W. Burgess

Children's Books / Outdoors & Nature

Author and editor of numerous children\'s books, Thornton W. Burgess was also a noted conservationist. In writing for youngsters he combined a gift for storytelling with his love o... show more ▼
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The Adventures of Jimmy Skunk

The Adventures of Jimmy Skunk

Thornton W. Burgess

Children's Books / Outdoors & Nature

PETER RABBIT PLANS A JOKE The Imp of Mischief, woe is me,Is always busy as a bee. That is why so many people are forever getting into trouble. He won\'t keep still. No, Sir, he won... show more ▼
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  • 745
The Adventures of Peter Cottontail

The Adventures of Peter Cottontail

Thornton W. Burgess

Children's Books / Outdoors & Nature

One of the most beloved characters in children\'s literature, Peter Cottontail is up to his long-whiskered nose in rib-tickling escapades in this delightful classic. With gentle ch... show more ▼
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Mrs. Peter Rabbit

Mrs. Peter Rabbit

Thornton W. Burgess

Children's Books / Outdoors & Nature

Something is definitely wrong with Peter Rabbit . . . he has no appetite! Deciding he is terribly lonely, Peter sets off to visit some friends in the Old Pasture but instead finds ... show more ▼
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  • 715

The Adventures of Johnny Chuck

The Adventures of Johnny Chuck

Thornton W. Burgess

Children's Books / Outdoors & Nature

Spring has arrived at the Green Meadow and Johnny Chuck is strangely discontent. On a whim, he offers Jimmy Skunk his house and then wanders off. Along the way, he gets into a figh... show more ▼
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  • 696
The Adventures of Paddy Beaver

The Adventures of Paddy Beaver

Thornton W. Burgess

Children's Books / Outdoors & Nature

PADDY THE BEAVER BEGINS WORK Work, work all the night While the stars are shining bright; Work, work all the day; I have got no time to play. HIS little rhyme Paddy the Beaver m... show more ▼
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The Adventures of Old Man Coyote

The Adventures of Old Man Coyote

Thornton W. Burgess

Children's Books / Outdoors & Nature

"Listen," whispered Jimmy Skunk to Peter Rabbit as the strange howling sound echoed through the Green Forest. But Peter was listening. He had never heard anything like it. The soun... show more ▼
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  • 673
The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat

The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat

Thornton W. Burgess

Children's Books / Outdoors & Nature

CHAPTER I: Jerry Muskrat Has A Fright What was it Mother Muskrat had said about Farmer Brown\'s boy and his traps? Jerry Muskrat sat on the edge of the Big Rock and kicked his heel... show more ▼
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The Boy Scouts in A Trappers Camp

The Boy Scouts in A Trapper's Camp

Thornton W. Burgess

Children's Books / Outdoors & Nature

Introduction To those who have read the preceding volumes in this series, The Boy Scouts of Woodcraft Camp The Boy Scouts on Swift River and The Boy Scouts on Lost Trail some of th... show more ▼
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  • 616
Blacky the Crow

Blacky the Crow

Thornton W. Burgess

Children's Books / Outdoors & Nature

Children will love this wonderful tale of Blacky the Crow, who has very sharp eyes, and who is often getting into trouble because he sees things he shouldn\'t. One day Blacky notic... show more ▼
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