The Canadian Civil War  Volume 2- The Huguenots Arrive

The Canadian Civil War Volume 2- The Huguenots Arrive

William Wresch

Science / Technology / Nonfiction

In this second volume of the series, the French history of the continent is expanded to tell the story of the Huguenots. As in volume 1, some of the early history is an accurate portrayal of the Huguenot exodus from France. But this is also a work of fiction -- in this case a description of the growing conflict between their values and the values of the Catholic North.In this second volume of the series, the French history of the continent is expanded to tell the story of the Huguenots. As in volume 1, some of the early history is an accurate portrayal of the Huguenot exodus from France. Theirs is a story worth telling. But this is also a work of fiction -- in this case a description of the growing conflict between their values and the values of the Catholic north. Threading its way through the story of that growing conflict is another story - the story of how history is made and remade to serve contemporary interests. Maybe the truest story in this volume is that final story of history remanufactured and manipulated for political ends.
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  • 800
Lisa Molin Assassin - A Quiet Kill in Interlaken

Lisa Molin Assassin - A Quiet Kill in Interlaken

Mike Ward

Science / Technology / Nonfiction

Lisa Molin is a freelance Swedish assassin working for the Russian mafia in Europe. Lisa travels to Interlaken in Switzerland to carry out an assassination contracted for the Russian mafia in Zurich. There is a difference to this kill. The man due to be assassinated has put this hit on himself and he wants to spend the day with Lisa before she kills him.Lisa Molin is a freelance Swedish assassin working for the Russian mafia in Europe. When a male assassin can’t do the job the Russian mafia sends in Lisa. Her favorite method of execution is the garrote and she also uses the Japanese jutte which is a foot long bar of solid iron with two hooks on the side that can be used to rip flesh and dislocate joints. She is an expert in taekwondo and has killed many men that way. In Korean “tae” means to strike or break with the foot and “kwon” means to strike or break with the fist and she is an expert at both. She is the last person that more than 120 men have seen before they departed this Earth and usually they departed the planet by extremely violent means.Lisa Molin travels to Interlaken in Switzerland to carry out an assassination contracted for the Russian mafia in Zurich. There is a difference to this kill. The man due to be assassinated has put this hit on himself and he wants to spend the day with Lisa before she kills him. She is meeting him in the Japanese Gardens next to the Hotel Interlaken at dawn. There will be nobody about at that hour. Should she just dispatch him in the Japanese Gardens or should she acquiesce to his wishes and spend the day with him. Read on and find out.
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  • 768
The Starlite Ballroom

The Starlite Ballroom

Paul Andrews

Science / Technology / Business

The war was over and at a Big Band dance in 1945, Emma made a crucial choice, defining the course of her life forever. Now tonight, destiny draws her back to the old Starlite Ballroom, as worn and aged as she is. Emma's given a chance to relive that fateful night and choose between two vastly different men once again. Can she make a different choice this time? Will she even dare?Many a couple met and fell in love in a Big Band ballroom. World War II was finally over, the GIs were back home, and only their futures lay before them. If only you could return to that magical time. This short story is about the age old wish of 'what if.' What if we were given a chance to go back and do things differently. Would our choices be the same, or would we take a more daring path?
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  • 759
The Old Rocker and the Healer

The Old Rocker and the Healer

Mike Ward

Science / Technology / Nonfiction

An old rocker lies in his bed. Tonight will probably be his last night on Earth but he's not ready to go. The old rocker thinks of his granddaughter of how much she needs him. If he stays she could be anything she wants, if he goes tonight he wonders will become of her. While the rocker lies there waiting for death a healer slips quietly into the room.An old rocker lies in his bed. Tonight will probably be his last night on Earth but he's not ready to go. His mind is clear and his memories are so strong. The old rocker thinks of his granddaughter of how much she needs him. Her parents don't understand her, but he does and he sees a bight future for her. If he stays she could be anything she wants, if he goes tonight he wonders will become of her. While the rocker lies there waiting for death a man slips quietly into the room. The man sits down by the old rocker, but this is no ordinary man. This man is a healer who has been sent as an answer to a prayer. Included with this story is information telling you how to awaken the power of healing inside yourself. This can be done in as little as one hour. It really is easier than you would think.
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  • 753
Self Inflicted Abomination

Self Inflicted Abomination

D.A. Rogers

Business / Science / Technology

(13+ Warning contains violence, horror, and mature humour) Life in the Dark Cities is harsh. Brutal serfdom is enforced with the lash and the threat of becoming dinner for a ravenous demon. For Kasus, knowledge is the power to free himself from this hellpit. However, the price could be a heavy one. Will it cost him his humanity?Magic was the province of the wealthy and well connected, or in the case of necromancy, the insane. He was not sufficiently rich or high born to train as an artiphicer or unifier. A house slave from a Dark City estate could not hope to gather the resources to become any of these, let alone access the ley-nexus locations needed to gather arcane energy. His would have to be a less orthodox route. His access to arcane knowledge, fuelled by his tremendous desire to escape would lead Kasus down a shadowed path few would dare consider.
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  • 750
Way Around

Way Around


Science / Technology / Nonfiction

Two strangers bond over an unfortunate event.The boy called Tygg once made a wish to a shooting star and then he became responsible for a one of them-the star doggie. He has to care for his safe return up to the stars. By an chance of sewing his own super hero suit, he managed to spend more time together with the little one and to learn a lot of differences between each other. After many days of struggle, he was finally ready to set off and take his new friend back... & there has started a completely new chapter in his life, which has changed him forever...
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  • 654
England is the Property of New Delhi

England is the Property of New Delhi

Mike Ward

Science / Technology / Nonfiction

The year is 2075 AD and India is in control of much of England and Wales. In an act of unbelievable treachery (at least from London’s point of view) the Irish government has sided with New Delhi. England and Wales are being rapidly cleared for Indian colonization and only a few thousand English rebels remain in the mountainous areas.The year is 2075 AD and India is in control of much of England and Wales. In an act of unbelievable treachery (at least from London’s point of view) the Irish government has sided with New Delhi. England and Wales are being rapidly cleared for Indian colonization and only a few thousand English rebels remain in the mountainous areas. These rebels are difficult to flush out and the Indian military is using a mix of Indian commanders and Irish “Hunters” to find the remaining Englishmen. Amitabh Gavaskar is the Indian Military Governor of North West England. Most of his area is clear but there is one valley in the English Lake District that has been giving odd readings on scans done by automated skimmers flying over the area. Amitabh Gavaskar has five brothers serving in the Indian military and his youngest brother Rahul has just been assigned to the North West England district. Rahul Gavaskar’s first assignment will be to take two of Amitabh Gavaskar’s best Irish Hunters and search the valley using a skimmer. They are to land and search the valley on foot if necessary. Amitabh Gavaskar has promised his father faithfully that he will take good care of young Rahul and this should be a good first assignment for him. Rahul Gavaskar’s skimmer lands in the valley and he and the two Irish Hunters exit the vehicle and begin to search the valley. Unbeknownst to them a Chinese weapons system developed in 2047 and capable of firing obsidian ball bearings at a speed of 4,000 kilometers an hour has detected the approach of the men. The Chinese system is currently in standby mode but if it is activated by any of the Englishmen in the valley then Amitabh Gavaskar will have some very bad news to give to his father. An excerpt from “England is the Property of New Delhi” is below:“That tree is artificial,” Gavaskar yelled. “Stop her, she’s almost there.” Dempsey threw himself into the air and came down bodily on top of the woman. He grabbed her wrist with his hand but he was too late, her fingertips touched the tree. “Fingerprint ID confirmed, awaiting your command,” the tree said or to be more precise a Chinese computer buried one hundred and seventy meters below the surface relayed a voice command to the artificial tree. Shane Jennings had reached the woman too and he grabbed hold of her ankles and pulled her away from the tree. Dempsey turned her over and clamped his hand over Emmeline Sanderson’s mouth. She fought Dempsey turning her head from side to side and biting the Irishman as he fought to keep his hand over her mouth. Gavaskar saw blood starting to seep between Dempsey’s fingers. “Weapons system is active, awaiting your verbal command,” the artificial tree said. It spoke first in English and then repeated the words in Mandarin Chinese.
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  • 623

The Canadian Civil War: Volume 4 - Mississippi Beast

The Canadian Civil War: Volume 4 - Mississippi Beast

William Wresch

Science / Technology / Nonfiction

In this fourth volume, unknown attackers begin launching assaults in Green Bay and nearly kill Claude Jolliet. But the biggest problems arise from a flood on the Mississippi that inundates the primary shipping and supply center of Canada. Elise and Shawn have 14 days to get systems there running again before the economy of the country collapses.In this fourth volume, unknown attackers begin launching assaults in Green Bay and nearly kill Claude Jolliet. A business war also erupts between the Murphy family and Tilden Foster’s family. But the biggest problems arise from a flood on the Mississippi that inundates the primary shipping and supply center of Canada. Elise and Shawn have 14 days to get systems there running again before the economy of the country collapses. In the process they discover friends and foes as the conflict between the Catholic north and Protestant south escalates.
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  • 578
The Canadian Civil War: Volume 5 - Carbines and Calumets

The Canadian Civil War: Volume 5 - Carbines and Calumets

William Wresch

Science / Technology / Nonfiction

In this final book of the series, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Colorado secede from Canada and fighting begins. Shawn travels to New Orleans to learn more about the rebellion and is nearly killed as he investigates involvement by an American company seeking to profit from the war. Final efforts at peace are made as people choose between carbines and calumets.In this final book of the series, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Colorado secede from Canada and fighting begins. Shawn travels to New Orleans to learn more about the rebellion and is nearly killed as he investigates involvement by an American company seeking to profit from the war. As bombs fall outside Baton Rouge, President Jolliet calls a gathering, and final efforts at peace are made as people choose between carbines and calumets.
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  • 534
Anatomy of a Breakthrough: How to Get Unstuck When It Matters Most

Anatomy of a Breakthrough: How to Get Unstuck When It Matters Most

Adam Alter

Business / Psychology / Technology

A groundbreaking guide to breaking free from the thoughts, habits, jobs, relationships, and even business models that prevent us from achieving our full potential.Almost everyone feels stuck in some way. Whether you're muddling through a midlife crisis, wrestling writer's block, trapped in a thankless job, or trying to remedy a fraying friendship, the resulting emotion is usually a mix of anxiety, uncertainty, fear, anger, and numbness. But it doesn't have to be this way. Anatomy of a Breakthrough is the roadmap we all need to escape our inertia and flourish in the face of friction. Adam Alter has spent the past two decades studying how people become stuck and how they free themselves to thrive. Here he reveals the formula he and other researchers have uncovered. The solution rests on a process that he calls a friction audit—a systematic procedure that uncovers why a person or organization is stuck, and then suggests a path to...
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  • 518
The Weather Man

The Weather Man

Paul Andrews

Science / Technology / Business

Geoff MacLeod is having his worse day ever. As WRLA’s Meteorologist, he failed to predict the storm of the century. What could possibly be worse? Then Elijah moves into the vacant apartment next door. He’s an eccentric older gent who seems harmless enough. That is, until he takes to the roof of their building to do the impossible - wave a staff in the air and … change the weather!This short story is for the weather lover at heart. If your favorite moment of any storm is the last few moments just before the rain falls - the clouds heavy with menace, the gusts swaying the trees, the lighting just short of danger. If only the energy and exhilaration of that moment could be tapped ... if only you could control the weather!
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  • 441
The Canadian Civil War: Volume 3 - West to the Wall

The Canadian Civil War: Volume 3 - West to the Wall

William Wresch

Science / Technology / Nonfiction

This third book in the series mixes accounts of early explorations in west and attempts to reach the Pacific through the “Wall” of Rocky Mountains, with an ongoing description of the breakdown of Canada into northern and southern sections.This third book in the series mixes accounts of early explorations in west and attempts to reach the Pacific through the “Wall” of Rocky Mountains, with an ongoing description of the breakdown of Canada into northern and southern sections. While the government in Green Bay attempts to win friends in the south, an American agent opens a new front in the conflict by bringing a band of men to attack Sioux villages in the west. Shawn Murphy happens to be in the west researching early French attempts to push past the “Wall” of mountains to reach the Pacific. His confrontation with the American agent and his “angry-men” nearly costs him his life.
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  • 398
A Nose for St. Patrick's Day

A Nose for St. Patrick's Day

Chris McCloskey

Childrens / Picture Books / Science / Technology

In Nose for St. Patrick, Tooten has a sudden dislike to another service dog. The ensuring trouble brings to light a crime that they solve in this free, delightful novella.Meet Tooten and Ter, an unlikely crime-busting duo. Terrance has been dropped into the Colorado foster system and is lucky enough to find a great foster dad. He also gets the best companion ever in Tooten, a small mixed breed dog who is in training to be a service animal. Together, Tooten and Ter stumble into shady dealings and manage to solve the cases with just a little help from Ter's foster dad, a retired police captain.In Nose for St. Patrick, Tooten has a sudden dislike to another service dog. The ensuring trouble brings to light a crime that they solve in this free, delightful novella.
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  • 378
The Secret Garden: Annotated with Reading Strategies

The Secret Garden: Annotated with Reading Strategies

Terence Cavanaugh

Science / Technology / Nonfiction

This book contains Frances Hodgson Burnett's classic "the Secret Garden" but has been enhanced with over 125 reading strategy experiences from over 45 areas to help guide readers with BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER reading strategies that students can practice with. Each chapter has multiple strategies embedded in the chapter to assist readers to read with purpose and become and active reader.This book contains Frances Hodgson Burnett's classic "the Secret Garden" but has been enhanced with over 125 reading strategy experiences from over 45 areas to help guide readers with BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER reading strategies that students can practice with. Each chapter has multiple strategies embedded in the chapter to assist readers to read with purpose and become and active reader. Additional resources such as links to free audio versions and online tools are also provided along with suggestions on how to use your electronic book reader to improve your reading experience and access to information. This public domain story, first published as a book in 1911, is on many reading lists for elementary and middle schools. Students and teachers can use this text to assist students needing extra guidance with their purposeful reading strategies or just as an instructional or practice resource.
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  • 345
Never Forgotten

Never Forgotten

Robert Martin

Computer Science / Technology / Nonfiction

... a "feel-good" holiday short story about one man's journey to recover lost memories and his discovery that nothing is ever forgotten; it is only misplaced!Coping with the traumatic experiences Ava endured with the Kakos is more challenging than she ever imagined it to be. She finds herself struggling to remember the details of her time kept away with Damien Kakos and when the memories assault her mind, she is plagued with crippling fear. There is something in the back of Ava’s thoughts screaming at her, telling her that the fight with the devil’s brood has not yet ended.Newly married, Ava and Ari deal with issues involving trust, honesty and faith in one another and as they plot their course for a new life together, they discover that their individual wants and needs don’t exactly match. Ari’s promises to Ava begin to break. Some of the Alexander’s family secrets are revealed and Ava realizes that she needs to keep her friends close, and her enemies even closer.A Broken Fate, the second novel in The Beautiful Fate Series, dives further into Ava and Ari’s nail-bitter of a story and adds even more suspense, mystery, romance and thrills. This series is impossible for any reader to resist.
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  • 326