Sun on the Rocks - The Sugar Baby

Sun on the Rocks - The Sugar Baby

Somers Isle & Loveshade

Chick Lit / Fiction / Humor and Comedy

Tambrera rum executive Sam Bartleby receives a company notice that he is fired. Discontent with his paltry severance, Bartleby discusses with his uncle an avenue to stay in the British Virgin Islands without a job, involving an arrangement with a sugar baby. Having a drink in a terrace, Bartleby sees the perfect candidate: Ethnographer Flower Parkwood, the good friend of teleoperator Clarity Nice.On a 'Martini Bianco' bar terrace in the British Virgin Islands, Tambrera rum executive Sam Bartleby receives notice that he is fired. Worried about his financial future and the grim prospects for his personal life, Bartleby discusses with his uncle Clive, an unexplored business strategy that will allow him to stay in the Islands without a job. His plan involves recruiting a sugar baby, and over drinks, Bartleby finds the perfect candidate in Ethnographer, Flower Parkwood, the why-not, clueless, bohemian friend of teleoperator Clarity Nice.While Clive spends time with Clarity, Bartleby spends the day with Flower trying to convince her of the benefits of being his sugar baby but Clarity´s friend refuses the slick executive’s propostion. He persists; he will provide food, lodging, travel arrangements and valuable personal guidance to her for the long term. To entice her, he pays for a large shopping spree on the island of Tortola.After a good meal in one of the island´s nicest restaurants, Flower finally accepts Bartleby´s offer to board the company boat, a wannabee-yacht, the 'Lady Moura'. She will be his sugar baby for a few days while he carries out a business transaction for a marriage and dating site named Oleanne. The deal allows Flower to bring her friend Clarity onboard. Together they collaborate on the business transaction with Bartleby and a man known as Chubby Caddy, an important client of the Oleanne dating service coming from Panama.
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  • 852
Sun on the Rocks - The Lovable Community

Sun on the Rocks - The Lovable Community

Somers Isle & Loveshade

Chick Lit / Fiction / Humor and Comedy

Sexy teleoperator Clarity Nice and her fashionably bohemian friend, Flower Parkwood, visit the Mexican area of Campeche to study native artifacts and ethnographic aspects of the Mayan culture in the small village of Miradorcito, only to find that this village of Mayan ancestry, its people and local traditions are under threat by an egyptologist who overtly wants ownership of the village land.Teleoperator Clarity Nice and her friend ethnographer Flower Parkwood, reach the decrepit and picturesque town of Miradorcito in the state of Campeche in Mexico. Brought to Campeche in a colorful guagua from a brief vacation in Cancun after exposing alcohol traffic in the British Virgin Islands (The Sugar Baby), Clarity becomes the assistant of Flower, using her 'permiso de arqueologia', an observation and archaeological dig permit granted by Flower's boss, egyptologist Akhris Zephairi. Zephairi's Alabastriah foundation is funded by the Museum of Cairo and a shady real estate developer from Belize, Levian Fahibian, who is looking for new areas to invest a pile of cash showing on the balance sheet of his company, Mangrove Barrier Resorts. Fahibian makes an offer to the elderly head of the village, Ms. Morales, to buy the land of her ancestors, in order to seek an obscure assortment of Mayan ruins buried under Miradorcito for decades and build where the village of Miradorcito is standing, a gambling resort similar to those found in Belize, and a Mayan historical village that will bring new tourist business to the area.
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  • 840
Sun on the Rocks - The Outdoor Shower

Sun on the Rocks - The Outdoor Shower

Somers Isle & Loveshade

Chick Lit / Fiction / Humor and Comedy

Stevenson teleoperator Clarity Nice elicits assistance from her friend Cynthia, in order to build an outdoor shower on company lawn that will provide a clothing optional amenity. Infringing human resources policy, clashing against police officer Packwood, who prohibits use of the shower, Clarity purchases a shower patent for Stevenson to lift poor company sales, involving Cynthia as lawyer.After a naked lawn party during clothing optional day, Stevenson Garden Products Malibu teleoperator Clarity Nice agrees with her friend Cynthia Stevenson, daughter of company owner Bill Stevenson, to build an outdoor shower on company lawn, in order to bring publicity for the company. Bypassing the head of human resources at Stevenson, Brock Cheevers, Clarity finds out that the municipality of Malibu prohibits the use of a shower on any company garden lawn, and that it has assigned officer Packwood and his nephew Avery to the 'Stevenson shower' case.When the outdoor shower faucet is closed by Packwood, Clarity decides to build a shower inside the premises of Stevenson, near the rooftop pool of the company, so that employees can relax after a rough day's work. To pay for the expense, Clarity uses Cynthia's power of attorney which allows her to charge and spend company money when her father is away on a trip. Learning that Stevenson sales have dropped and looking for new job opportunities inside the company, Clarity decides to purchase a shower patent using company money savings, in order to boost sales by establishing a new shower division at Stevenson. Without any official document backing her, she uses the funds available to pay for the patent, knowing that her initiative may mean that she is out of a job.With a new patent in her hands, Clarity sets out to sell a number of showers at a Las Vegas bathroom and accessories exhibit, in order to refund Stevenson's money, borrowed to buy the patent, and also to avoid being fired by the owner of the garden company himself, Mr. Stevenson, for having used company funds without authorization.
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  • 820
Sun on the Rocks - The OOL Broderie

Sun on the Rocks - The OOL Broderie

Somers Isle & Loveshade

Chick Lit / Fiction / Humor and Comedy

Teleoperator Clarity Nice investigates two wealthy women lured to marry each other within the Church headed by Cassandra Scafarel in Bahrain, the Church of the Holy Flower. Following indications of a conglomerate with ties to the kingdom, Clarity´s mission is to prevent the partly naked bridal union of the neophytes, who are debating who will be naked and who will wear the broderie wedding dress.Standing on a window-cleaning platform carrying a squeegee, Stevenson Garden Products teleoperator Clarity Nice and Colorado heiress Montana Sterley, investigate two wealthy women lured to join the All-Women Church of spiritual development headed by British expatriate Cassandra Scafarel in the kingdom of Bahrain, the Church of the Holy Flower. Both women investigated by Sensual Intelligence, Jenny Owens and Shalia Owell, have paid the steep Church membership access price of fifty thousand dollars, and Scafarel wants the two lovely single Board Members to get married to each other, one of them naked, the other wearing an intricate broderie mini dress, to vow their faith and fidelity to the Church´s symbol of affluence and beauty, the Rose of Levity.In exchange for becoming members of the Church and gaining access to the Rose of Levity´s practical spiritual knowledge, the two bridal neophytes must sign a power of attorney to Scafarel, leaving their Board of Director seats to the shrewd business woman after their wedding. Clarity´s mission is to prevent the marriage of both women, and return them, clothed or unclothed, to their human sexuality studies at University of Arizona, as per the indications of the Board of Directors of a powerful conglomerate, Owens & Owell, a group where both of the women have their Board seats, with ties to several ministries of the kingdom.
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  • 810
Sun on the Rocks - The Shabby Sheik

Sun on the Rocks - The Shabby Sheik

Somers Isle & Loveshade

Chick Lit / Fiction / Humor and Comedy

Watched by a ceiling camera inside a Macao casino, Clarity Nice joins videographer Plum Bailey, boarding Heir Force One, the plane of Sheik Hari Al-Najib, after offering to him a ring that points to an ancient sorority. Rejected by his family, known as the dumbest loss-making machine of the Emirates, Hari seeks the help of Clarity to sort his love life and make his first dollar on his own.Watched by a ceiling camera inside the Florentia Moenia casino in Macau, teleoperator Clarity Nice joins the woman watching her, videographer Plum Bailey, in a live dealer gambling room broadcasting over the internet. Plum leads Clarity with her on board Heir Force One, the plane of Sheik Haroun Al-Najib, known colloquially as Hari, after offering to him the luxurious ring made by the firm Mauboussin, brought by Clarity to Macau, which points to an ancient sorority identified by a symbol known as the 'incomplete triangle'. Rejected by his family, known as the dumbest human loss-making machine of the Emirates, Hari likes to wear shabby clothes, which include a sweater with growths patched with puffs of woolfiller, ripped jeans, worn out brown leather shoes with one of the soles open, and housing several white pebbles.A golden bachelor with a solid reputation of lacking qualification and being indecisive whatever he does, Hari has not decided to marry, and is confused by all the women around him, who want to be near him in order to enjoy the affluent lifestyle of 'HDH', His Dumb Highness, as everyone else but himself thinks of him. Hari does not care about failure, and sees it as something inherent in business and in general.Seen as a nuisance by his family for their business, because of his loss making business blunders and repeated incompetence, his list of achievements including only failures and money losing ventures or trades, Hari heads for the Caribbean to sort out his love life and make his first dollar on his own. His plane lands in the British Virgin Islands and he gets a job as waiter in a terrace of Tortola. After an unfortunate tip to a tourist on a penny stock which fails, Hari is fired from his job, and becomes jobless again.Sheik Hari is a sociable guy, who trusts himself when someone else tells him he is rich. He is rich, but someone else always ends up managing his money, either his family or his retainer Hakeem, a man who resents all the fortune around him, and seeks a chunk of all the money thrown away by Hari's disastrous forays into business, trade, or investing.After an email sent by error by Hari results in the landing of a consortium of journalists investigating the Sheik and the holdings of his company, Clarity helps Hari sort out some of the problems arising out of the unwanted notoriety. The mess created by Hari includes a scandal called Scrub Leaks, involving the Sheik's family assets and other powerful members of the elite, and a money laundering charge by the BVI financial services commission, which leads Hari's girlfriend to leave him. As a result of the mess, Hari, and Clarity, are arrested and are led to jail in Tortola.Stuck with Hari in jail, awaiting a trial which the authorities want as example of their compliance with laundering legislation, Clarity will have to find an ingenious way to leave jail and the island, to elude the charges against them by bringing to the police commissioner those who tampered with the Sheik's account in Tortola. Lacking any local allies, the only way for Clarity out of Hari's mess, is to strike a deal exchanging favors with Plum, who is seeking a valuable list of connections owned by the Sheik, in order to reach the sorority headed by an older woman, Lady Mulham, which brings to their members an explanation of 'completion', in particular the completion of its symbol, the incomplete triangle. (This is the regular banana humor version of the Shabby Sheik)
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  • 707
Sun on the Rocks - The Vanity Ring

Sun on the Rocks - The Vanity Ring

Somers Isle & Loveshade

Chick Lit / Fiction / Humor and Comedy

Following indications of the Enlightened Dragon Society, Clarity Nice notices that the wife of billionaire Dao Bin, Elsie Chu, has purchased an expensive ring, linked to her smartphone. On her own, Clarity finds the role of this luxurious vanity ring, and how knowledge on immortality will be sold with a Health phone built by Dao Bin, Chinese General Tian Yazhou, and conglomerate Owens & Owell.Rejected by socialite Shalia Owell, who has discovered Clarity's false identity as Herbaline employee Darcy Emmers, Clarity becomes agenda and damage control assistant of Elsie Chu, the wife of Singapore billionaire Dao Bin, owner of wireless and telephony company Hunan Enterprises. Disenchanted by a rocky marriage and the lack of influence she has on the business matters of her husband, including the new health phone project to sell longevity services, Elsie Chu has purchased an expensive ring sold by a luxury jeweler, labeled 'Rose Property', which has some wireless equipment built into it to protect her privacy. Convinced that she can take part in her husband's business, she instructs Clarity to spy on Dao Bin and his moneytician Lim Li, to know more about her husband's activity.Sent to the Chinese Embassy and to the Branch of a private bank in Singapore, the Overseas Chinese Banking Corporation, Clarity finds out that Chinese Military officials, led by Western Military Command Theater General Tian Yazhou, have agreed to fund part of the health phone project. Her loyalty siding with the monks of the Enlightened Dragon Society, who are protecting their dossier on immortality, Meridian 57, from Taoist Professor Chang, and from his White Tigress, Madame Wa, an expert of esoteric sexuality, Clarity stays close to Elsie Chu, to find out the storage location of rare earth metals which will be used to assemble the new health phone.Clarity becomes a confidant of Elsie Chu, who has begun instruction as a White Tigress, following the esoteric teachings of Madame Wa. But the cheeky doyenne does not trust her esoteric teacher completely, and she uses her ring in order to stay in touch with a secretive group which keeps her away from sexual esoteric practices, the Privilege Club. The secretive club is the group who issued the vanity ring of Elsie Chu, and instructs her to stay away from Madame Wa and instead carry out the filming of an adult film, 'Golden Lamp of Casa Mollino', to vent out the impulses of her outrageous libido.Enmeshed in the filming of Casa Mollino, which is used by Elsie Chu to involve prominent members of Singapore high society in the funding of her husband's health phone project, Clarity is drawn into the ploy of Elsie Chu. Alone and without any immediate support, she must face the shrewd delegate sent by General Tian Yazhou, Economic and Commercial counselor of the Chinese embassy in Singapore, Jiang Xiong, and the moneytician of Dao Bin, Lim Li, in order to protect the core of Meridian 57, uncover the identities of those behind the vanity ring of Elsie Chu, and find out Taoist knowledge on immortality assembled by Professor Chang, which will be sold with the Hunan health phone, through a joint venture between General Tian Yazhou, Dao Bin and Owens & Owell.
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  • 704
Sun on the Rocks - The Emotion Scale

Sun on the Rocks - The Emotion Scale

Somers Isle & Loveshade

Chick Lit / Fiction / Humor and Comedy

Clarity Nice attends a personal development course at Herbaline, a company reputed for its aggressive sales methods and a secretive hierarchical structure. Befriending Herbaline emotician Coley Manglove, Clarity gets hired to work on the company's secret project, an emotion scale used to elicit sales and label Herbaline employees conforming or rebellious, unrightfully deciding promotion prospects.Teleoperator Clarity Nice visits the headquarters of Herbaline in Orange County, a herbal, diet and weight prevention company, known for its aggressive marketing methods. Seeing on a corporate chart that the president of the company, Lyle Matchett, has never been seen and is not shown anywhere in the annual report of the company, she decides to explore the company's premises afterhours, and stumbles upon an area inside the company building labeled emotician office. Emotician Coley Manglove finds Clarity in her office and reveals to her the secretive project that she has been told to carry out by the head of human studies at Herbaline: A scale of emotion that can be used to describe the personality of employees and to elicit sales from a customer, even those reticent to buy Herbaline products.Clarity and her friend Lanai sign an agreement to work for Herbaline, with their duties undefined and their compensation contingent on dubious aspects of their performance. They board a plane for Cayman where the company has a sales training center, led by Herbaline motivational guru Coleman Cartmel. After looking at the poor sales performance of Clarity and Lanai, Manglove decides to send both of them to the Herbaline language facility in Palm Springs, where a company employee, Ambi Mivel, is being held against her will, because she shows signs of consistent company language refusal of the company's official sales language, 'Herbaspeak'.At the facility, Clarity gets into the 'antisale' area, the room where Mivel is being held against her will. Clarity realizes that Cartmel is manipulating the emotions of Herbaline employees, using an emotion scale that measures human emotions, assigning a subjective 'emotional tendency' number to each employee based on personality, which is used to promote or criticise the worker. The emotion scale links to a brain wave technology device known as the inducer, to prevent or cut off from employee thinking, any emotion that has to do with negative emotions, like impatience, hostility, animosity or open, overt disagreement with company sales policy. Signing off on a relational agreement with Cartmel, Clarity leaves the facility with the recluse, going to a relational board house in Nevada, 'Honey Ranch', belonging to Herbaline, in order to denounce the illegal policies of Herbaline, leave the place, and find their human blueprint, measured by the emotion scale, and shared with a shady group pulling the strings of Herbaline, known as the Privilege club.
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  • 666

Sun on the Rocks - The Marble Toucan

Sun on the Rocks - The Marble Toucan

Somers Isle & Loveshade

Chick Lit / Fiction / Humor and Comedy

Clarity Nice and her friend, ethnographer Flower Parkwood, work in a village in Campeche, Mexico, where Flower´s boss, egyptologist Akhris Zephairi, hopes to find authentic Mayan archaeological ruins which will stand along a gambling resort sponsoring his work. When Flower stumbles upon the Mayan site, Clarity helps the head of the village, in stopping the presence of the new gambling resort.Teleoperator Clarity Nice and her friend ethnographer Flower Parkwood, reach the picturesque village of Miradorcito in the state of Campeche in Mexico. Brought to Campeche in a colorful guagua after a brief vacation in Cancun following the exposure of alcohol traffic in the British Virgin Islands (The Sugar Baby), Clarity works alongside Flower in an archaeological site to make some pocket money, using Flower's 'permiso de arqueologia', an observation and archaeological dig permit granted by Flower's boss, Egyptian egyptologist Akhris Zephairi. Zephairi's Alabastriah Foundation, funded by the Museum of Cairo, and its partner, a shady real estate developement company from Belize, Mangrove Barrier Resorts, are looking for new areas to dig in Miradorcito, and are out to invest a pile of cash.In agreement with Zephairi, the man behind the strategy to throw out of the village all the inhabitants of Miradorcito, the head of the real estate company, his accomplice Lever Fahibian, makes an offer to the elderly head of the village, Ms. Morales, to buy the land of her ancestors, in order to let Zephairi seek an obscure assortment of Mayan ruins buried under Miradorcito for centuries. Using a local authorization from the governor of Campeche, which grants Zephairi a permit to dig under Miradorcito, the egyptologist razes part of the village, insisting on building on the village site a gambling resort similar to those found in Belize. Backed by Zephairi, Fahibian uses the permit granted to build a Mayan historical village along the gambling resort, that will bring new tourist business to the area. Ms Morales can count on no one except Clarity and a toucan which has been passed on by her ancestors, to save the village from the jaws of Zephairi, who wants ownership of Miradorcito's land as a source of revenue for the Museum of Cairo, and has agreed with local politicians to get the traditional Mexican village relocated to Egypt.
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  • 358
Sun on the Rocks - Meridian 57

Sun on the Rocks - Meridian 57

Somers Isle & Loveshade

Chick Lit / Fiction / Humor and Comedy

Landing in Singapore without a passport, Clarity Nice is led to an important forum on health and longevity, attended by Taoist Master Professor Chang, and billionaire Dao Bin. A member of a Secret Society warns Clarity of the dangers of esoteric knowledge taught by Chang, some of which is stored in a chart which holds the mystery of immortality, Meridian 57, that Clarity must protect from Chang.After landing at Changi airport in Singapore without a passport, with her friends Lanai and former Herbaline employee Ambi Mivel, teleoperator Clarity Nice is set aside before customs by a hostess from Singapore Airlines, Devi. Devi has connections with a Secret Society of warrior monks known as the Society of the Enlightened Jade Dragon, and she gets Clarity a passport with diplomatic status and a false name, Darcy Emmers, along with a badge confirming her credentials with the company which paid for her ticket, the diet and weight prevention company, Herbaline.Clarity trusts Devi, who simply says she is a friend, and leads Clarity to an important Forum on health and longevity, attended by Taoist Master Professor Chang, and Owens & Owell heiress Shalia Owell, who becomes infatuated with Clarity. Left on her own without Devi, Clarity stays close to Shalia, befriending her, learning of the various insecurities of the wealthy socialite. The blond girl is reassured by the presence of Clarity, and simply wants to get her board seat back from a stern father who disapproves of her marriage with good looking girlfriend and human sexuality university student Jenny Owens.Devi gets in touch with Clarity, telling her that she must protect a chart which holds the mystery of immortality, known as Meridian 57, built by the monks of the Enlightened Jade Dragon Society after years of studying the Taoist canons. Coveted by Singapore billionaire Dao Bin, and a White Tigress linked to Professor Chang, Madame Wa, the chart is part of a module inside the symbolic decryptor of Clarity, who is told by the monks that the esoteric knowledge inside the module is not ready to be revealed.When a shipment of rare earth metals addressed to Owens & Owell is stolen by Dao Bin, Singapore authorities from the ministry of Media and Communications begin inquiring, questioning Shalia Owell about the circumstance of the theft. Caught in a business struggle between Dao Bin and Owens & Owell, Clarity must trust her intuition and her new friends of the Enlightened Dragon, to overcome the ruse of Dao Bin and Madame Wa, who is luring Shalia Owell into her own Secret Society, the Shade of the White Lotus.
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  • 352
Sun on the Rocks - The Cocoanomics Gazette

Sun on the Rocks - The Cocoanomics Gazette

Somers Isle & Loveshade

Chick Lit / Fiction / Humor and Comedy

Clarity Nice is arrested by Border Immigration at Miami Airport, for showing up in a list related to stolen bonds. To avoid going to a local jail, Clarity is hired by the shady Cayman figure Buddha Talk to help him get a beachhead in South Florida, using a manual called Cocoanomics, and prevent rival mobster di Laure, owner of the Mclannan's burger franchise, from dominating the burger market.Coming out of her recent rumpus with Sheik Hari Al-Najib in the British Virgin Islands, teleoperator Clarity Nice flies out of BVI to Florida, in order to stay in Miami, and to avoid taking another plane back to Macau. Awaiting for her there in Asia, are those who purchased the ring by Mauboussin that Clarity received in Singapore, a ring kept by videographer Plum Bailey in BVI, which shows a symbol in one of the baguettes, known as the 'incomplete triangle'.While in transit in Florida, she is arrested by Customs and Border Immigration at Miami International Airport, after showing up in a list of people to watch, involved with the theft of federal bonds, previously held by the shady Cayman Islands banking agent Buddha Talk. To avoid going to a local detention center, Clarity is hired by Lloyd, a representative of the shady banking agent, who tells her that his boss wants a beachhead in South Florida, in the fast food beef and burger market. The market for burgers in the region, is dominated by rivals Moe Alamy, and by her protege, Gavino di Laure, the owners of the Mclannan's burger franchise, and of its mascot, Ollie the clown.Clarity reaches the lavish home of Buddha Talk in the Florida Keys, Swankeye, to help him out with 'business'. The banking agent, whose real name is Joe Mannen, has been having some problems with Cayman authorities. Inspectors Taylor and Marville are inquiring in his home in Florida, about the renewal license of Mannen's main business in the Cayman Islands, Lofty Bank. Mannen's reputation as a mobster has been dented with local Cappi of South Florida, by the disappearance of one million in stolen bonds, formerly held in his home in Cayman, now under Federal custody, after a whistle blower in a strip club called Milton's, told di Laure about the stolen bonds held by Mannen's pilot.In a meeting involving the various mobsters who rule the meat packing, distribution, and retail segments in South Florida, Mannen is left without a share of the meat business, and with the swamped Everglades territory of Monroe as the only turf to establish any burger related business. The only real business di Laure allows for Mannen is a small pawnshop in Miami, called the Gladeview pawnshop.Mannen knows that di Laure wants him out of South Florida, without any business at all. To restablish credibility with Cappi, using a manual called Cocoanomics found in a liquidation notice listed in the Cayman Islands Gazette, Mannen sends off Clarity to learn of di Laure's plans. She becomes a regular employee of Mclannan's, attending the rigorous training program of Ollie Burger University at the Mclannan's training center in Boynton, Florida. Dodging the henchman of Di Laure, Ambrosio, she will have to find a way to alter the Ollie burger of the franchise, to elicit a sale by Di Laure to Mannen of some of the locations of the profitable burger restaurants.
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  • 326