The Stainless Steel Coffin

The Stainless Steel Coffin

Scott Skipper

Historical Fiction / Ebooks

In the seventies a metal shop just south of Los Angeles received an order for one stainless steel coffin with a glass lid, but that wasn't the unusual part.Those unfamiliar with the metal fabrication industry may find this bizarre little period piece too fanciful to be believed but those who are familiar will know that it's business as usual. The craziness you are about to read actually happened to a business acquaintance of the author—even to the fish oil.Now including a newspaper clipping with a follow-up to the continuing story.
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Pain Below the Equator

Pain Below the Equator

Scott Skipper

Historical Fiction / Ebooks

This is the frank journal of a six week tour of South America from Buenos Aires, around the horn to Valparaíso, Easter Island and Peru, chronicling the good the bad and the insane of the southern continent.In six weeks the author and his wife, both experienced adventure travelers, toured the lower two thirds of South America making calls in Argentina, Chile with a side trip to Easter Island and Peru. Dining, sights, people, politics, pitfalls misfortune and craziness are recounted in concise detail. The author shares travel tips learned the hard way and what should have been avoided at all costs.
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A Death in Carolina

A Death in Carolina

Scott Skipper

Historical Fiction / Ebooks

A brief fictionalized account of the murder of a deputy sheriff in rural North Carolina on the Fourth of July in 1914 by a descendant of the family containing contemporary photographs and news clips.Detective Cutfield will star in a future detective long story (A Slaughter in New York). In this short story, narrated in first person, we will discover how he is.
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