Lethal, p.5
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Lethal, page 5


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“Um, okay.” She nods like all this is completely normal. I push my hair over my shoulder. For some reason, I don’t want her seeing my brand. It still stings, but I found some Advil and Neosporin in the bathroom. The pain is almost gone.

  We walk down the stairs and she stops for a moment then huffs by the redheaded guy from last night. I think I heard his name is Edge? Flame? Whatever. All these guys have fucked-up names.

  “Dolly? Can I have a minute?” His muscled arm reaches for her, his voice sounding desperate.

  She swirls on him. “Get your filthy hands off me. I’m not one of the whores who have to do what you say. Fuck off, Edge.” She grabs my arm, pulling me out the door and into her little black sports car. I look back and he stands on the porch, staring at her.

  “Is that your boyfriend?” I mean it’s apparent something’s going on.

  She starts her car and honks her horn then flips him off as she presses on the accelerator. In the morning light, this place looks enormous. Tons of bikes and trucks are parked everywhere. Gravel leads up to the main house, but there might be some grass in the back.

  “Not anymore.” She steers down the long driveway where tons of trees shade and protect the area.

  “Who owns this place?” I look at her. She’s got a huge scowl on her face and her index finger is angrily tapping the steering wheel.

  “Jason. His grandfather bought it in the sixties, gave it to his son Bobby, and then Bobby died, so it’s Jason’s and the stupid club’s.” She reaches into her bag for a cigarette. I think I literally might be the only nonsmoker in this compound.

  “Who’s Jason?” I continue looking around, trying to pinpoint landmarks in case I need them.

  “Oh, right… sorry.” She sighs, shaking her head. “Jason is Blade. I forget you’re new.”

  “Oh.” That’s all I say because for some strange reason, hearing Jason rather than Blade humanizes him. And I don’t want to think of him in any other way than a healthcare provider for my dad. Dolly peels out onto the pavement and we’re speeding toward town.

  “I think…” She glances over at me. “Yeah, let’s go to my salon first. After that, we’ll get lunch and shop.” I don’t respond—she’s not asking me a question. She swerves into an alley and parks her car. A big pink and turquoise sign that says “Dolly’s Doll Shop” greets us.

  The door is pink and the building itself is turquoise and gold. She unlocks the door.

  “We don’t open until eleven a.m.” I look around and it’s fabulous. My eyes greedily take in her turquoise and gold lounging sofas and white walls. There’s even a chandelier in the middle of the store, the crystals casting rainbows all around.

  “Here, sit. Let me take a look at you.” I drop into a chair and cringe at my appearance. My hair is insane and with Blade’s T-shirt and my jean shorts, I couldn’t look any more like white trash if I tried.

  She looks at me in the mirror and I slump down. Her attractive body and sophisticated hair make me want to run out the door. But I won’t; I’ll play the game.

  “Eve?” Her voice is gentle.


  “Have you ever had your hair styled?” Her pretty brown eyes hold no judgment. If anything, they’re filled with compassion and that’s worse.

  “Um, yeah just the other day. That’s why it’s so silky.” I rub my fingers on the dry ends.

  “You know, Eve, I’m not the enemy. As a matter of fact, I like you. You’re gorgeous and you have spunk. Unfortunately, that is a deadly combination at the club.” She pulls my hair off my face and the brand shows its ugly redness.

  “Holy shit.” Her small pixie head is so close I feel her breath.

  “I heard that he marked you. I had no idea he did it here. Lucky bitch. I had to get mine here.” She shows me her wrist.

  “Yeah, I’m lucky all right. My dad is dying, my brother is a thief and a junkie, and I’m living with one of the deadliest MCs. I’d say I’m totally charmed.”

  She shrugs. “Well, at least he claimed you. That’s why we need you up to par. Have you heard about Crystal?” She spits the name out as she takes off her tiny camouflage jacket revealing arms covered in tattoos.

  “Is she the naked redhead on Blade’s wall?”

  “Yep.” She drapes a smock over me. “Let’s get your hair first then I’ll wax you.”

  My eyes snap to hers. “Wait… what? No waxing.” I frown as I look at the door opening. A guy and a girl are entering carrying coffee and bagels.

  “Hey guys.” Dolly hugs the guy carrying the coffee. “Doug and Jenny this is Eve.”

  Both are dressed in black and, of course, covered in tattoos. Jenny has purple hair down to her waist, and Doug has pitch-black hair cut close on the sides and long on the top. Skintight jeans and biker boots complete his look. He’s like a cross between biker and rockabilly.

  “Well, what do we have here?” Doug comes up close, his cologne so thick I have to lean back.

  “Relax, Dougie, she belongs to Blade.” Dolly pats his cheek.

  He pouts. “Fucking Blade. He gets everyone. It’s bad enough that he’s yummy, but does he always get everything?”

  “It’s one of the perks of being king.” Jenny flops into the chair to my left swiveling to look at me.

  “How old are you?”

  “I’m eighteen,” I respond, not bothering to look at their faces. I can hear Doug whistling.

  “Blade never likes them young. If anything he usually goes older. You must be special.” She gets up and walks toward the back. Suddenly music blasts on making me jump. My brain is spinning, trying to figure out if these people are friendly or not.

  “Come on, beautiful, let’s get your hair washed.” Dolly leads me to the washing section. A couple of bikers stop by but go straight to the back. Closing my eyes, I sit back and let her massage my scalp.

  “Oh my God,” I moan. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt anything this good.”

  She smiles. “Enjoy it, Eve.” So I do. I let her have carte blanche with me. The only time I ever get my hair cut is when I can’t stand it. And I always go to Supercuts. Dolly happily chit chats with Doug and Jenny, trying to include me. But I’m the most relaxed I’ve ever been and almost asleep. When she starts the blow dryer, I jump.

  “You okay?” She blows the warm air on my face getting rid of all the little hair clippings stuck there.

  “I guess. I’m not used to this although I love it.” Glancing at my reflection, I grin. Even with my hair wet, the cut looks amazing.

  “Wait until we shop and get makeup.” She turns to Doug and squeals, “How many appointments do you have today? How much fun would you have doing her makeover with me?” She waggles her eyebrows at him.

  “My eleven a.m. canceled, so as long as we are back at two p.m. I’d love it.” He scans my face. “How much money do we get to work with?” He rubs his hands with glee and I notice a diamond stud in his nose.

  “Blade said whatever she needs.” Both of them start laughing. I slink into the chair. Now I have two of them to deal with. It was bad enough when only Dolly was keeping a hawkeye on me. Doug seems ten times worse.

  “If you’re not with Edge, who are you with?” I ask, trying to distract them.

  “Aaand on that note, come get me when you guys are ready.” Doug spins around toward the reception desk.

  Dolly sighs. “My dad used to be Blade’s dad’s VP, so I have been in the club since birth. But, I’m not with any of the guys.” She sniffs and pushes her shoulders back. “I’m done with those types of men. They think they own you, but God forbid they be faithful to you.” Her blow drying becomes aggressive.

  “Sorry, it’s none of my business.”

  She looks like she’s going to cry. Great just great.

  “Sorry, Dolly. Men are pigs.”

  She laughs. “You’re a little young to think that. At your age I was boy crazy.”

  I shrug. “Not me. I couldn’t care less. Actually, if I could support my dad, I don’t think I would ever be with anyone.”

  She stops the blow dryer. “Um… does Blade know you hate men? I mean are you into women?”

  My whole face heats. I glance around only to see a curious Doug staring at me.

  “I’m not into girls,” I snip. “But I don’t need a man to make me feel whole.”

  Doug slithers over to Dolly and they both look at me.

  “Okay, enough.” I go to stand up. They both push me back down.

  “Why are you blushing, Eve? If I didn’t know better I would think you’re a virgin.” Doug leans into my face.

  I push at him. “It’s none of your business. I need some air. All this sharing is not my thing.” I try to get up again only to have Doug circle me.

  “Holy shit! She is. Oh my God, I’m in love with you.” He leans forward caging me in.

  “What is wrong with you?” I push at him again. I hate people getting in my space.

  Somehow my relaxing morning has gone to shit. And I’m starting to dislike Dolly and despise Doug.

  “Doug.” Dolly hits his chest. “Let Eve breathe. Sweetheart, are you a virgin?” Her big brown eyes almost glow with excitement. She whirls and grabs Doug’s arm. “She is. Do you realize? I mean Blade is going to freak. Oh. My. God. I almost wish I could tell him.” She claps her hands.

  “Look, I don’t need this.” My face is literally on fire. The last thing I want is for Dolly to tell Blade that I’m a virgin. I mean he’s gonna find out, but not through her.

  She reaches over and hugs me. If I was mortified earlier, it seems this morning can keep getting worse.

  “I am in awe of you. Don’t worry. I’ve got your back.” She grabs the blow dryer again.

  I don’t say anything because I’m pretty sure if I did, I would burst into tears. I’m Blade’s property, a debt, and everyone knows it. Think about Dad, I chant in my brain. But what if he’s a liar? What if he uses me as his whore and gets tired of me? He’ll stop paying for my dad. No, I don’t think so. I sit up straight, If I know one thing, I know that men are ruled by their dicks. All I have to do is get Blade, Jason, whoever the fuck he is to fall for me and I’m golden. This is why I need to stay on my toes. Every chance I get, I need to tuck away money. I’ll never be at any man or woman’s mercy.

  “Listen, tonight”—Dolly snaps me back to her—“the Disciples are having a big welcome back party. Everyone will be there. That means all the club sluts, so I need you to trust me and do what I say. I know exactly what Blade likes.”

  Cautiously I look at her. “What does that mean?”

  “Oh.” She waves the hair dryer. “I haven’t fucked Blade. He’s like my brother… Ewww.” She shudders dramatically.

  “Whatever.” I hold up my hand to stop her from saying more. “I give up. I don’t know anybody but you so… sure why not trust you.” I look at her in the mirror.

  “Good, now let’s get you waxed and then I’ll finish your hair. Then we will tackle shopping.”

  “What are you waxing? Because I like my eyebrows.”

  Doug gasps. “Bite your tongue, we would never wax these.” He rubs his hand over my eyebrows.

  I look at them and shake my head because I’m not stupid—they’re talking about waxing my girl parts, but I want to see their faces when I say no.


  She pulls me up and I lean forward. My hair is like a different girl’s. She took off a couple of inches. It’s still at the middle of my back, but I have layers now, so it falls around my face. It’s so clean and shiny-looking I almost smile. Almost, because she is pulling my hand.

  I jerk away. “Look, I have no intention of allowing you to wax my vagina,” I whisper, glancing around to make sure no one is around. An old lady sits in Jenny’s chair. She doesn’t look up from her magazine, but by her tight mouth I can tell she heard me.

  “Knock it off. Stop being a baby. You have to.” Dolly pulls me into the back. I see a small kitchen with a table and adorable bistro chairs. Coffee hits my nose and I wish I could have one.

  “In here. It’ll take a minute.” She drags me past the kitchen and the amazing aroma of coffee and into a small, dark room. After she flips on the light, I blink at the Pepto-Bismol–pink walls that nearly blind me. A huge mirror hangs on the wall and a table stands in the corner. And that’s about it besides a small cart that holds the wax.

  “Why? Seriously, is he not going to fuck me if I have hair?” This is crazy. She’s acting like I’m committing a sin by not skipping in here.

  Marina used to try to persuade me to get waxed. I always said no. I mean, it has to hurt. Putting hot wax anywhere near my vagina does not seem like fun.

  “It’s part of the Disciples thing. All the women have to be bare.”

  “Wait. What?”

  She rolls her neck. “I know. It started years ago. Like before it was in to get waxed. The old timers shaved their women’s pussies. Now it’s tradition, but at least you can get waxed rather than have Blade shave you. Or is that what you want?”

  I stumble back hitting the closed door. “What the fuck? Is that true?”

  She nods. “Yep.”

  I watch as she stirs what looks like dark green slime.

  “I use the very best wax. Don’t worry—you won’t even feel it.” She snickers.

  “I hate all of you. This is so weird. They’re like cavemen.” I’m rambling but nervous.

  I jerk my shorts off along with my panties, climb up on the table, and close my eyes. When she spreads the warm wax on me, I jump a little. It doesn’t hurt, though it feels warm. Then she rips—and I mean rips—off a patch of my skin. At least that’s what it feels like.

  I nearly jump off the table. “Are you insane? You said it doesn’t hurt! That hurt.” I’m glaring at her and she’s smiling. “God, you’re like a mean little elf.”

  She giggles. “Come on, you’re a toughie.” She spreads the wax and swipes again. “And you’re blond. You should see when I have to have Doug do me. So not fair being dark and hairy.”

  “Okay, please just stop.” I cover my eyes as she continues to rip. After what seems like an hour but is probably ten minutes she stops and sprays some kind of shit she says calms the redness, and I’m back in her chair where she’s finishing my hair.

  “Perfect. Let’s get you everything you need.” She applies some red lipstick and grabs her purse.

  “You ready, Doug?”

  “I was born ready.” He sashays out of the kitchen carrying the best saddlebag I’ve ever seen.

  “So, it’s already almost noon. Since she literally needs everything, we need to do the mall.” Dolly is checking to make sure she has all she needs for our excursion.

  The mall. I cringe. I’ve never felt comfortable going to the mall. The one time I went with Marina, it seemed like everyone was staring at us.

  “God, if only we had time, we could take her to Fred Segal,” Doug grumbles.

  “Jesus Christ, you two. Take her to the mall. I’ll do your two p.m. appointment. But for the love of God… go.” Jenny pulls open the door, swinging her arm like a traffic guard.

  Both Dolly and Doug look at her and start laughing as they grab for me. “Bye, sourpuss, be back later.” Doug throws her a kiss.

  We all pile into Dolly’s black sports car. I offer to sit in the back because Doug is taller. They argue and laugh the entire way. I almost wish sourpuss Jenny had offered to take me. Something tells me she wouldn’t care if I ripped off the whole mall.

  “Valet it.” Doug waves at the guys.

  “Um… so I love your bag.” I eye his saddlebag. “I think that’s the first thing I need: a bag, a wallet.” I try to sound casual; a huge bag is necessary.

  “Bloomingdales it is.” He jumps out, pulling the seat up so I can get out. It’s sunny out. I love LA. We spent a lot of brutal winters in the Midwest the last couple years. It was so much cheaper, so when Benny said it was time to make our way to the West again. I was thrilled. I hate the cold.

  Dolly and Doug breeze through the glass doors, and I hang back already self-conscious. At least my hair looks awesome even if I’m in a T-shirt and shorts. The bag and shoes section is right at the spot where we entered.

  My eyes trail over all the gorgeous purses. So many bags, all different colors. For once in my life, I want to be able to walk into a store like this and not worry about money. Walk in and buy whatever I want. Of course, I would steal something. I mean, you have to stay sharp.

  I walk up to a huge black leather bag and nearly drool. It’s fabulous. I check the price tag and nearly throw it. “Holy shit,” I mumble.

  Doug takes it out of my hand. “I know, but it’s a Marc Jacobs bag, so it’s pricey. How much did Blade give you?”

  “Not that much,” I almost scream.

  Dolly takes the bag from Doug. “Do you love it?” She arches a finely plucked brow at me.

  “Who wouldn’t, but that’s an insane amount to charge for a bag.” I think about my huge ten-dollar bag at my trailer. I got it at Target and it could hold a shitload of cargo.

  “Let’s get it for her. I’ll make Blade give me the money. After all, he is the king and she’s now his queen.”

  I stiffen. “No, no, no I have a certain amount I can spend and this bag costs more than what I have.”

  And there is no way in hell I’m spending most of it anyway, I want to add. “I want something like Doug’s,” I say, eyeing his bag.

  “Sorry, my love. Got it in West Hollywood. Besides, you love this one. I think Dolly’s right—nothing but the best for our queen. Now what kind of wallet do you want? We can stick with Marc Jacobs or maybe…. oh yes, look at this one—it’s fitting.” He smirks as he points at a large black wallet with a gold skull on it.

  I hold up my hands. “Guys, they are incredible, but I can’t afford it.” I turn away only to have Doug jerk me back. Both he and Dolly look me in the eye. I don’t know who to focus on, so I dart back and forth.

  “First, Blade has never claimed a woman.” Dolly holds up a finger. “Second, you are a virgin.” She leans in with big eyes. “So, don’t sell yourself short. He has a shitload of money. We are going to get this bag. Pick out a wallet, and let’s move on to shoes.”

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