Lethal, p.17
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Lethal, page 17


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  As the sun spreads her morning shadows, Axel’s eyes seem almost black. He nods. “Blade… one more thing.” He takes a deep inhale, squints at me, and releases his smoke. “I don’t sugarcoat things, don’t know how to.”

  The hair on the back of my neck stands up. “What?” I say, my throat tight.

  “Eve was sick tonight.” He doesn’t look at me but stares out at the horizon.

  “So what?”

  “She puked her guts out at the club, that’s what.” He says this so fucking mellow I almost laugh.

  “How much did she drink?”

  His lips twitch and he looks at me. “Not much.” He leaves it all hanging in the air. I almost can see the thought bubble on top of his head like a cartoon saying all kinds of shit that I don’t want to know. I shake my head and wonder what kind of shit we’re smoking.

  “I’m going to bed for a couple of hours.” He starts to move past me then stops, looking at his boots. “I hope she’s worth it.”

  Again, I see the words drift away with him with a cartoon pop. Fuck! Leave it to Axel to have some crazy shit to smoke. I rub the back of my neck. I’m filthy and won’t deal with any of Axel’s insinuations. Eve threw up, but it means nothing except that she’s a lightweight when it comes to drinking.

  After that stuff I smoked, I need a shower and coffee to get my mind functioning. Although I do have a nice numb buzz of bliss all over my body. I swing open the clubhouse front door and almost gag. Christ. It smells like dirty feet. Bob is lying on the couch, feet hanging over the edge while he snores so loudly it’s amazing someone hasn’t thrown him outside. I feel sorry for him. When Amy discovers his smell, he’s going to wish someone had put him outside. It’s times like this when the clubhouse is still a place where I can feel a sense of pride. For being built in the fifties it’s held up amazingly well. The plumbing always needs work, but come on—with the amount of brothers coming in and out this door, the old farm-style house is in good shape. As I take the stairs, I almost hear my father’s laugh over by the bar and the sound of him screaming at my brother Chuck. Forcing my mind to understand that it’s the weed talking, I move my legs faster as if running away can help. Shit needs to be taken care of. At certain times, I need to be available to talk to some pushers and a couple of our arms dealers.

  I stop at my door and let myself calm for a second. My heart races. I can’t seem to shake Axel’s words.

  Sick. Eve was sick. I unlock our door, blinking to let my eyes adjust to the darkness. I grit my teeth. Her smell is everywhere in our room. My cock wants to sink into her silken walls, fuck her until my mind is numb with exhausted satisfaction. Ignoring my addiction, I turn on the shower, strip out of my blood-splattered clothes, and wash quickly.

  I throw the towel in the corner and notice a wicker hamper over by the sink. All her creams and perfumes are set nicely over on her side of the sink. I shake my wet head marveling that somehow we have become a couple. “What the fuck?” I look around at my bathroom and it’s like a Claritin commercial. You know where the blur is removed and you can see everything clearly? Her hairbrush, makeup, and blow dryer sit in a wicker basket. Both our toothbrushes touch in the brass holder. Rubbing a hand through my hair, I turn off the light and leave. A small groan and a sigh force me to look at her as she turns to her other side. Gritting my teeth, I can tell I’m losing what little motivation I have. Especially as I allow my eyes to feast on her perfect ass almost begging to be touched. Goddamn it. My eyes go to the ceiling as I breathe through my nose. Why didn’t I jerk myself off in the shower? I’m like an alcoholic who has been white-knuckling it and the body in the bed is my poison. Somehow this wild gypsy has turned my whole world upside down. I pull on my jeans and stand over her, watching her sleep. So warm and delicious. I turn to grab a T-shirt when she kicks down the covers and shows me one long tan leg. My cock is rock hard and getting painful, and I’m losing this battle. Maybe I should wake her up and fuck her—she’s mine after all. Also, I cut a scumbag’s fingertips off because he dared to touch her. Almost as if she knows I’m in torture, she turns onto her back and blinks her long, sooty lashes open.

  “Hey.” Her voice is all raspy and sexy with sleep.

  “Hey yourself.” I sit down and caress her soft skin. “Fuck,” I groan as I bend down and claim her soft lips. She moans and opens for me. Our tongues twist and we drink each other in. Fire burns through my veins with her, and it’s becoming a serious addiction.

  My hand sweeps up to one full breast, her nipple already hard, and I have to taste it.

  “I have shit to do, but I can’t do anything until I take care of this.” I lift my T-shirt off of her and stare at her perfection.

  “Look at these nipples.” She groans and stretches like a cat. I reach and grab her sides as I lift that ripe tit into my mouth and suck.

  “Jason,” she growls and I lick her nipple. Everything I need to do can wait. I lost the war; I’m caught in her slumbering web of seduction. I stand up, ripping my T-shirt off and tossing my jeans to the floor. Reaching for her, I roll her onto her stomach and caress her smooth, flawless skin. Nothing but creamy perfection. I lift her up so her ass is in the air and she moans into the mattress.

  “Spread your legs.” My voice sounds as harsh as my hands are gentle. She maneuvers them open.

  “Christ.” I caress her ass then line myself onto her wet pussy, rubbing my semen on her cream and thrust in. “Jesus,” I grunt out. “Tightest cunt ever, and it’s mine.” Thrusting my thick cock into her slick walls, I’m almost crazed with her scent and whimpers of “Oh God.” I’m close, fuck, I was close the second I buried myself inside her. I dig my fingers into her thin hips and fuck her hard and deep.

  Her hands are holding onto the sheet as she rests her head on her forearms, whimpering, “Jason… I’m close… Oh. My. God I love it…”

  Again, I thrust hard and reach my hand around to rub her swollen nub.

  “Yeah… that’s it. So wet. You gonna come for me?”

  “Uh-huh,” she cries out as her pussy contracts. She’s so wet it makes it easy to rub her hard and fast.

  “Fuck yeah,” I grunt my approval as her pussy squeezes and pulses on my dick. I close my eyes for a second, my release so massive I see spots. I think I call her name. All I know is my cock is jerking into her hot core and I’m weightless, peaceful.

  She slumps down. Her lips are open as she catches her breath, but her mouth is smiling. I want to drop onto the bed, pull her into my arms, and go to sleep with her. But that will have to come later. Reluctantly I pull out and she moans her disapproval.

  “I have to go take care of stuff. Trust me, all I want to do is spend the day in bed with you.” I slap her ass. She squeals and turns over. We both slowly smile.

  “Jason.” She licks her lips, her eyes huge. “I think I’m…” Cocking my head, I force myself to look away. Whatever she wants to tell me is not something that should be said right now. I back away and rub my hands through my hair as I go into the bathroom. I run the hot water and splash some on my face as I catch my reflection and freeze. The face that stares back at me is different and it’s in my eyes. They look alive, the haunted look gone. Dropping my head, I try to focus on what I need to get done rather than the gypsy in my bed. Reaching for a washcloth, I warm it up. I find her lying on our bed propped up on two pillows, legs crossed, one foot bouncing up and down. My heart tightens at her complete look of happiness. Christ!

  “Spread your legs.” She doesn’t hesitate. Reaching down, I gently wipe away our sex. She inhales and our eyes lock as we stare at each other. She’s the one who breaks the connection by scooting back.

  “Thanks.” She reaches for the sheet. “Jason?”

  I pull open my dresser drawer and slip on another black T-shirt. “What?”

  “I need a blade.”

  I stop reaching for my pants to look at her. She’s serious as she stares me straight in the eyes and I can’t help but laugh and lift my hands. “I’m right here.” She rolls her eyes, but her lips twitch into a smile.


  “Seriously.” I pull on my jeans. “Why do you need a knife? I’ll always protect you.”

  She shrugs and picks at the satin edge of our sheet. “I’ve always had one. It wasn’t until I got with you and I’ve lived… like this.”

  I reach for my pack of cancer sticks and light up. As I inhale, my eyes sweep her. My cock hardens.

  “You unhappy, Angel?”

  She drops the sheet and crawls to the end of the bed. When she wraps her arms around my neck, I force myself to breathe. Her full tits and hard nipples rub against me.

  “Truth?” Her voice is velvet soft. I should say no. Instead, like an asshole, I nod.

  “You make me happy. I think… I think I might be falling for you,” she whispers the last part, her sweet lips almost touching mine. I’m trying to get my numb brain to work. Her words stop time, and my mind goes to that dream I had the first night I took her. I love you she had said in that dream. Suddenly I feel caged, hot, like I stayed out in the sun too long. I pull back and her arms drop to her sides. Our room needs air, the scent of us making me confused. The lines are being crossed. I turn toward the door. “I’ll see about getting you one of my blades.”

  “Jason, wait…” I look back and she reaches for me like a golden goddess wanting the unthinkable. She must see it in my eyes because she shrugs, says, “Nothing,” and slides back under the covers.

  I’m an asshole. Rubbing my hands over my face, I glance up at the ceiling. “Look, Eve… maybe if I’m not completely wiped out tonight, we can go check on your father.”

  As soon as the words are out, I regret it because she’s in my arms in a second, her sweet lips all over my face.

  “Eve.” Pulling her off me, I add, “I said maybe.” I can’t help the grin that creeps out. She jumps back into my arms. The fact that I’m enjoying this alerts my fuzzy brain that I’m definitely in too deep with her.

  “I got to go, babe.” She rubs her nose on mine and my heart speeds up. Unable to stop myself, I take her lips for a slow burn of a kiss and force myself to walk out.

  The day drags on and when my mind clears around noon, I can’t stop thinking about her. The way she can be shy and fierce all at once. She is by far the most independent woman I’ve ever known. Yet there is a real need to nurture her and if were a nicer man, I’d let her go. She’s getting attached and I’m… I’m the president of a one-percenter motorcycle club. This thing we’ve got going is for regular people, not fucked-up souls who have no idea what these feelings are.

  “Fuck you, Ryder. What do you think, Prez?” My eyes take in the table and all my officers staring at me. And I have no idea what the fuck they’ve been saying. We’ve been cooped up in here all day. It stinks of cigarettes and stale liquor. One of the beer signs in the corner is going out. The fluorescent waterfall of beer is flashing like an annoying strobe light making me want to take my gun out and shoot it.

  “Cash flow. How we gonna deal with it?” Axel chimes in as Edge and Ryder look at each other and down at their beers, both not even trying to hide their grins.

  I sit up and grab my bottle of Budweiser. “The drug should be put to rest. I have no interest in bringing it back to life.” Silence is all I hear, followed by Axel telling everyone how we need to stay quiet until this is final.

  I glance at the clock—it’s close to five, and I tune out the conversation about selling marijuana while we decide what’s best.

  “I want to deal with guns and that’s it.” Heaving myself up, my exhausted body starts to reject the lack of sleep. I toss the beer bottle in the trash can, hearing it shatter as I move the old brown filing cabinet so I can open the safe. The room goes quiet again minus the annoying hum from the sign. I don’t care. I’m too tired to care. Moving money aside and a bunch of Glocks, I pull out my very first knife. It was my grandfather’s. He brought it back with him from Vietnam. It’s nothing special, just a standard hunting knife. But the old wooden handle has the Disciples logo branded on both sides. The brand is the same one that Eve has on her neck. I take it out and close the safe, moving the filing cabinet back in front of it.

  No one speaks as I walk toward the door and kick an empty bottle of Jack Daniels to the corner as I stop next to Ryder.

  “We’re done. I need sleep.”

  Axel clears his voice. “O-kay, so you’ve decided?”

  “Yeah, I’ve decided I want to fuck and sleep. Everything else can wait until tomorrow. Ryder?”

  He glances up from the laptop he’s been staring at all day. “Yeah, Prez?”

  “Tell Amy to send up dinner for me and Eve.” He grabs his phone and starts typing as I look around the room daring anyone to say anything.

  His phone dings. “She says she already has it ready, Prez. You go get some rest. I’ll know more tomorrow.” He sets down his phone and goes back to his computer.

  We found a couple of stupid bikers stalking around the Hemet lab site on one of the security cameras we planted in a tree on the property. They were not Disciples and they were dumb enough not to know we have serious surveillance equipment at all our businesses. It’s only a matter of time until Ryder figures out who the two stupid fucks are. They basically smiled at the cameras, their tattoos visible. Obviously, it looks like Doc has been doing business on the side, another headache.

  “Thanks, man.” All my guys stand and if I wasn’t so tired, I might smile at Axel who looks like his eyes are going to pop out of his head.

  “Meeting adjourned until tomorrow. What time, Prez?”

  “Later. I have something I need to take care of in the morning.” I don’t enlighten them that I’m too tired to take Eve tonight to see her old man. As I’m closing the conference room door, I see Amy carrying a huge tray of food. My stomach growls. “Amy, why don’t you get one of the guys to help you?” I snap as I make her give me the large tray.

  “They’re all drunk or high. Besides, I don’t trust them around Eve.” She marches up the stairs with me.

  I arch a brow. “What does that mean?” Instantly my body goes on alert. My heart starts to pound in my temple. “Has anyone bothered her?”

  “Only Crystal.” She smirks.

  I reach the top of the stairs and give Amy my full attention. “Spit it out.”

  She smiles at me and I almost drop the tray. “Fine. You’ve been gone too much.” Before I can respond, she cocks her head and I nod for her to continue. “Crystal’s been trolling around and I heard her telling Eve that her time is almost up.” She puts her hands on her chest. “Now I know that Eve is the one, but maybe it’s time to let others know.” She straightens her shirt.

  “Trust me, word is spreading,” I grunt as I walk toward my door.

  “Good,” she says over her shoulder and walks down the stairs as if she doesn’t have a care in the world.

  What the hell? Somehow without even trying, my little badass gypsy has everyone eating out of the palm of her hand. Well, all but Axel, but he doesn’t trust women.

  I adjust the tray and open the door and instantly breathe in her coconut scent. Her smell reminds me of sunshine and happiness. Christ, I need sleep. I’m not even making sense to myself. Eve is sitting on the edge of the pool table dressed to kill, and a pang of guilt fills my head.

  She looks up and drops her phone on the pool table. I absorb her very essence as she moves toward me.

  I sigh. “Babe, I’m beat. Can I take you tomorrow to see your dad?”

  Setting the tray down, I watch the different emotions play upon her face. Her dark sooty lashes blink back her disappointment. She shimmies out of her short, military-green jacket and drapes it on the back of the chair.

  “Actually, tomorrow is better. He’ll have more energy.” She smiles and adrenaline floods my body. Smoothly, she moves to the bar area. If I thought she would be uncomfortable with this morning, I’m wrong. We both seem to fit and I like it.

  “Do you want a beer?” Her raspy voice coats over me like caramel on an apple, and I drop my tired body in a chair, stretching my legs out.

  “Or whiskey?” She picks up the bottle of Jack Daniels and gently shakes it. Her eyes sweep my form. I chuckle as her cheeks turn pink in seconds.

  “I missed you today. Bring the bottle and come kiss me.”

  She cocks her head, a saucy grin on her face. “Jack it is.” As she passes, she grabs two tumblers.

  “Hi.” She leans over me, her honey-streaked hair falling down my chest as I reach and bring her sweet lips to mine. She tastes like minty toothpaste and I deepen the kiss because I can.

  When I finally let her up for air, she caresses my check, but there’s a small frown in between her eyebrows. “You look so tired.”

  I lean back in my chair and reach for the bottle. Unscrewing it, I let the hot, spicy flavor burn and warm me up. “It’s hard being king.”

  She stops for a second and cocks her head to look at me. It’s like a caress really, her eyes soft as she slowly smiles and looks down at the tray. She bites her lip as if she’s thinking of something and all I do is stare as she gracefully unwraps the aluminum foil that covers our dinner. The room instantly fills with the aroma of steak, carrots, and sautéed cauliflower.

  “Oh my God… this smells so good. I hope you pay Amy a ton of money. Her cooking’s amazing.” She unwraps the bread, her eyes huge as she waves the baguette at me. “It’s still warm.”

  It’s physically impossible not to touch her. I reach out a hand and tug her into the chair next to me.

  “Come here, beautiful. Sit.”

  She reaches for the napkins and silverware and arches a brow at me. “Are you okay?”

  I chuckle. “Probably not. Drink with me.” I pour two generous shots.

  Eve leans over, elbows on the table. Her long, slender fingers wrap around the glass and I shift as my cock gets hard. Jesus Christ, I could fuck her ten times a day and it be wouldn’t be enough.

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