Rick Chesler
Rick Chesler
The Amazon Top 100 best-selling action-adventure series continues!CROSS FOUND: An Omega Files Adventure (Book 4) A TANGIBLE LINK TO A PIVOTAL MOMENT IN HUMAN HISTORY IN THE RACE TO... show more ▼ DISCOVER A LEGENDARY BIBLICAL ARTIFACT, OMEGA TEAM ENCOUNTERS THE SINGLE MOST VALUABLE SECRET OF ALL TIME... IN THE 4TH INSTALMENT OF THE BESTSELLING OMEGA FILES SERIES, THE TEAM COMES FACE-TO-FACE WITH A MENACING NEW FOE... Jerusalem, A.D. 33 As Jesus is crucified, a skilled craftsman discreetly conceals a meticulously crafted wooden box within a nearby cave. After a tragic misunderstanding, its location is lost to the past. Present-day, Afghanistan When former US Navy specialists Carter Hunt and Jayden Takada join forces with acclaimed archaeologist Dr. Madison Chambers, they expect a cautious yet routine transfer of artifacts from a desert excavation site to a city museum. Instead, they plunge into the shadows of a vast black market antiquities operation. But there's more at stake than just...
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