My First Job
Rebecca Smith
Nonfiction / Language / Writing
A funny and nostalgic look at my first job. I will not forget some of those things I did and learned for the job. It was cool all in all even with the problems all jobs have. I hope to not disappoint the people when reading this.it is about the first job I had at 20 years old and it goes on to describe some of the things I did and learned as I went on to over six years at that job. it is witty and has some good times in there as well as the small, but sobering affect of the ups and down of the job. I focus more on the good things for the most part because there was some fun things I have done while working for a dry cleaners in my neighborhood and beyond. I truly felt that job was the job that gave me freedom in ways no one could ever know as I had went onto other things afterwards.
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