The Tale of One Tree

The Tale of One Tree

Rachael Long

Rachael Long

One Tree was not tall like all the other trees in the forest... One day, after a very stormy night, during which several trees had been damaged and at least two had fallen, a tall, battered pine whispered to One Tree; “we don’t know why you stay here..."Unwanted, One Tree sets off, in the company of an owl, to find a land where there are no trees, no forests...These stories go between the novels Heart of the Raven and Children of Shadows and may, or may not, make sense if you have not read the accompanying novelsKatelina finally gets her beach vacation, but it's not all it's cracked up to be. How can it when her companions are vampires? Get ready for book 6 in the Amaranthine series, Children of Shadows, with this collection. Day 2: Torina is ready for a vacation in the sand - ready to let go of some of the constant worries that nag her. But can she find peace on the tropical island, or give into the ghosts of her past under the swaying palms?
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A Triangle of Wizard Tales

A Triangle of Wizard Tales

Rachael Long

Rachael Long

Three different short stories, all with a wizard theme.Wilfred the Wizard and the Big Exam - The day of Wilfred’s wizard exam has arrived but will Wanda spoil it?The Olde Shoe Shoppe - A shoe shop that never seems to sell any shoes? There must be a reason...Peta and her Missing Parents - Is it all her uncle’s fault? And what about her friend Marcie?Three different short stories, all with a wizard theme.Wilfred the Wizard and the Big Exam The day of Wilfred’s wizard exam has arrived but he is so nervous he pours milk on his toast, puts butter in his tea and then tea in his jam! But what about Wanda and her Witchy Warehouse? Will she spoil the day?The Olde Shoe Shoppe A shoe shop that never seems to sell any shoes? There must be a reason...when people try on the shoes, they find they don't fit. No matter what size they try. No matter how many sizes too big they try; the shoes are always the wrong size! But this is only half the reason... Peta and her Missing ParentsPeta's parents went on holiday but didn't come back! Did their plane really crash land on a very tiny desert island, somewhere in the middle of nowhere? Is it all her uncle’s fault? And what about her friend Marcie?
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The Honey Elephant

The Honey Elephant

Rachael Long

Rachael Long

The third story in the Lost Forest series sees life in the forest carrying on much the same as ever – or perhaps not...Honey Elephants are a rare and special thing and the subject of unwritten history...they also have knees... But this is not the beginning of our story. If a story must have a beginning then this one begins in a tree...The third story in the Lost Forest series sees life in the forest carrying on much the same as ever – or perhaps not...Honey Elephants are a rare and special thing and the subject of unwritten history...they also have knees... But this is not the beginning of our story. If a story must have a beginning then this one begins in a tree...Long before tomorrow when today had not quite become yesterday and somewhere in-between lunch and dinner...two monkeys were sat in a tree... And that would have been that except...except there is an awlful lot more.The stork, for reasons the tree monkeys explain, went on holiday but he flew South instead of North and bumped into some jazz-loving badgers; while he was away, the tree monkeys set off to discover the Honey Elephant's honey yard. Then there are the Sisters of the Sacred Brethren, a group of flightless condors, headed toward the Lost Forest on a pilgrimage....and, completely separately, the Rajastan Dodo is now extinct... But to be fair, no one probably noticed...Eventually they all come together in a chaotic tale'll need to read the story to discover just what happens...or doesn't or should have... But as the stork says, “it's a metaphor, isn't it...a fossilised snake, a giant inner grits?..oh, a pole..?”“It is the one and the many at the same time...” replied Sister Dor of the Sisters of the Sacred Brethren.The sun began to tire and slip down to the horizon, trying as best it could to cast butterfly shadows on the sand dunes the cooling evening air, it sneezed, lost its balance and fell below the horizon plunging everything into darkness...Oh and don't forget, it is probably a bad idea to feed the badgers honey...And remember, the Honey Elephant is a rare and special thing and the subject of unwritten history...probably just a myth then...
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The Three~Legged Tiger

The Three~Legged Tiger

Rachael Long

Rachael Long

The fourth story in the Lost Forest series sees life in the forest being as unpredictable as ever...Once there was a time when after breakfast there was nothing... except the stork being chased, a tiger falling from the sky, tree monkeys discussing tea... A tiger falling from the sky? "I am Typhon-the-Tiger, the last of the great Greek Tigers". Not so much an adventure as a series of discoveries.The fourth story in the Lost Forest series sees life in the forest being as unpredictable as ever...Once there was a time when after breakfast there was nothing... Nothing except the stork being chased, nothing except a tiger falling from the sky, nothing except two tree monkeys discussing tea... Oh, a tiger falling from the sky?"My name is Typhon-the-Tiger and I am the last of the great Greek tigers." And so begins not so much an adventure but a series of discoveries. Some are unsettling; at one point the stork is perturbed by the thought, of all things, zombie African bush squirrel babies! Others are quite deadly; what is the cause of wild and strange hypnotise? What happened in a certain valley in Peru and will it happen in the Lost Forest? What is the difference between High Tea and Afternoon Tea? And what does yak butter tea have to do with any of this?Then there is the dragon...the stork tells Typhon to let him know when it's all sorted. Sorted how? Does the Sloth of Gloom know? What about the chess playing hyenas? But before all this, Typhon-the-Tiger smiled, “You must have done something very bad to have upset that many hippo and rhino beasts.” Yes, but who upset them?Grumpy lions, unreliable griffon vultures, the Cape Vultures Aerobatic Team, a stripe-stripped zebra all mix and swirl together around the Typhon-the-Tiger, the Last of the Great Greek Tigers, the stork and the two tree monkeys and their quest to defeat the one known as... "a name that is spoken only in hushed whispers…"How will it all end? Hopefully with a well-stocked larder, at least that is what the tree monkeys hope. But before then there is much, much to discover.
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The Spotless Leopard

The Spotless Leopard

Rachael Long

Rachael Long

Once long ago, or short ago if you haven't got much time, somewhere on the African savannah, a group of trees decided to form a wood. The wood became a forest and then a Lost Forest...Within and around the forest lived many animals. Some had quite unusual adventures.This is the tale of one, a leopard named Opa. One day Opa lost her spots. But that is only half the story.On her journey around the lost forest, Opa meets a stork with a clipboard, a lost explorer, a polar bear...oh and a sloth but we won’t mention the sloth...or what it says...Will Opa be the same without her spots? Why does Opa get mistaken for a bat? This is no ordinary tale of animals in a forest. This is a quite unusual tale from The Lost Forest!
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The Easter Gang & Sinister Mister Fimister

The Easter Gang & Sinister Mister Fimister

Rachael Long

Rachael Long

Holly, Ryan and Moggy are three school friends who, over the course of a week during the Easter holidays, find themselves caught up in a plot to recover a haul of stolen gold...Nothing is straightforward and people, including the village ploiceman, are never what they seem...Nothing is straightforward... Holly, Ryan and Moggy are three school friends who, over the course of a week during the Easter holidays, find themselves caught up in a plot to recover a haul of stolen gold...Did the three friends unknowingly stumble across something? Is that why Moggy was injured in a hit and run and left with a broken arm and leg?How is the village policeman involved and just what is the Brownie troupe leader doing with vegetables? Nothing is straightforward...
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Reginald, Prince of Baboons

Reginald, Prince of Baboons

Rachael Long

Rachael Long

Once long ago, or short ago if you haven't got much time, somewhere on the African savannah, a group of trees decided to form a wood. The wood became a forest and then a Lost Forest...Within and around the forest lived many animals. Some had quite unusual adventures.This is the tale of one, Reginald, Prince of Baboons...Across the African Savannah, over, around or through the Lost Forest and straight up a high rocky outcrop, Reginald, Prince of Baboons was sitting in the dining room of his hilltop palace... If only things had remained that peaceful...Reginald wants to fly to the moon - he’s tried before and failed...this time he is going by hot air balloon. However, things are never straightforward for Reginald...Along the way he becomes entangled with a camel, is almost eaten by a vulture, gets rescued by disguised meerkats...and then there is the moth of myth ...Oh and Les Termites.
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