Kiya and the God of Chaos

Kiya and the God of Chaos

Philippa Bower

Philippa Bower

Kiya and the God of Chaos is set in Ancient Egypt in an alternative universe where the immortal gods are real. The heroine is a beautiful Theban temple dancer named Kiya. She has the rare ability to sense the presence of gods and becomes involved in an epic struggle with Seth, the God of Chaos, with whom she has an unexpected connection.Kiya and the God of Chaos is set in Ancient Egypt in an alternative universe where the immortal gods are real. The heroine is a beautiful Theban temple dancer named Kiya. She has the rare ability to sense the presence of gods and becomes involved in an epic struggle with Seth, the God of Chaos, with whom she has an unexpected connection.Kiya’s travels take her the length of Egypt. She also crosses the sea to the Minotaur’s maze in Crete and visits the Molloch gold mine in Nubia. Although born a poor peasant girl, she rises to a position of power and privilege. But she learns that money does not bring happiness as she finds love but loses it again. During the course of the book, Kiya matures from a young girl to a brave and compassionate woman, who is instrumental in saving Egypt in the final battle with Seth.Among the memorable characters are Laylos – Kiya’s sharp-tongued aunt; Urshu - the malicious dance master; Ramala – Kiya’s beautiful but fragile mother; Massui – the evil nome lord; Dennu – who turns from a sulky youth to a man of power; Hathor – jealous of Anubis’s love for Kiya and Anubis himself – torn between his human and animal essences.
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