Golden Age Detective Stories
Otto Penzler (ed)
Otto Penzler (ed)
The greatest detectives of the Golden Age investigate the most puzzling crimes of the eraSometimes, the police aren’t the best suited to solve a crime. Depending on the case, you may find that a retired magician, a schoolteacher, a Broadway producer, or a nun have the necessary skills to suss out a killer. Or, in other cases, a blind veteran, or a publisher, or a hard-drinking attorney, or a mostly-sober attorney… or, indeed, any sort of detective you could think of might be able to best the professionals when it comes to comprehending strange and puzzling murders. At least, that’s what the authors from the Golden Age of American mystery fiction would have you think. For decades in the middle of the twentieth century, the country’s best-selling authors produced delightful tales in which all types of eccentrics used rarified knowledge to interpret confounding clues. And for even longer, in the decades that have followed, these characters have continued to entertain new audiences with every new generation that discovers them. Edgar Award-winning anthologist Otto Penzler selects some of the greatest American short stories from era. With authors including Ellery Queen, Mary Roberts Rinehart, Cornell Woolrich, Erle Stanley Gardner, and Anthony Boucher, this collection is a treat for those who know and love this celebrated period in literary history, and a great introduction to its best writers for the uninitiated.Includes discussion guide questions for use in book clubs.CONTENTSINTRODUCTIONCHARLOTTE ARMSTRONG (Detective: Mike Russell)The EnemyANTHONY BOUCHER (Detective: Sister Ursula)The StripperMIGNON G. EBERHART (Detective: Susan Dare)PosticheERLE STANLEY GARDNER (Detective: Perry Mason)The Case of the Crimson KissH. F. HEARD (Detective: Mr. Mycroft)The Enchanted GardenBAYNARD KENDRICK (Detective: Captain Duncan Maclain)5-4=MurdererFRANCES & RICHARD LOCKRIDGE (Detectives: Mr. & Mrs. North)There’s Death for RemembranceSTUART PALMER (Detective: Hildegarde Withers)The Monkey MurderELLERY QUEEN (Detective: Ellery Queen)The Adventure of the African TravelerPATRICK QUENTIN (Detectives: Peter & Iris Duluth)Puzzle for PoppyCLAYTON RAWSON (Detective: The Great Merlini)From Another WorldCRAIG RICE (Detective: John J. Malone)Good-bye, Good-bye!MARY ROBERTS RINEHART (Detective: Hilda Adams)Locked DoorsCORNELL WOOLRICH (Detective: Striker)The Mystery in Room 913
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