You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 12

You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 12

Nikhil Parekh

Poetry / Fiction

This Book which has 40 differently titled Poems is actually Part 12 of the Book titled – You die; I die – Love Poems ( 1600 pages ) .Poems symbolizing the immortality of love and at times its fickleness. Parekh takes the reader through a paradise naturally embellished with the ingredients of eternal romance and its sporadic failures. As they say life and death are two sides of the coin, similarly with every true anecdote of love there also comes fretful divorce—a thing which has been most sensitively described throughout this great collection of poems for the heart. Written and dipped in each ingredient of his passionate blood, Parekh comes out with startling revelations about the truest of love stories and their failures. Each verse has been delicately intertwined with a boundless aspects of relationships, romance, cheating, betrayal and goes on to prove that Immortal Love towers over every shattered heart. A start to finish with some of the most heart-rendering love poems ever, this makes a great collection for ever true lover breathing and desiring to be loved on earth and beyond. This collection of poems aims at perpetually uniting every heart on this Universe in the spirit of Immortal love and friendship. Because these are the two quintessential ingredients to lead life till its last breath. Irrespective of whatever color, faith or religion, it is only the rainbow of love which can transform the ghastliest monsters and perpetrators of humanity into peaceful lovers. Therefore this book inexhaustibly endeavors to speak and preach the language of love even after its last embossed alphabet.
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  • 840
Hide and Seek - part 8 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems

Hide and Seek - part 8 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems

Nikhil Parekh

Poetry / Fiction

This Book which has 34 differently titled Poems , is actually part 8 of the Book titled – Hide and Seek – Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems ( 702 pages ) .Parekh's earliest collection of verse. Written in unparallelled fervor, this collection is a delectable blend of topics from love to death, probing into countless infinitesimal aspects of existence which make a significant impact to it. The beauty of this compendium lies in its magical brevity at places and in the most mundane things of life around us brought to the fore like a magicians wand, in brilliant poetic flair by Parekh. Contains poems on topics impossible for one to envisage that a poem could be written about such an inconspicuous little thing-but Parekh evolves bountiful rhyme from the word go and coalesces vivacious color in the little tid-bits of the chapter called life to optimum effect. A must read for all those who find color, charm and significance in even the smallest things of life and are enthused by even the most mercurial bit of stray paper loitering around. A poetic tribute to the ordinary, projecting its colorful extraordinary bit to the planet with raw panache. This book tingles every living being's imagination to fantasize beyond the ordinary. Look at all those meaningful tid-bits around us which have a complete book written in each one of them. All those joyous and unfortunate anecdotes around us which make us blossom into the true spirit of existence; into the amazing celebration of omnipotent life.
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  • 788
You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 5

You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 5

Nikhil Parekh

Poetry / Fiction

This Book which has 50 differently titled Poems , is actually Part 5 of the Book titled - You die; I die - Love Poems ( 1600 pages ) .Poems symbolizing the immortality of love and at times its fickleness. Parekh takes the reader through a paradise naturally embellished with the ingredients of eternal romance and its sporadic failures. As they say life and death are two sides of the coin, similarly with every true anecdote of love there also comes fretful divorce—a thing which has been most sensitively described throughout this great collection of poems for the heart. Written and dipped in each ingredient of his passionate blood, Parekh comes out with startling revelations about the truest of love stories and their failures. Each verse has been delicately intertwined with a boundless aspects of relationships, romance, cheating, betrayal and goes on to prove that Immortal Love towers over every shattered heart. A start to finish with some of the most heart-rendering love poems ever, this makes a great collection for every true lover breathing and desiring to be loved on earth and beyond. This collection of poems aims at perpetually uniting every heart on this Universe in the spirit of Immortal love and friendship. Because these are the two quintessential ingredients to lead life till its last breath. Irrespective of whatever color, faith or religion, it is only the rainbow of love which can transform the ghastliest monsters and perpetrators of humanity into peaceful lovers. Therefore this book inexhaustibly endeavors to speak and preach the language of love even after its last embossed alphabet .
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  • 779
Life = Death - volume 2 - Poems on Life , Death

Life = Death - volume 2 - Poems on Life , Death

Nikhil Parekh

Poetry / Fiction

This Book which has 50 differently titled Poems , is actually volume 2 of the Book titled – Life = Death – Poems on Life , Death ( 1200 pages ) .This enigmatic collection of poems explores and equates the boundless possibilities of life and death and delves into each intricate inexplicability of survival. Parekh's roving philosophical eye brings the unconquerable richness of life to the fore and yet at the same time explicitly highlights the veracity of 'death' as the absolute certainty of every existence. The poet joyously celebrates the occasions of both life and death with equal panache in each poetic stanza sewn with the uncanny mysteries of this Universe. The poems within immortalize both life and death as the ultimate victories and the two most contrastingly amazing and divine sides of creation. Catapulting the reader to the threshold of ultimate ecstasy; they bring about an impromptu twist with the closure of breath and what lies beyond. This charismatically woven collection of poetic verse would equally enamor the narcissist as well as the simple humanitarian to the core.This book is a humble attempt to enlighten the readers with the equality of life and death-and to live in both of them to the most unparalleled fullest. Embracing only the religion of humanity, as the Lord has commanded every living being on earth. You cant die in life and cant live in death-each of these components are irrefutably equal in every respect and should be worshipped with due obeisance.
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  • 779
You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 11

You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 11

Nikhil Parekh

Poetry / Fiction

This Book which has 40 differently titled Poems is actually Part 11 of the Book titled – You die; I die – Love Poems ( 1600 pages ) .Poems symbolizing the immortality of love and at times its fickleness. Parekh takes the reader through a paradise naturally embellished with the ingredients of eternal romance and its sporadic failures. As they say life and death are two sides of the coin, similarly with every true anecdote of love there also comes fretful divorce—a thing which has been most sensitively described throughout this great collection of poems for the heart. Written and dipped in each ingredient of his passionate blood, Parekh comes out with startling revelations about the truest of love stories and their failures. Each verse has been delicately intertwined with a boundless aspects of relationships, romance, cheating, betrayal and goes on to prove that Immortal Love towers over every shattered heart. A start to finish with some of the most heart-rendering love poems ever, this makes a great collection for ever true lover breathing and desiring to be loved on earth and beyond. This collection of poems aims at perpetually uniting every heart on this Universe in the spirit of Immortal love and friendship. Because these are the two quintessential ingredients to lead life till its last breath. Irrespective of whatever color, faith or religion, it is only the rainbow of love which can transform the ghastliest monsters and perpetrators of humanity into peaceful lovers. Therefore this book inexhaustibly endeavors to speak and preach the language of love even after its last embossed alphabet.
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  • 768
Life = Death - volume 6 - Poems on Life , Death

Life = Death - volume 6 - Poems on Life , Death

Nikhil Parekh

Poetry / Fiction

This Book which has 50 differently titled Poems , is actually volume 6 of the Book titled – Life = Death – Poems on Life , Death ( 1200 pages ) .This enigmatic collection of poems explores and equates the boundless possibilities of life and death and delves into each intricate inexplicability of survival. Parekh's roving philosophical eye brings the unconquerable richness of life to the fore and yet at the same time explicitly highlights the veracity of 'death' as the absolute certainty of every existence. The poet joyously celebrates the occasions of both life and death with equal panache in each poetic stanza sewn with the uncanny mysteries of this Universe. The poems within immortalize both life and death as the ultimate victories and the two most contrastingly amazing and divine sides of creation. Catapulting the reader to the threshold of ultimate ecstasy; they bring about an impromptu twist with the closure of breath and what lies beyond. This charismatically woven collection of poetic verse would equally enamor the narcissist as well as the simple humanitarian to the core.This book is a humble attempt to enlighten the readers with the equality of life and death-and to live in both of them to the most unparalleled fullest. Embracing only the religion of humanity, as the Lord has commanded every living being on earth. You cant die in life and cant live in death-each of these components are irrefutably equal in every respect and should be worshipped with due obeisance.
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  • 766
1 God - Poems on God , Creator - volume 2

1 God - Poems on God , Creator - volume 2

Nikhil Parekh

Poetry / Fiction

This Book which has 50 differently titled Poems , is actually volume 2 of the Book titled - 1 God ( 522 pages ) .A ramification of the innumerable Omnipotent fragrances of life that I , Nikhil Parekh , have smelt by the grace of God - I'm grateful to him for enlightening me about his chapters of invincible creation and considering me worthy enough to describe his unparalleled splendor , in a few words and in the shape of this book . A salient tribute to his undefeated power . The compilation of poems depicts the Omniscient Creator in his infinite unconquerable shapes and forms . Goes to irrefutably prove that there is just one Creator , you choose to call him by whatever name - and for everyone one of us till the time we live . This book is a perpetual dedication to Almighty Lord . It quintessentially portrays the splendor of the Almighty Creator in his infinite forms . Goes to victoriously prove at every step , that no matter how hard the devil tries to annihilate the planet - an inconspicuous tap of the Lord's finger makes him crumble to his very last non - existent frigid roots . Poems depicting the ' Omnipotent ' glory of the Creator in an infinite forms that the poet could ever conceive . Natural and uninhibited outpourings of the heart these poems transport the reader into a world of spirituality and magnificence of Godhead . Every poetic piece shows Parekh's unparalleled love for the Almighty and immortalizes the Omnipresent aura of the Lord in a boundless ways and shapes . This spiritually enriched compendium of poems is for all those who've timelessly admired the miraculous prowesses and powers of God at each stage of their lives . Those who've lived each instant of their lives worshipping his Omniscient grace irrespective of the most murderous hell descending around . The poetic imagery brilliantly transcends over every inhibition of caste , creed , color and religion and goes to perpetually prove that all living beings are one and blessed in his fathomless sacrosanct light of truth . The poems depict Parekh's oneness in mind , body and spirit with the Creator .
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  • 761

You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 14

You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 14

Nikhil Parekh

Poetry / Fiction

This Book which has 40 differently titled Poems is actually Part 14 of the Book titled – You die; I die – Love Poems ( 1600 pages ) .Poems symbolizing the immortality of love and at times its fickleness. Parekh takes the reader through a paradise naturally embellished with the ingredients of eternal romance and its sporadic failures. As they say life and death are two sides of the coin, similarly with every true anecdote of love there also comes fretful divorce—a thing which has been most sensitively described throughout this great collection of poems for the heart. Written and dipped in each ingredient of his passionate blood, Parekh comes out with startling revelations about the truest of love stories and their failures. Each verse has been delicately intertwined with a boundless aspects of relationships, romance, cheating, betrayal and goes on to prove that Immortal Love towers over every shattered heart. A start to finish with some of the most heart-rendering love poems ever, this makes a great collection for ever true lover breathing and desiring to be loved on earth and beyond. This collection of poems aims at perpetually uniting every heart on this Universe in the spirit of Immortal love and friendship. Because these are the two quintessential ingredients to lead life till its last breath. Irrespective of whatever color, faith or religion, it is only the rainbow of love which can transform the ghastliest monsters and perpetrators of humanity into peaceful lovers. Therefore this book inexhaustibly endeavors to speak and preach the language of love even after its last embossed alphabet.
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  • 713
Life = Death - volume 8 - Poems on Life , Death

Life = Death - volume 8 - Poems on Life , Death

Nikhil Parekh

Poetry / Fiction

This Book which has 50 differently titled Poems , is actually volume 8 of the Book titled – Life = Death – Poems on Life , Death ( 1200 pages ) .This enigmatic collection of poems explores and equates the boundless possibilities of life and death and delves into each intricate inexplicability of survival. Parekh's roving philosophical eye brings the unconquerable richness of life to the fore and yet at the same time explicitly highlights the veracity of 'death' as the absolute certainty of every existence. The poet joyously celebrates the occasions of both life and death with equal panache in each poetic stanza sewn with the uncanny mysteries of this Universe. The poems within immortalize both life and death as the ultimate victories and the two most contrastingly amazing and divine sides of creation. Catapulting the reader to the threshold of ultimate ecstasy; they bring about an impromptu twist with the closure of breath and what lies beyond. This charismatically woven collection of poetic verse would equally enamor the narcissist as well as the simple humanitarian to the core.This book is a humble attempt to enlighten the readers with the equality of life and death-and to live in both of them to the most unparalleled fullest. Embracing only the religion of humanity, as the Lord has commanded every living being on earth. You cant die in life and cant live in death-each of these components are irrefutably equal in every respect and should be worshipped with due obeisance.
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  • 708
Life = Death - volume 3 - Poems on Life , Death

Life = Death - volume 3 - Poems on Life , Death

Nikhil Parekh

Poetry / Fiction

This Book which has 50 differently titled Poems , is actually volume 3 of the Book titled – Life = Death – Poems on Life , Death ( 1200 pages ) .This enigmatic collection of poems explores and equates the boundless possibilities of life and death and delves into each intricate inexplicability of survival. Parekh's roving philosophical eye brings the unconquerable richness of life to the fore and yet at the same time explicitly highlights the veracity of 'death' as the absolute certainty of every existence. The poet joyously celebrates the occasions of both life and death with equal panache in each poetic stanza sewn with the uncanny mysteries of this Universe. The poems within immortalize both life and death as the ultimate victories and the two most contrastingly amazing and divine sides of creation. Catapulting the reader to the threshold of ultimate ecstasy; they bring about an impromptu twist with the closure of breath and what lies beyond. This charismatically woven collection of poetic verse would equally enamor the narcissist as well as the simple humanitarian to the core.This book is a humble attempt to enlighten the readers with the equality of life and death-and to live in both of them to the most unparalleled fullest. Embracing only the religion of humanity, as the Lord has commanded every living being on earth. You cant die in life and cant live in death-each of these components are irrefutably equal in every respect and should be worshipped with due obeisance.
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  • 706
Free Poetry E-Book

Free Poetry E-Book

Nikhil Parekh

Poetry / Fiction

This Poetry E-Book has 62 differently titled Poems on - GOD , Love , Valentine , Peace , Anti Terrorism , Friendship , Life , Death , Environment, Wildlife , Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood , Humanity , Social Cause , Women empowerment , Poverty , Lovers , Brotherhood . This E-Book which is for victorious promotional sake has been published by - The World's Poetry Archive .Caught in the middle of an ancient battle between good and evil, Darion Descartes and Isaac Evans are transported to the Island of Salnikov through the magical powers of the mysterious Wodan, a wizard who for millions of years has created worm holes through his paintings, to escape the monster Muntare.Separated during their journey, Darion arrives inside the ancient mountain fortress of Mesania once occupied by the Aeserians, a race of giants who were ousted a thousand years earlier by the invading Omarins. Darion becomes embroiled in an Omarin civil war where he is made the leader of a rebellion from the Lower Ships of subservient labourers, against the repressive Upper Ships ruled by the Seeress Mara and her prelates. The rebels believe Darion to be the fabled Rok of Salvation as foretold in the Jharnell, an ancient book of prophecies.Through his new rebel friends, Darion meets the beautiful Le Carra, the hidden half queen whose existence had been kept secret from the higher orders until the day when the rebels are victorious.Meanwhile, Isaac has arrived on the other side of the island and travels to the city of Salnikovia where he meets the remnants of the Aeserians who, led by Hammer the Exalter, are on a quest to assault Mesania and return the mountain to their people. Two recalcitrant giants, Arad the Generous and Minar the Loyal rally against Hammer’s plans and are exiled from the city. Joined by Isaac, they seek out the mythical leader of their race, Kolin the Lawgiver, the only one of their kind who can avert a bloody and fruitless war.As the clouds of battle gather the true enemy reveals himself and the races of Salnikov must rally in a last stand for freedom and the future of the universe.
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Life = Death - volume 4 - Poems on Life , Death

Life = Death - volume 4 - Poems on Life , Death

Nikhil Parekh

Poetry / Fiction

This Book which has 50 differently titled Poems , is actually volume 4 of the Book titled – Life = Death – Poems on Life , Death ( 1200 pages ) .This enigmatic collection of poems explores and equates the boundless possibilities of life and death and delves into each intricate inexplicability of survival. Parekh's roving philosophical eye brings the unconquerable richness of life to the fore and yet at the same time explicitly highlights the veracity of 'death' as the absolute certainty of every existence. The poet joyously celebrates the occasions of both life and death with equal panache in each poetic stanza sewn with the uncanny mysteries of this Universe. The poems within immortalize both life and death as the ultimate victories and the two most contrastingly amazing and divine sides of creation. Catapulting the reader to the threshold of ultimate ecstasy; they bring about an impromptu twist with the closure of breath and what lies beyond. This charismatically woven collection of poetic verse would equally enamor the narcissist as well as the simple humanitarian to the core.This book is a humble attempt to enlighten the readers with the equality of life and death-and to live in both of them to the most unparalleled fullest. Embracing only the religion of humanity, as the Lord has commanded every living being on earth. You cant die in life and cant live in death-each of these components are irrefutably equal in every respect and should be worshipped with due obeisance.
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  • 680
Hide and Seek - part 7 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems

Hide and Seek - part 7 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems

Nikhil Parekh

Poetry / Fiction

This Book which has 50 differently titled Poems , is actually part 7 of the Book titled – Hide and Seek – Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems ( 702 pages ) .Parekh's earliest collection of verse. Written in unparallelled fervor, this collection is a delectable blend of topics from love to death, probing into countless infinitesimal aspects of existence which make a significant impact to it. The beauty of this compendium lies in its magical brevity at places and in the most mundane things of life around us brought to the fore like a magicians wand, in brilliant poetic flair by Parekh. Contains poems on topics impossible for one to envisage that a poem could be written about such an inconspicuous little thing-but Parekh evolves bountiful rhyme from the word go and coalesces vivacious color in the little tid-bits of the chapter called life to optimum effect. A must read for all those who find color, charm and significance in even the smallest things of life and are enthused by even the most mercurial bit of stray paper loitering around. A poetic tribute to the ordinary, projecting its colorful extraordinary bit to the planet with raw panache. This book tingles every living being's imagination to fantasize beyond the ordinary. Look at all those meaningful tid-bits around us which have a complete book written in each one of them. All those joyous and unfortunate anecdotes around us which make us blossom into the true spirit of existence; into the amazing celebration of omnipotent life.
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  • 672
The Womb – Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood – volume 1

The Womb – Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood – volume 1

Nikhil Parekh

Poetry / Fiction

This Book which has 50 differently titled Poems , is actually volume 1 of the Book titled - The Womb ( 250 pages ) .A flurry of poetic concoctions dedicated to the ever-pervading woman and mother. Profoundly saluting her love, compassion and resolute grit as she evolves a diminutive infant into a powerhouse of talent, into a complete individual. The poems in the collection are humble salutations to the essence of Parenthood, to the unbelievable depths of sacrifice that a mother resorts whilst bringing up her child right since its inception in the womb. Each poem reveres the 'godly womb' as the source of all creation that has ever been. This book in itself is the most befitting tribute to the agonizing odysseys of parents as they nourish their children-and children as they grow up as the most powerful angels of God to stupefy all humanity with their inherent charm. A quintessential read for every parent or parent to be, it brings out the charm of creation since the very first breath. The verses within bountifully poeticize every unbridled mischief of a child with its beloved parents .
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  • 661
Longest Poem written by Nikhil Parekh – Only as Life

Longest Poem written by Nikhil Parekh – Only as Life

Nikhil Parekh

Poetry / Fiction

Longest Poem written by Parekh contains a Herculean, 7389 words, 46257 characters. Composed in his own inimitable style and with stupendous intensity all throughout, the poem is a royal treatise to the chapters of the English language and is the first of its kind evolved in pure poetic verse till the end, unlike many of its contemporaries.The verses within are humble salutations to the boundless chapters of life and love and are a reflection of the poet’s brain, bizarrely stretched to the most unprecedented limits. Now available in the form of a book, this singular poem is one of the most outstanding example of thousands of similies encompassed under one roof and delivered to optimum effect. The poem continues to be unparalleled in its length and one of the most unflailingly distinctive of its kind in the universal english poetic fraternity. This book aims at eventually arriving at the veritable meaning of the chapter called ‘ Life ‘ – interweaving through countless elements and analogies offered by the creations of God – unfurling each instant around us .
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