The Final Programme

The Final Programme

Michael Moorcock

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction

Jerry Cornelius is a scientist, a rock star, and an assassin. He is the hippest adventurer of them all: tripping through a pop art nightmare in which kidnappings, murder, sex and drugs are a daily occurrence. Along with his savvy and ruthless partner-in-chaos, Miss Brunner, Cornelius is on a mission to control a revolutionary code for creating the ultimate human being, a modern messiah— the final programme. The first book in the Cornelius Quartet is the groundbreaking introduction to the misadventures and vendettas of Jerry Cornelius, one of modern literature’s most distinctive characters, the product of a bewildering post-modern culture, and an inspiration for generations of characters since. "Michael Moorcock, rechazando las disputas de límites que han reducido la novela a una confusión de subgéneros en conflicto, recobra en estos cuatro volúmenes una vitalidad y una amplitud proteicas que pudieran llamarse dickensianas si no pertenecieran tan por completo a nustro tiempo volátil. En verdad, ninguna obra reciente de ficción ha manejado mejor las contingencias vertiginosas de la imaginación del medio siglo que esta brava arlequinada de juegos de identidad, realidades falsificadas, historia paródica, y un pobre y ordinario apocalipsis" (W.L. Webb, The Guardian). "Moorcock ha creado una figura capaz de moverse a través de las versiones míticas de los problemas de hoy, sin intentar situarlas o situarse a sí mismo en contextos simplificados. Una ficción semejante, en un mundo de imaginación escasa, es un don necesario" (Harpers Bazaar) Michael Moorcock nació en Inglaterra, ha publicado más de 50 libros y fue animador principal de la célebre revista New Worlds, que introdujo el término "ficción especulativa"; una literatura "moderna, coherente y vital". En EL PROGRAMA FINAL, primera de una serie de cuatro novelas independientes, anticipa la herencia decepcionante y caótica de la década del 60, un dorado presente en el que todo parecía instantáneamente posible.
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The Steel Tsar

The Steel Tsar

Michael Moorcock

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction

The Steel Tsar is the third novel in the Oswald Bastable trilogy, A Nomad of the Time Streams, by Michael Moorcock. It is a sequel to The Land Leviathan and was originally published in the United Kingdom by Granada Books. The novel was heavily revised and rewritten for its inclusion in the Orion/White Wolf omnibus of A Nomad of the Time Streams to the extent that it is virtually a different novel. Moorcock has expressed his dissatisfaction with the original novel, which was written when his marriage to Jill Riches was breaking up.
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  • 1 119
The Revenge of the Rose

The Revenge of the Rose

Michael Moorcock

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction

The Revenge of the Rose is Michael Moorcock's newest, most captivating novel of Elric, the mad albino warrior with the vampire Black Sword. Now, Elric returns on the wings of a dragon to the ruined place of his birth, the Dreaming City. There, in the catacombs of his ancestors, he hears the tortured voice of his dead father. But to save his father's soul from eternal suffering, Elric must battle the princes of Hell itself - and put his faith in the hands of a woman. A woman called the Rose...
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  • 1 085
The Dreamthief's Daughter: A Tale of the Albino

The Dreamthief's Daughter: A Tale of the Albino

Michael Moorcock

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction

The first new "Eternal Champion" novel in ten years and a major fantasy publishing event, "The Dreamthief's Daughter" continues the highly successful Elrick Saga. The Count Ulric von Bek meets a figure known to him only in dreams--Elrick of Melnibon, the wandering Prince of Ruins. Somehow the same person, yet separate, their very beings fuse spectacularly. Now the never-ending struggle between Law and Chaos must be fought in both their universes.
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  • 1 085
Lord of the Spiders or Blades of Mars

Lord of the Spiders or Blades of Mars

Michael Moorcock

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction

Once more into the matter transmitter for an unforgettable journey to ancient Mars! Pulled back to earth on the eve of his marriage to the beautiful Princess Shizala, brilliant physicist Michael Kane must once again journey to the Red Planet to reclaim a life of swordplay and high adventure in the tradition of Edgar Rice Burroughs! Kane finds himself on a different Mars, a place of blue giants and red revolution that ultimately leads to a ruined obsidian city inhabited by savage spider-men. Cover Illustration and Frontispiece: Richard Hescox
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  • 1 048

The Jewel in the Skull

The Jewel in the Skull

Michael Moorcock

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction

Fantasy legend Michael Moorcock won hundreds of thousands of readers with his vast and imaginative multiverse, in which Law and Chaos wage war through endless alternative universes, struggling over the fundamental rules of existence. Moorcock's heroes of the multiverse have been lauded as some of the most influential characters in fantasy. Among the Eternal Champions, Dorian Hawkmoon is one of the most loved. In the far future, Hawkmoon is pulled unwillingly into a war that will eventually pit him against the ruthless Baron Meliadus and the armies of the Dark Empire. Antique cities, scientific sorcery, and crystalline machines serve as a backdrop to this high adventure. Dorian Hawkmoon, the last Duke of Koln, swore to destroy the Dark Empire of Granbretan. But after his defeat and capture at the hands of the vast forces of the Empire. Hawkmoon becomes a puppet co-opted by his arch nemesis to infiltrate the last stronghold of rebellion against Granbretan, the small but powerful city of Kamarang. He's been implanted with a black jewel, through whose power the Dark Empire can control his every decision. But in the city of Kamarang, Hawkmoon discovers the power inside him to overcome any control, and his vengeance against the Dark Empire is filled with an unrelenting fury.
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  • 1 042
The Vengeance of Rome

The Vengeance of Rome

Michael Moorcock

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction

The fourth and final volume of the legendary Pyat Quartet. Born in Ukraine on the first day of the century, a Jewish anti-Semite, Pyat careered through three decades like a runaway train. Bisexual, cocaine-loving engineer/inventor/spy, he enthusiastically embraces Fascism. Hero-worshipping Mussolini, he enters the dictator's circle, enjoys a close friendship with Mussolini's wife and is sent by the Duce on a secret mission to Munich, becoming intimate with Ernst Röhm, the homosexual stormtrooper leader. His crucial role in the Nazi Party's struggle for power has him performing perverted sex acts with 'Alf', as the Fuhrer's friends call him. Pyat's extraordinary luck leaves him after he witnesses Hitler's massacre of Röhm and the SA. At last he is swallowed up in Dachau concentration camp. Thirty years later, having survived the Spanish civil war, he is living in Portobello Road and telling his tale to a writer called Moorcock.
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  • 1 028
Byzantium Endures: The First Volume of the Colonel Pyat Quartet

Byzantium Endures: The First Volume of the Colonel Pyat Quartet

Michael Moorcock

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction

Meet Maxim Arturovitch Pyatnitski, also known as Pyat. Tsarist rebel, Nazi thug, continental conman and reactionary counterspy: the dark and dangerous antihero of Michael Moorcock's most controversial work. Published in 1981 to great critical acclaim--then condemned to the shadows and unavailable in the United States for 30 years--Byzantium Endures, the first of the Pyat quartet, is not a book for the faint-hearted. It is the story of a cocaine addict, sexual adventurer, and obsessive anti-Semite whose epic journey from Leningrad to London connects him with scoundrels and heroes from Trotsky to Makhno and whose career echoes that of the 20th century's descent into fascism and total war. This is Moorcock at his audacious, iconoclastic best: a grand sweeping overview of the events of the last century, as revealed in the secret journals of modern literature's most proudly unredeemable outlaw. This authoritative edition presents the author's final cut, restoring previously forbidden passages and deleted scenes.
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The Shores of Death

The Shores of Death

Michael Moorcock

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction

Earth's Last Dark Age. With Earth teetering on the brink of extinction, only one man dares to defy the legacy of the Spaceraiders - Clovis Marca, the twilight man. Long ago Earth, now fixed on her axis, with eternal day on one side, eternal night on the other and a ribbon of twilight in between, was ravaged by galactic raiders. Earthlings recovered, grew stronger. But now, unable to reproduce, the last humans are frenzied with final decadence. And fear. Only Clovis Marca, the last man born on Earth, dares to brave infected space to seek the impossible solution. His dark quest leads him to face Orland Sharvis, the scientist whose insane experiments on his own mind and body might just save the human race… but would that race then be more, or less, human?
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Knight of the Swords

Knight of the Swords

Michael Moorcock

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction

A VENGEANCE BORN By creating Man, the universe had betrayed the old races. Spreading like a pestilence across the Earth, Man destroyed the Vadhagh and the Nhadragh, the ancient peoples. Only Vadhagh Prince Corum remained to raise his sword, to avenge the slaughter of his family and race, to battle the unjust fate of a blind and deaf universe... Cover Illustration: Robert Gould
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The Oak and the Ram

The Oak and the Ram

Michael Moorcock

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction

A POWER CONSUMED The seasons have turned from spring to summer across the quiet earth - yet the Fhoi Myore were hiding in mist, awaiting their chance to unleash their icy realm of death. To defeat the Cold Gods, Corum of the Silver Hand must restore the High King's power with legendary treasures - the Golden Oak and the Silver Ram - lost talismans that wield miraculous forces unknown to Corum... Cover Illustration: David McCall Johnston
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