Songs of a Peach Tree

Songs of a Peach Tree

Michael Ciardi

Michael Ciardi

Thirty summers ago, something unspeakable happened to a little girl in the woods near Shade Tree Pond. The culprit to this heinous crime is never identified. Now, thirty years later, a curious 12-year-old boy embarks upon a journey that places him at the core of Meadowton's most haunting mystery.Thirty summers ago, something unspeakable happened to a little girl in the woods near Shade Tree Pond. The culprit to this heinous crime is never identified. Now, thirty years later, a curious 12-year-old boy embarks upon a journey that places him at the core of Meadowton's most haunting mystery.Somewhere in the confines of a desolate peach grove, the voice of a child chants her ethereal songs. Throughout the years many residents fear the curse that plagues Benjamin Murden's peach trees, but only one boy seeks to unearth the unfathomable truth. It is his quest for justice that propels him into a frightening realm of supernatural events, betrayal, and ultimate vengeance.
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The Classic Crusade of Corbin Cobbs

The Classic Crusade of Corbin Cobbs

Michael Ciardi

Michael Ciardi

Join Corbin Cobbs as he embarks on an unprecedented journey into thirty works of classic literature. In the process, he will interact with some of the most beloved and reviled characters ever created for the page or stage. It is an excursion of a lifetime, transpiring in the course of a single day that will change Corbin's perception of his world forever.Corbin Cobbs is a forty-three-year-old English teacher who is disenchanted with his mundane existence. In a span of fewer than fourteen hours, he will traverse the fields of his inner mind in order to discover the significance of his life. But he is a tormented soul, besieged by an illness that robs him of his consciousness at random times throughout the course of this day. It is in the midst Corbin’s “episodes” that he transfers himself into the pages of literature to interact with an assortment of the most beloved and reviled characters ever created for the page or stage. As the tale ticks by, with each chapter unfurling in linear time, Corbin learns about love and infidelity from the likes of Sir Lancelot, Hester Prynne, and Charles Bovary. He questions his valor and sacrifices during encounters with Hamlet, Henry Fleming, and Sydney Carton. He ponders the numbing effects of loneliness and manipulation through discourse shared with Frankenstein’s Monster, Grendel, and Iago. His mind transports him toward Chaucer’s medieval pilgrimage to Canterbury, and the tiered horrors of Dante’s Inferno. He will battle impulses of vengeance and the duality of his own nature by conversing with Captain Ahab, Mr. Kurtz, and Mr. Edward Hyde. What will become of Corbin as his life interweaves with the most memorable characters in the classic canon? The lessons he learns, of course, will endure for as long as the literature itself.
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Phantoms of the Moon

Phantoms of the Moon

Michael Ciardi

Michael Ciardi

The jouney to beyond begins from within. Ryan Hayden lives the life of a typical teenager with a penchant for astronomy, except for the speculation that his family was abducted by aliens when he was a small boy. What long-term effects might this incident have on him? And who will he seek to help discover the truth about the Phantoms of the Moon?Ryan Hayden lives the life of a typical 17-year-old boy. But as a consequence of a tragedy that mysteriously separates him from his family, the boy struggles with his identity and purpose in this world. He slowly begins to discover things about himself that makes him different from his friends, which ultimately delivers him to a startling revelation about his past. The terror of Ryan's life culminates in a battle that wedges his very soul between the elements of this world and beyond.
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Mark, There's a Beagle in My Bedroom!

Mark, There's a Beagle in My Bedroom!

Michael Ciardi

Michael Ciardi

Wannabe secret agents and gumshoes rejoice! By now everyone knows that the Government doesn’t really spy on its own citizens, right? And even if they had the audacity to orchestrate such a devious scheme, what stealthy means would they employ to get the job done? Join Bruce 5 on a pun-filled adventure into espionage and conspiracy theories galore.Wannabe secret agents and gumshoes rejoice! By now everyone knows that the Government doesn’t really spy on its own citizens, right? And even if they had the audacity to orchestrate such a devious scheme, what stealthy means would they employ to get the job done? Meet Bruce 5, ordinary domesticated house pet by day, covert four-legged operative by dark. After nearly exposing a clandestine plot to snoop on the public via RFID tags, one cheeky beagle and an unlikely crew of rogue agents must elude capture by an underground organization known as the MUTTS (Mobile Underground Transponder Tracking Specialists). In their madcap bid to escape the powers-that-be, they will encounter bohemian foes, cryptic codes, killer bees, and beaver drones—that’s right, beavers! It’s a chaotic derby of espionage and conspiracies galore, where one dog holds the microchip to save the people from an evil entity lurking in their midst.In the zany spirit of parody, Bruce 5 utilizes his newfound verbal skills to spoof over five decades of iconic films and television shows. No one is spared from an onslaught of innuendos and double entendre that this crude-mouthed canine unleashes. The dossier for frenzied fun is now in the readers’ imaginations. Adventure abounds for all those intrepid sleuths who wish to decipher the truth. And don’t forget to help the renegades interpret an anagram they find along their mission--it represents a vital clue in the wordplay at bay.
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