Mother's Voice

Mother's Voice

Melissa Szydlek

Melissa Szydlek

Katie and Sissy lost their mother to cancer 20 years ago. Since her death, Katie has been endowed with a special gift to help earth bound ghosts pass on to the next life. Katie hear's strange screams when the ghosts pass on - is it the sounds of the dead or is she hearing her mother's voice?A riveting tale of fate and faith as a whirlwind of events lands 73 year old Louisiana native Daniel freeman in a hospital bed; and then, in a confessional, telling his life story to a young local priest who is well respected in the Community. As the priest and Daniel delve into his old trespasses of the past, it becomes more apparent that the priest and Daniel’s life have been mysteriously connected by these exact events.Lucifer Travels is Book #1 in the staunchly Christian, young adult, mystery series
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