Old Murders Never Die

Old Murders Never Die

Marja McGraw

Marja McGraw

Sandi Webster, private investigator, is in for the adventure of a lifetime when she and her partner, Pete, become stranded in a ghost town inhabited by a mysterious horse-riding cowboy and haunted by some unsolved Old West murders. What better way to spend a well-earned vacation than running down old clues and searching vintage houses that haven't been entered in over a hundred and twenty years? Bubba, Sandi's half wolf/half Golden retriever, and the mysterious cowboy keep the action moving.
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Entrance to Nowhere

Entrance to Nowhere

Marja McGraw

Marja McGraw

Sandi Webster-Goldberg and her husband, Pete, are definitely out of their comfort zone when they become involved in kidnapping, Internet hacking, cybersecurity, and domestic terrorism. Sandi’s cantankerous Aunt Martha arrives for a visit at the most inopportune time and discovers that the kidnapping victim is someone from her past; a former student and friend. Who’s behind what could end up becoming the crime of the century, and can Sandi, Pete and Aunt Martha rescue Andrew Trapper, billionaire, before it’s too late? **About the Author Marja McGraw has worked in both civil and criminal law, state transportation, and for a city building department. She has lived and worked in California, Nevada, Oregon, Alaska, Arizona, and Washington. She wrote a weekly column for a small town newspaper in Northern Nevada, and conducted a Writers’ Support Group in Northern Arizona. A past member of Sisters in Crime (SinC), she was the Editor for the SinC-Internet Newsletter for a year and a half. Marja writes two mystery series, The Sandi Webster Mysteries and The Bogey Man Mysteries, which are light reading with a touch of humor. She also occasionally writes stories that aren’t part of a series. Marja says that each of her mysteries contains a little humor, a little romance and A Little Murder! She now lives in Washington, where life is good. You can visit her website at http://www.marjamcgraw.com/ Her blog can be read at http://marjamcgraw.blogspot.com/ 
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The Bogey Man

The Bogey Man

Marja McGraw

Marja McGraw

Imagine you're a young female private investigator, it's early in the morning and you're watching the motel room of an errant husband. The angry wife shows up and blows your cover, and the husband comes after you. Now imagine that Humphrey Bogart comes to your rescue. Sandi Webster's latest case begins with this scenario, and she continues to have "Bogey" sightings. No one will believe her until a woman is murdered at a costume party and the Bogey Man comes strolling out of the restroom, walking the walk and talking the talk.From the AuthorThe Bogey Man is #4 in the Sandi Webster Mysteries. Chris Cross is introduced as a Humphrey Bogart look-alike who wants nothing more that to become a private investigator. Sandi Webster takes on the job of proving to Chris that he's not quite cut out for the job, but life has a funny way of taking us down paths we never expected to set foot on. In this story Sandi attends a costume party with death stepping in as one of the guests. Her friend, Felicity Dubois, has connections in the modeling and acting industries, so the guest list consists of some famous names. Chris insinuates himself into the mix and Sandi includes him in some of the investigation. In the meantime, Sandi's partner and love interest, Pete, goes through a bit of jealousy, along with their employee, Stanley Hawks. Stanley and Felicity are a duo. This story was fun to write partly because I was able to include so many twists and turns. The characters, including everyone from the Bogey Man to the Lawsuit Queen, even made me smile, and I'm the one who created them. Oh, and I can't forget, Sandi's menopausal mother is right in the thick of the action. This is one wild ride you won't want to miss. About the Author Marja McGraw was born and raised in Southern California. Sheworked in both civil and criminal law for 15 years, state transportation foranother 17 years, and most recently for a city building department.  She has lived and worked in California,Nevada, Oregon, Alaska and Arizona. McGraw wrote a weekly column for a small town newspaper inNorthern Nevada, and conducted a Writers' Support Group in Northern Arizona. Apast member of Sisters in Crime (SinC), she was also the Editor for the SinC-InternetNewsletter for a year and a half. She has appeared on KOLO-TV in Reno, Nevada,and KLBC in Laughlin, Nevada, and various radio talk shows. Marja says that each of her mysteries contains alittle humor, a little romance and A Little *Murder! *
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One Adventure Too Many

One Adventure Too Many

Marja McGraw

Marja McGraw

Taking a vacation can lead to an unexpected case for private eye Sandi Webster-Goldberg. Taking a vacation with your menopausal mother, an eccentric aunt, a pregnant friend and her husband, and a flustered husband can lead to total chaos. Pete Goldberg and Stanley Hawks take a leisurely walk in the country, only to discover an abandoned house. When Sandi, her mother, Livvie, and her Aunt Martha decide to explore, they discover that the house isn’t quite as abandoned as previously thought. A young woman and her baby are hiding out from unknown danger. She needs help, and the three women are more than happy to oblige her. **
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Bubba's Ghost

Bubba's Ghost

Marja McGraw

Marja McGraw

Sandi Webster, Los Angeles P.I., has a new case. When a drunken bum is found dead in her client’s basement, she has to figure out who might have had a motive for murder other than a young, single mother. In the process of investigating the crime, Sandi uncovers secrets she’d rather not know. Sandi’s partner, Pete, is searching for a killer in Nevada, leaving her to fend for herself, something she does with finesse.In the meantime, a huge dog named Bubba adopts Sandi and moves in, but shows signs of cowardice when eerie sounds are heard coming from the attic. Could Sandi live in a haunted house?
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Having a Great Crime- Wish You Were Here

Having a Great Crime- Wish You Were Here

Marja McGraw

Marja McGraw

1936 – In the small farming community of Battle Ground, Washington, a scream is heard and actress Bonnie Singleton is found dead. With no evidence or suspects, the crime goes down in history as an unsolved murder. The only one who knows the truth is Bonnie Singleton, and her voice has been silenced. That is, until many years later when Sandi Webster-Goldberg and her husband, Pete, go on a belated honeymoon to a new Bed and Breakfast in the small community. Plenty of surprises await the couple when the proprietor of the B&B asks for their help. She doesn’t want her business to be known as the local haunted house. Have Sandi and Pete ever been able to turn down a challenge? The request to find the truth has been made and once again they’re reluctantly on a cold case. **About the Author Marja McGraw was born and raised in Southern California. She worked in both civil and criminal law, state transportation, and for a city building department. She has lived and worked in California, Nevada, Oregon, Alaska, Arizona, and Washington. She wrote a weekly column for a small town newspaper in Northern Nevada, and conducted a Writers’ Support Group in Northern Arizona. A past member of Sisters in Crime (SinC), she was the Editor for the SinC-Internet Newsletter for a year and a half. Marja writes two mystery series: The Sandi Webster Mysteries and The Bogey Man Mysteries, which are light reading with a touch of humor. She also occasionally writes stories that aren’t part of a series. Marja says that each of her mysteries contains a little humor, a little romance and A Little Murder! She now lives in Washington, where life is good. 
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Choosing One Moment

Choosing One Moment

Marja McGraw

Marja McGraw

Mystery writer Carrie McFerrin has inherited an old family house and all of its contents from her Great Aunt Genny. While taking inventory of the attic contents, she comes across an old wooden crank telephone. Thinking the old telephone would look perfect in her vintage kitchen, she hangs it on the wall by the back door, and an old, yellowed piece of paper asking for help falls to the floor. The impossible happens when the disconnected old phone rings – three rings, a pause, and three more rings. Carrie picks up the receiver, wondering what’s going on, and her life suddenly changes – forever. Nothing will ever be the same. **About the Author Marja McGraw was born and raised in Southern California. She worked in both civil and criminal law, state transportation, and a city building department. She has lived and worked in California, Nevada, Oregon, Alaska and Arizona. She wrote a weekly column for a small town newspaper in Northern Nevada, and conducted a Writers’ Support Group in Northern Arizona. A past member of Sisters in Crime (SinC), she was also the Editor for the SinC-Internet Newsletter for a year and a half. Marja writes two mystery series: The Sandi Webster Mysteries and The Bogey Man Mysteries, which are light reading with a touch of humor. She also occasionally writes stories that aren’t part of a series. Marja says that each of her mysteries contains a little humor, a little romance and A Little Murder! She now lives in Washington, where life is good. 
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Prudy's Back!

Prudy's Back!

Marja McGraw

Marja McGraw

In the 1940s, Brian Lewis was called to war and his wife, Prudy, took over her husband’s job as a private investigator. Brian never returned.Prudy wants Sandi Webster and Pete Goldberg to help her solve a 1943 murder, the case she couldn’t solve. It’s personal, and Prudy wants to be in the thick of things again.After investigating, Sandi believes she knows who the killer is, but he’s dead. So who’s threatening her and Prudy? And who tried to poison Sandi’s half wolf/half Golden Retriever dog?
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Gin Mill Grill

Gin Mill Grill

Marja McGraw

Marja McGraw

Sandi and Pete have earned a reputation for solving old cases, and they’re approached by a woman who’d like a 1930s crime solved. A man was brutally murdered and his brother immediately disappeared. The authorities believed the brother was their best suspect, but they weren’t able to track him down. Case closed – or was it? A lone police officer didn’t like the results and spent the rest of his life searching for answers. Their client’s father had tried to clear the name of Harley Glosser, the dead man’s brother, but his efforts were futile. His interest in the case? Horace and Harley Glosser were his cousins. With the discovery of a private room in the house where the crime was committed, Sandi and Pete must change their thought processes and start running down other suspects and looking at other locations, including an old speakeasy. The potential suspects are people in their nineties, so they also have to hope they’re still living. Why would someone in the current day try to put a halt to the investigation? After all, the murder took place in the 1930s. Circumstances are often not as they seem, and this case is no exception.   
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Death Comes in Threes

Death Comes in Threes

Marja McGraw

Marja McGraw

P.I. Sandi Webster was instrumental in putting David Smith in prison for murder. What’s he been up to during his prison time? He’s murdered a guard and escaped, and he’s coming after Sandi. Stanley Hawks was one of Sandi’s first clients and now works for her as a researcher. He knew about David. Can he help Sandi?To make matters worse, her menopausal mother, her elderly neighbor, and her closest friend are all in danger because they won’t leave her side. Are the four women a match for a vengeful killer? Maybe he’s not a match for them. **About the Author Marja McGraw, born and raised in Southern California, is a true Californian. Her family traces back to the 1850’s in Los Angeles. She worked in both criminal and civil law enforcement for several years before relocating to Northern Nevada, where she worked for the Nevada Department of Transportation. She also lived in Oregon where she worked for the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office and owned her own business, a Tea Room/Antique Store. Her next stop was Wasilla, Alaska. The draw to Northern Nevada was strong, and she eventually returned. Marja wrote a weekly column for a small newspaper in No. Nevada and she was the editor for the Sisters in Crime Internet Newsletter for a year and a half. She started a writers' support group a few years ago, along with two other authors, Shirley Kennedy and Larry Wonderling. It was a learning experience rather than a critique group. She belongs to several writer/reader groups. She has appeared on the morning news in Reno, Nevada, and on KLBC-TV in Laughlin, Nevada. She’s also been a guest on several radio and Internet radio shows. Starting with Secrets of Holt House, A Mystery, Marja followed up with A Well-Kept Family Secret - A Sandi Webster Mystery and the beginning of a series. Most recently, she began a new series beginning with Bogey Nights – A Bogey Man Mystery. She says that each of her mysteries contains a little humor, a little romance and A Little Murder!, and that her books concentrate on the characters and solving the crime rather than the crime itself. She and her husband currently live in No. Arizona. Marja’s website can be viewed at www.marjamcgraw.com. 
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A Well-Kept Family Secret

A Well-Kept Family Secret

Marja McGraw

Marja McGraw

P.I. Sandi Webster’s menopausal mother wants her to solve a century-old murder. Her mother’s attitude causes armed and dangerous Sandi to feel like a gibbering child. Oblivious to her effect on her daughter, Livvie entices Sandi’s cooperation with the story of a lost treasure.In the meantime, a woman needs Sandi and her partner, Pete, to protect her from a stalker.Can Sandi solve the murder and find the treasure before someone takes her life? Can she and her partner keep their client from harm with her interfering mother adding her two cents?Sandi has more than a few surprises waiting for her.
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Marja McGraw - Bogey Man 02 - Bogey's Ace in the Hole

Marja McGraw - Bogey Man 02 - Bogey's Ace in the Hole

Marja McGraw

Marja McGraw

The only people who might strike terror in Chris and Pamela Cross’ hearts are the Church Ladies, who want them to find a missing friend. When the friend turns up on her own, Chris finds a new kind of terror—a murder for hire plot the woman has overheard.Ride along in Chris’ 1950 vintage Chevy with the Church Ladies, his wife Pamela, their son Mikey, and two overzealous yellow Labrador Retrievers while they try to find not only a potential killer, but the intended victim.
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