Chained to a stone altar in the temple, young virgin Idara is about to be a blood sacrifice to Ashak-vek, the demon-god of her people.
Beautiful, fearsome Ashak-vek appears to her in the form of a jaguar, and then changes before her eyes. His man-form is huge and magnificent, with dark skin and clawed hands, and wild yellow eyes.
What no one expects, is that the god does not want virgin blood. He wants Idara as a vessel for his child.
This 4000 word story features rough, reluctant sex, oral action with a rough cat-shifter tongue, and divine monster breeding.
An Excerpt From the Story:
"Idara," Ashak-ves growled, baring his sharp teeth. His voice was powerful and resonant... and dangerous. She was suddenly afraid again.
"My Lord!" She breathed, trembling, staring into the demon-god's eyes.
He reached out a hand, and she couldn't help flinching as he raised it to her chin. He ignored her reaction, and with one upturned claw, gently tilted her head. He looked at her carefully, taking in her face - her large dark eyes and quivering lips.
The girl spread her arms, her chained wrists pulling at their restraints. She closed her eyes, and waited for those claws to strike – to rend her flesh and spill her blood. Her sacrifice would soon be done.
The man who was Ashak-ves made a low, rumbling sound, and Idara opened her eyes to stare at him. He wore a feral grin, his sharp teeth shining. It sounded like he was laughing. She furrowed her brows, confused.
"You think I want your blood, little one?" The god purred. His sharp claw stroked the underside of her chin, making her tremble.
Idara was alarmed. "Am I not worthy, my Lord? I am pure! I-"
He laughed again, louder, cutting her off. "No, no, my beauty." He took his hand away, letting her head relax. And he looked up and down her body.
She could practically feel his eyes raking her flesh, devouring the sight of her. Her breasts heaved, and the nipples hardened, as though responding directly to his gaze.
"I can see that you are pure. And what loveliness." He reached out a hand and ran it up her side, from her hip to her shoulder, brushing the side of her breast very lightly.
Idara was confused, but before she could ask questions, Ashak-ves stepped toward her. He took hold of her right wrist-chain, and she gasped as he snapped it in one easy movement.
Then he took her hand, and turned her so that she was facing away from him, toward the altar's edge. He put her wrists together against the altar and held them there, one chained and one free. He pressed his body up against her. His skin was hot, and she could feel the energy thrumming through him.
The god bent to speak close to her ear. "I don't need blood," he purred. "I need a worthy vessel for my seed. And you... yes. You will do nicely."
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