Fathers' Honor
M. C. A. Hogarth
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Romance
THREE HEADS ARE BETTER THAN ONE When his favorite student invites him to immigrate to the world of the fabled Eldritch, Armin Palland brings his wife and mother-in-law and all the unresolved issues he's been avoiding. That he arrives to a planet without a university to employ him leaves him stranded with nothing to do but what he does best: turn his psychology degree and analytical powers on the plight of the natives... and one native in particular. But it was never his intention to get involved with an Eldritch father, much less an Eldritch father AND a middle-aged intransigent Glaseah who won't let him crawl back into his comfortable shell. There's a road between Armin Palland and his life-altering epiphany, and it's going to take him straight through a hospital ward, several weeks of language lessons, and his first attempt at... wargaming? And they say old dogs can't learn new tricks.... Old friends...
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