The Last Smile in Sunder City

The Last Smile in Sunder City

Luke Arnold

Luke Arnold

A former soldier turned PI tries to help the fantasy creatures whose lives he ruined in a world that's lost its magic in a compelling debut fantasy by Black Sails actor Luke Arnold. Welcome to Sunder City. The magic is gone but the monsters remain.I'm Fetch Phillips, just like it says on the window. There are a few things you should know before you hire me:1. Sobriety costs extra.2. My services are confidential.3. I don't work for humans. It's nothing personal—I'm human myself. But after what happened, to the magic, it's not the humans who need my help. Walk the streets of Sunder City and meet Fetch, his magical clients, and a darkly imagined world perfect for readers of Ben Aaronovitch and Jim Butcher.
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One Foot in the Fade

One Foot in the Fade

Luke Arnold

Luke Arnold

Welcome back to the streets of Sunder City, a darkly imagined world perfect for readers of Ben Aaronovitch and Jim Butcher.In a city that lost its magic, an angel falls in a downtown street. His wings are feathered, whole—undeniably magical—the man clearly flew, because he left one hell of a mess when he plummeted into the sidewalk.But what sent him up? What brought him down? And will the answers help Fetch bring the magic back for good?Working alongside necromancers, genies, and shadowy secret societies, through the wildest forests and dingiest dive bars, this case will leave its mark on Fetch's body, his soul, and the fate of the world.Praise for the Fetch Phillips novels:"Superb... With a lead who would be at home in the pages of a Raymond Chandler or James Ellory novel and a nicely twisty plot, this installment makes a strong case for Arnold's series to enjoy a long run." ―Publishers...
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Dead Man in a Ditch

Dead Man in a Ditch

Luke Arnold

Luke Arnold

A former soldier turned PI solves crime in a world that's lost its magic in this brilliant sequel to actor Luke Arnold's debut The Last Smile in Sunder City.The name's Fetch Phillips—what do you need?Cover a Gnome with a crossbow while he does a dodgy deal? Sure.Find out who killed Lance Niles, the big-shot businessman who just arrived in town? I'll give it shot.Help an old-lady Elf track down her husband's murderer? That's right up my alley.What I don't do, because it's impossible, is search for a way to bring the goddamn magic back.Rumors got out about what happened with the Professor, so now people keep asking me to fix the world.But there's no magic in this story. Just dead friends, twisted miracles, and a secret machine made to deliver a single shot of murder.Welcome back to the streets of Sunder City, a darkly imagined world perfect for readers of Ben Aaronovitch and Jim...
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