His needs took him away, but their needs sent them to claim him.
Raul’s mate has left camp on business but when his love letters become clipped and distant, Raul soon finds himself miserable and tetchy. Throw in some exciting news he can’t wait to share and being without Malec is not only physically painful it’s downright unbearable.
But as he heads west, in search of the man who completed his life, Raul’s imagination goes into overdrive. What if Malec doesn’t want to come home? What if he’s found another lover and their bond wasn’t as strong as he believed it to be?
There’s only one thing for it and that’s to stand up to his fears, hope the rest of his family can handle the truth, and get his man—and he’ll get him back no matter what he has to face, who he has to fight, or what price he has to pay.
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