

Laurence E. Dahners

Laurence E. Dahners

This is the tale of Myr Sevii, a young woman who discovers a field that suppresses static electrical effects and warps space in a fashion that attracts protons. It's a hard Science Fiction exploration of what might happen if you were able to pull protons into a tiny volume and-having suppressed static repulsion-crush them together. The story examines how this new discovery affects Myr and will soon affect the world around her. Changes abound, in the company Myr works for, in the people around her, and in her family. So many unexpected technological revolutions are happening at the same time that it's hard for Myr and her friends to come to grips with them. When word of the inventions gets out, vultures gather-wanting the tech for themselves. Some of those people will kill to get what they want...
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Laurence E. Dahners

Laurence E. Dahners

"Telepath" is the fourth in a series of stories featuring the members of the Hyllis family. After a plague induced apocalypse collapsed civilization back to iron and horsepower, the Hyllises developed a genetic tendency to inherit "talents." Eva Hyllis and her ancestors became healers because their talents let them feel inside their patients. This helps them diagnose the underlying causes of many illnesses. Having made a diagnosis, sometimes they can do something. Unfortunately, often they cannot. However, Eva's children Tarc and Daussie have inherited telekinetic and teleportation talents. Telekinetic pressure can stop bleeding and teleportation can remove stones and arterial plaques. In this book, they realize their young cousin Kazy's a telepath! Tarc realizes his girlfriend Lizeth's a precog... just before she breaks up with him. Now they're rapidly finding more and more medical conditions their talents allow them to treat. And, they discover an ancient, undisturbed medical facility which promises more equipment and knowledge. Perhaps Eva's long held dream to teach and practice medicine full time might become possible?
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Laurence E. Dahners

Laurence E. Dahners

“Wanted" is the tenth of a series of near future SciFi/Thrillers whose young heroine Ell Donsaii’s nerve mutation makes her a genius and provides astonishing athletic abilities. In “Wanted,” President Stockton continues her efforts to imprison Ell in order to protect the world from some of Ell’s dangerous new technology. While the President rightfully wants this technology to be restricted, she wants it to be controlled by the government. Ell doesn’t want even the government to have the terrible destructive potential of a technology that can cut through absolutely any material in the world! When the FBI and CIA prove to be unable to find and capture Ell, the President instructs them to imprison Ell’s friends. However, the President hasn’t considered just how many technological advantages Ell would have in any effort to spring her friends from prison.
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Laurence E. Dahners

Laurence E. Dahners

“Teleporter” is the second in a series of stories featuring the Hyllis family who tend to inherit “talents.” The stories are set after a plague induced apocalypse which resulted in the collapse of civilization and reduced mankind back to iron and horsepower. Eva Hyllis and her ancestors became healers because they could feel the insides of their patients with their talents. This helps them diagnose the underlying causes of many illnesses. Having made a diagnosis, unfortunately, there is often not all that much that they can do to treat the problem. Tarc Hyllis, Eva’s son, has telekinesis so that he can “push” objects with his mind as well as being able to feel inside of people. This gives him the ability to diagnose bleeding inside someone and then stop that bleeding by applying pressure inside the patient. Now Tarc’s sister Daussie proves to be able to teleport small objects. She can remove a gallstone! This is a huge help to patients with gallbladder disease. Can she do more? Unfortunately, the Hyllises have to leave their home in Walterston. Traveling the roads in their day and age can be dangerous. Will their talents also let them protect themselves?
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Laurence E. Dahners

Laurence E. Dahners

Smarter is a near future SciFi/Thriller whose young heroine Ell Donsaii we learned in "Quicker" has a nerve mutation that makes her an athletic phenomenon, so fast that no one can keep up with her. Like Stieg Larsson's Lisbeth Salander (The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo) Ell is also a mathematical genius who, while trying to drift off to sleep, instead of counting sheep has developed a new theory of quantum mechanics. At once shy and concerned about her social skills, yet loved by those around her, she goes to grad school to try to understand experimental physics. In the process she discovers a means for enormously improving communications using quantum entangled molecules. Her brilliant quantum theories make her the target of industrial spies, other countries and jealous physicists all at the same time. Those who attack her don't consider that the very skills they envy and desire make her hard to overcome.
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Vaz 4: Invaders

Vaz 4: Invaders

Laurence E. Dahners

Laurence E. Dahners

“Invaders” is about events that occur several years after those in the novel “Disc.” GSI (Gettnor Space Industries) is beginning to investigate our solar system and mine the asteroids. Aircraft and automobile companies are beginning to switch over to thrusters from their more traditional products. New uses for thrusters are popping up in the healthcare and sports industries. However, at Epsilon Eridani, a race of aliens has so overpopulated their own solar system that they must move many tens of billions of their people to another system before overcrowding destroys them. They send an exploratory vessel to our solar system to determine whether it would be a suitable place to move. The mere presence of another intelligent race doesn’t deter them—they’ve always just wiped out any problem species in new systems. When the aliens first arrive through a wormhole near the sun, their ship is thought to be an asteroid in a highly elliptical orbit. Earth isn’t even aware that an alien race has arrived until the aliens separate a lander and send it to study Earth. Attempts to communicate with the aliens fail. The aliens’ complete lack of any interest in communication with us contributes to these failures. The aliens are far ahead of us in biotechnology, materials technology, and wormhole physics. They aren’t really worried about any threats from the human race, but don’t recognize that we have advantages in computing and thruster technology. Will the aliens be able to successfully deploy their bio weapon, destroying the human race and moving their excess population to our solar system? Or can we fight back…somehow?
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Bonesetter 2 -Winter-

Bonesetter 2 -Winter-

Laurence E. Dahners

Laurence E. Dahners

The followup to “Bonesetter,” a pre historical account of a boy in a primitive society who learns to "set bones." In this second story he’s become a young man, and the tale follows his development as a brilliant inventor of ancient technologies. New tools that markedly improve the lives of his fellow humans. He gathers others to his new tribe, gains his adult physical coordination and finishes rescuing his old tribe from starvation. Despite the awe his ideas engender in those around him, he remains humble and commits himself to helping those in need—even those he doesn’t like.
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Hyllis Family Story 1: Telekinetic

Hyllis Family Story 1: Telekinetic

Laurence E. Dahners

Laurence E. Dahners

“Telekinetic” is the first of a series of stories featuring the Hyllis family who tend to inherit telekinetic “talents.” The story is set after a plague induced apocalypse. The resulting collapse of civilization has reduced mankind back to iron and horsepower. Tarc Hyllis’s mother (and his grandfather before her) could “feel” things with their talent. They became healers because they can feel inside their patients, which frequently let them diagnose the underlying causes of an illness. Having made a diagnosis, unfortunately, there is often little they can do to treat the problem. Tarc’s father can “push” objects with his mind, but because he can’t feel inside of anything, he doesn’t know where to exert force in order to help to treat his wife’s patients. Tarc is just gaining the ability to do both of these things. The combination of these two powers will let him both diagnose a physical problem such as bleeding and then stop that bleeding by applying pressure inside the patient. This is a very exciting development for his mother, who too often has had to watch her patients die for lack of effective treatment. Then some strangers show up to scout the town where the Hyllises live. They plan and initiate a violent takeover. Can Tarc’s powers, weak as they are, play a role in resisting this invasion?
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Ell Donsaii 12: Impact!

Ell Donsaii 12: Impact!

Laurence E. Dahners

Laurence E. Dahners

“Impact" is the twelfth book in a series of near future SciFi/Thrillers whose heroine Ell Donsaii has a nerve mutation that makes her a genius and provides her some astonishing athletic abilities. In “Impact,” Ell’s been taken off the “Most Wanted” list and is resuming somewhat of a normal life. Her old friend Phil Zabrisk is on his way to Mars. One of her exploration rockets is about to land on an earthlike world.Then an enormous comet crashes into Tau Ceti three, threatening the lives of the teecees there. Aliens that Ell and others have come to think of as friends. Phil falls on Mars, breaking his hip in a fashion that needs surgery soon if he’s not to be crippled.Can she save her friends at Tau Ceti and is the risk of porting Phil back to Earth acceptable?Oh, and her son Zage is confounding people right and left…
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Laurence E. Dahners

Laurence E. Dahners

“Telekinetic” is the first of a series of stories featuring the Hyllis family who tend to inherit telekinetic “talents.” The story is set after a plague induced apocalypse. The resulting collapse of civilization has reduced mankind back to iron and horsepower. Tarc Hyllis’s mother (and his grandfather before her) could “feel” things with their talent. They became healers because they can feel inside their patients, which frequently let them diagnose the underlying causes of an illness. Having made a diagnosis, unfortunately, there is often little they can do to treat the problem. Tarc’s father can “push” objects with his mind, but because he can’t feel inside of anything, he doesn’t know where to exert force in order to help to treat his wife’s patients. Tarc is just gaining the ability to do both of these things. The combination of these two powers will let him both diagnose a physical problem such as bleeding and then stop that bleeding by applying pressure inside the patient. This is a very exciting development for his mother, who too often has had to watch her patients die for lack of effective treatment. Then some strangers show up to scout the town where the Hyllises live. They plan and initiate a violent takeover. Can Tarc’s powers, weak as they are, play a role in resisting this invasion?
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Laurence E. Dahners

Laurence E. Dahners

“Disc” picks up right after Vaz and Tiona’s invention of an apparently reactionless drive in “Tiona.”Tiona and her brother Dante want to license the rights to the new thrusters to big aircraft and car companies, using the money from the licenses to develop a private space industry. Vaz, their scientifically brilliant but socially inept father (who falls somewhere on the Asperger’s/Autism spectrum) has little interest in such a project, but is happy to have them run with it.So, they set out to convince doubtful major corporations that thrusters will change the world as we know it. Getting these companies to join the technological revolution requires everything from the massaging of egos to slapping the uncomprehending in the face with the new capabilities.At the same time, they are trying to develop their own space program in the face of some resistance from NASA.Then, just when things seem to be going well, North Korea kidnaps Vaz and Tiona. They want to force them to develop the new technology in North Korea and allow it to forge ahead of its enemies scientifically. By providing them with all the equipment they ask for and then threatening one member of this father-daughter scientific team if the other doesn’t work, they assume they can force the Gettnors to redevelop the technology for the benefit of the People’s Democratic Republic.That assumption is a serious mistake, Vaz is very good at turning equipment into weapons!
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