Princess Niya I (Kazaataraa-The World Above The Great Tree)
Kidwoman N.H Lin
Kidwoman N.H Lin
Unlike other typical princesses you have read from other fairy tales, our Princess Niya was different, she was lazy, spoiled, selfish and didn’t like to smile; no on liked her. On her 12 years old birthday, her parents, King and Queen decided to give her a gift that was going to change her life forever.This book could be subtitled a “A Male Midlife Crisis Transformational Journey Romantic Action Adventure.” It features a college professor who isn’t keen on getting older. The young, energetic people that populate the university remind him daily of how quickly life is passing, and how rapidly he seems to be approaching old age. He even considers getting a facelift. As he puts it, “Why not look as young as you feel!” Fortunately, he realizes that cosmetic surgery is not the answer, and looks to other alternatives. His search leads him to believe that what is missing in his life is adventure, novelty, and excitement--something he intends to remedy by taking a trip to Europe. As soon as he steps foot on the plane, the action picks up and continues to increase until he finds that adventure often comes with price. It can cost you your life. Join Professor CB Oldenberger as he learns one of life’s most important lessons: it isn’t how you look, it is how you live
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