Big Bad Spider and His Little Jellybean (Werewolf Mafia Book 2), page 1

Big Bad Spider And His Little Jellybean
Katharina Moroi
Copyright ©2024 by Katharina Moroi
All rights reserved.
No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.
1. Prologue
2. Chapter 1 Shift From Hell
3. Chapter 2 Life Altering
4. Chapter 3 Sleeping Beauty
5. Chapter 4 Trouble
6. Chapter 5 Shit Happens
7. Chapter 6 Enough
8. Chapter 7 Avoidance Sex
9. Chapter 8 The Grave
10. Chapter 9 The Rescue
11. Chapter 10 Apprehensive
12. Chapter 11 The Calm Before The Storm
13. Chapter 12 The Truth Cums Out
14. Chapter 13 The Longest Day
15. Chapter 14 The First Punishment And Spilling The Beans
16. Chapter 15 Meeting The Family
17. Chapter 16 Game On!!!!!
18. Chapter 17 The Funeral
19. Chapter 18 The Phone Calls
20. Chapter 19 Meeting the Parents
21. Chapter 20 The Date
22. Chapter 21 The Point Of No Return
23. Chapter 22 The Candlelit Dinner
24. Chapter 23 Wolves At The Beach
25. Chapter 24 Marco Asks The Question
26. Chapter 25 The Shadow
27. Chapter 26 The Letter
28. Chapter 27 Rose's Mom's Funeral
29. Chapter 28 The Danger
30. Chapter 29 Oleander Goes Insane
31. Chapter 30 The Cabin
32. Chapter 31 Clitoris Block
33. Chapter 32 Meeting the Doctor
34. Chapter 33 The Confessional
35. Chapter 34 The Preparation and Pampering
36. Chapter 35 The Proposal
37. Chapter 36 It’s Not A No
38. Chapter 37 Rose's Wedding
39. Chapter 38 Rose’s Reception
40. Chapter 39 The Turning Point
41. Chapter 40 Say the Answer
42. Chapter 41 The Mating
43. Chapter 42 The Powers
44. Chapter 43 Rose's First Pregnancy Visit
45. Chapter 44 My Wedding
46. Chapter 45 The Reception
47. Chapter 46 The Art Of Being A Brat
48. Chapter 47 Palm Twisty
49. Chapter 48 The Conceived
50. Chapter 49 The Sickness
51. Chapter 50 The Last Night
52. Chapter 51 The Home Front
53. Chapter 52 Christmas Secret
54. Chapter 53 HR And Doctor Visit
55. Epilogue
About Author
Also By Katharina Moroi
This book is dedicated to all who help me throughout my journey
Angel Downer and Anu Narole, Brier Rose and Kandall. Thank you four for helping me out of the dark tunnel when I lost everyone.
If you’re in any way related to me…..
Sorry! Family gatherings will be awkward, but please do not ask if I’m in the lifestyle portrayed in this book. If you are not related, still do not ask. I will not answer. I want to thank everyone who helped me get to this point. Kendall Meersman for being my best friend for over twenty years. My dad and stepmom for supporting me. To all that supported me. Also, I want to thank my beta readers: Angel Downer and Anu Narole, Brier Rose and Kandall. Thank you four for helping me out of the dark tunnel when I lost everyone. Finally, Thank you, God!
Cover artist:
Other art in this book: Aron Caer and Meghan Loeb
Note to reader:
The author is not responsible for your book burning or surging. The book content:
Sexual Assault
Sexual harassment
Spider - At five years old
As we make our way down the winding coastal road, returning from our family vacation on the other side of Sicily, I gaze out the window at the shimmering blue water. "Mommy, do I have to go to school soon?"
"Yes, sweetheart." She smiles at me through the rearview mirror.
"You know the drill, buddy," my dad chimes in, his eyes meeting mine in the rearview mirror from the driver’s seat.
"I know, Daddy." I settle back into my seat. We sing along to the radio, enjoying the warmth and togetherness of the moment. I love being with my parents, but the thought of returning to school fills me with a sense of dread. I play with my G.I. Joe, trying to push the thought from my mind.
Suddenly, the world seems to stop, and we careen off the road, crashing into a group of trees. I'm thrown around in my seat, my head hitting the door as the car rolls to the side. "Mommy! Daddy!" I call out, but there is no response. When the car finally comes to a stop, we are upside down. "Mommy, I'm hurt," I whimper.
A man appears at the car, trying to pry the door open. "Mommy! Daddy!" I call out again, but there is only an eerie silence. The man pulls me out of the car and sets me on the ground, the smell of burning rubber filling the air. "Mommy," I call out again, trying to stand up, but the man pushes me back down. A blue jay lands next to me, and I shiver. Something feels very wrong.
I reach out to the bird, thinking I can play with it, but it flies away. My mind wanders to my G.I. Joe, and I make my way back to the car to retrieve it. But before I can get there, someone grabs me, and I’m being pulled away. "Mommy, I want my toy. I'm hurt and hungry. I want my mommy," I cry.
"I'll get your toy. Stay here." The man disappears momentarily before returning with my G.I. Joe. "Here you go." He hands it to me. "How do you feel?"
When I wake up, I’m lying in a hospital bed, my arm in a cast with a bandage wrapped around my head.
Jenna Eden - six months ago
“Come on.” Oleander grabs my ass.
“I’m not going to sleep with you.” I pull his hand away and look at him with disgust.
“You know you like it. All women love my cock.” He circles around me, his eyes stopping in front of me, as he tries to touch my breast while licking his lips.
I kick him in the balls. “You sexist pig. I should never have gone on a date with you. This is inappropriate.” He collapses to the floor, cupping his gonads. I leave him to nurse his pride and go to my patient.
Luckily, the patient hasn’t woken from surgery. He doesn’t need to see this. The patient has been cut through for a surgery to repair the lungs and liver. His veins pop in and out and with a blue color. I focus back on Oleander.
From the ground, Oleander reaches up and grabs me by the wrist to pull me down. It makes me stop what I’m doing to pay attention to him. I need to deal with the patient, but I can’t with the pig in the room.
“Get your hands off me,” I yell, as he yanks at my pants. I’m loud enough that the chief of surgery hears me.
He walks into the room, and Oleander’s practically on top of me. "Dr. Bates, kindly accompany me to the admission office. And when you're finished with the patient, doctor Eden, please join us." His demeanor is composed, yet his eyes burn with intensity.
“The patient will not wake for hours, so I can come now,” I declare and use the interruption to bolt up and follow him. Unfortunately, so does Oleander, and I can feel his eyes on me as we walk to the elevator and to the top floor in silence. The chief of surgery knocks on the admin’s office door, and we enter the office.
“I went on one date with Dr. Bates, and I shouldn’t have. I told him I would not sleep with him. That was a week ago. The next day, he said that if I slept with him, he would help my career. Today he touched my ass and tried to touch my breast, and then attacked me when I defended myself.” I ball my hands into fists, bunching up my scrubs at my sides.
“I did see him touching her.” The chief of surgery looks at the administrator.
“Dr. Eden, please fill this out and return to work.” The admission hands me a paper, which I return when I’m done.
As I leave, I spot the head of HR walking into the office.
I go back to tend to my patients for the rest of my shift, which is an hour. As I leave the hospital, Oleander is being escorted out of the building. He gives me a dirty look and mouths, “You’re dead, girl.” He meant it as a threat, and I should be scared, but I have to focus on my patients. This new drug that’s sweeping Los Angeles is killing people. It is like PCP/angel dust and blood poison. The color of the popping veins is different every time, and the medical field doesn’t know why. The effects are super strength and super speed. The patients think that nothing can hurt them. It takes thirty minutes to take effect and lasts twenty-four hours. Once they come down, their bodies shut down, and they go into a coma.
My mind is too consumed with how to stop the drug.
Chapter 1 Shift From Hell
Jenna Eden - June 18/19
I walk into HR and ask how the investigation is going.
“I’m sorry, but that’s confide
As I make my way to the surgical floor, I think about how I can get that information from HR. I feel like the anger and frustration is radiating from me.
Oleander is back to work today and working the floor. I had six months without him. He is doing everything he can to be next to me, and I must avoid him. I don’t need this at the beginning of my overnight shift at midnight. Why is he getting away with this?
As I tend to my patients who are taking the new drug, I manage to avoid Oleander for a couple of hours while he’s in surgery. He moves his patient to the room next to mine, which I am sure is so he can watch me leave. As I head over to get meds for my patient, he stares at my ass and then slaps it.
I try to ignore him and finish entering the prescription, but then he accidentally, on purpose, brushes up against me and touches my side. I feel like he wants to touch my breast. This disgusting man thinks he has the right to do this to me. The anger building inside of me is almost to its boiling point.
He blocks me, so I can’t get back to my patient. “You look good this morning. You’re lucky you’re hot today, or you’d of been on my hit list.”
“What are you talking about, hit list?”
“You can fuck me to get off the list.” He lifts his hands, and I push them away.
“What list?” I try to move him out of the way, but he doesn’t move.
“Mark my words. If you do not be nice to me, you will be crossed off that list.”
“I need to get back to my patient. Now move out of my way.” I ignore his comment.
He moves out of the way but follows me. “You know what’s wrong with women today is that you all think you’re strong and don’t need a man in your life. The truth is, women are just weak and fragile little beings, and they shouldn’t hurt their little brains too much.”
“Are you saying because I’m a woman, I can’t be a doctor?”
“No, honey. I am saying you can’t be a surgeon. So, let’s make this easy. Fuck me, and I will make you a surgeon.” He grabs my ass hard.
“That’s the thing. I’m a fellow and I got here without you. I’m a surgeon already. I don’t need you, and I’m ten times better than you will ever be.” I laugh in his face. I pull his hand away and move away to tend to other patients.
I’m being called into a ten-hour surgery for a gunshot wound because another attending physician needs my help. I rush out, grateful for an excuse to get away from him for most of my shift. When the surgery is over, I stroll to the call room, and I’m alone for ten minutes when I hear the door open and close. A hand on my stomach moves up my body, which shocks me wide awake.
“What the fuck are you doing? If you don’t stop what you’re doing, I am going to HR, again, and saying you raped me.”
“Honey, they will do nothing because I have connections.” He kisses me.
“If they do nothing, I’ll get a restraining order.” I shove him out of the room and lock the door.
After a couple of hours of sleep, I’m called into another surgery, which lasts six hours. For the rest of my shift, I tend to my patients.
Before going home, I go to HR and fill out a rape report.
“You’re welcome to file a report, but without proof or a witness there is not much we can do because it’s your word against his,” the head of HR says.
“I guess I have to force your hands. I’m going to get a restraining order.” I leave the HR office angry.
As I walk out of the Hospital, Oleander holds his hands in gun shape. “You are dead.”
I didn’t take his threat seriously.
Chapter 2 Life Altering
Jenna - Sun morning-June 20th
Exhausted from a grueling forty-eight-hour shift at New Hope of Los Angeles Hospital, I climb into my sleek 2020 Fit Sport in Lunar Silver Metallic. Running my hand over the black cloth interior, I make my way to the mom and pop diner that has become a post-shift staple for me.
Ordering my usual breakfast of coffee, hash browns, two scrambled eggs, and sausages, I sink into a booth and savor the peace of the nearly empty diner at two A.M.
Just as I’m finishing my meal, two men slide into my booth, interrupting my solitude. “Can I help you?” I study their faces.
“Dr. Jenna Eden?” one of them says, and I’m momentarily taken aback. “How do you know my name? I’m not wearing my badge.”
The man hands me a folder, and I flip it open to see my name printed on the top page.
DR. Jenna Eden
DOB: May 30, 1992, Los Angeles, CA
Address: Resident housing
Occupation: Resident at New Hope of Los Angeles Hospital
Education: David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center Hospital Intern
Resident at New Hope of Los Angeles Hospital
Father: Frank Eden DoB: Nov 1, 1969. Deceased: Nov 30, 1996
Mother: Mady Eden, DOB: July 23, 1970. Deceased: Sep 1, 2018
Religion: Christian
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Relationship: Not known
Skills that will help the family: patient care, emergency.
I push the folder back across the table with a force that nearly knocks it over. “What the hell is this?” I snap.
“We know everything about you,” one of the men says calmly. “And we’re here to recruit you.”
“I’m calling the police,” I threaten, reaching for my phone.
“Dr. Jenna Eden, please sit down,” the other man says firmly. “We won’t ask again.”
I pause, considering my options, then reluctantly sit back down. “Who are you?” I demand.
“I’m Officer Tim Vickson, and this is Officer Mick Timson of the LAPD,” one of them says. “We also work for Marco McAilaidh Famigllia.”
I let out a string of curses under my breath. “Son of bitch. What does he want?”
“He wants you to become the family doctor,” Mick says. “We got your name from doctor Ken Suzuki. You were his resident, and he was the family doctor before he passed away.”
“Is that why he was arrested?”
Both of the men shake their heads no.
“We know you have student loans to pay off. We are prepared to pay all your student loans and a salary of $18,000 a month,” Mick says.
“What the hell?” I look around, but the diner is empty, and no one is paying us any attention.
“So, are you going to take the offer or not?” Mick asks, his voice stern.
“Before I agree to anything, I want to know why Dr. Ken Suzuki was framed for murder,” I reply, determination in my voice.
Mick raises an eyebrow. “That information will only be disclosed after you agree to the deal.”
I let out a frustrated sigh. “The McAilaidh Famigllia is nothing but trouble.”
“Don’t make threats against the family,” Mick warns. “Your father still owes $5,000 to a loan shark, and that debt now belongs to you. You have two options, accept our offer of $18,000 and have your debts cleared or face the consequences of not paying it off.”
“What kind of consequences?” I ask warily.
“Your life will become a living hell. You never know who might come after you, whether it’s us or someone else. We can put 150 stitches in your pretty face, break your fingers so you can never operate again. The choice is yours.” Tim’s eyes harden.
“You wouldn’t do that in public,” my voice shakes slightly.
The man hands me a newspaper with a headline about me losing my license. “This will be tomorrow’s headline if you don’t take the deal,” Mick says.
I shake my head. “How dare you threaten my career.”
The men stand up to leave. “If I take this deal, what exactly will I have to do?” My mind is racing.
“You’ll be on call whenever we need you to patch someone up. You can’t tell anyone that you work for the family, and you’ll have to sign a contract on camera, which we’ll keep until the contract is cancelled. If you ever tell anyone, the video will be made public,” Tim explains as the men sit back down.