Resolve and Fortitude : Microsoft's ''SECRET POWER BROKER'' breaks his silence

Resolve and Fortitude : Microsoft's ''SECRET POWER BROKER'' breaks his silence

Joachim Kempin

Joachim Kempin

This is the story of a German-born executive, JK, who immigrated to the United States to aid Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer, Microsoft’s top honchos to build a commanding software empire. He led Microsoft’s OEM division that was responsible for sales to PC manufacturers, and drove the deals that made Microsoft Windows the world’s dominating operating system. Find out how much resolve, fortitude, and perseverance were needed to make that part of the PC revolution come true; what strategies were employed to win the Internet browser war; how IBM was beaten; what drove Apple to the brink of disaster; and how shady politicians and hapless competitors eventually goaded the Feds to ensnare Microsoft in a web of antitrust accusations. Peek behind the curtain and be the first-ever outsider to glimpse into Microsoft’s power nexus. Understand how Microsoft’s nearly mystical marketing shrewdness and tech prowess are intensely propelled by paranoia and fear of missing the next computing paradigm shift. The press labeled JK Bill Gates’s “enforcer.” No wonder he was called upon as a pivotal antitrust trial witness to defend what loathing competitors labeled Microsoft’s “evil empire.” Follow what experts believe was the most protracted, and fierce trial of the century. Relive the courtroom drama, and read the author’s critical analysis of the judicial proceedings and their aftermaths. Losing that trial partially started Microsoft’s demise, and power struggles from within quickened it. Get to know the real forces that altered Microsoft’s resolve-and fortitude-dominated leadership style. Find out if Windows 8 could be an inflection point, conjuring enough magic to ring in a renaissance and attract the Facebook generation to a born-again modern Microsoft.
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