Emma's Summer of Submission

Emma's Summer of Submission

JJ Argus

JJ Argus

I thought it would be a boring summer before heading off to college. I was wrong. First my friend Kenzie surprised me when I was skinny-dipping in her private pool with Teagan, a gay friend of hers. The next thing I knew I was involved in a wild, shocking game of submission and dominance as they taught me more than I'd ever imagined about pleasure and heat! Then came Jason and his angry girlfriend Raven (who didn't much like white girls, much less blondes). But meeting a sleek, sexy man twice my age who recognized the rope marks on my wrists and offered to teach me about submission turned the whole summer – and the whole purpose of my life upside down! All in all it would be an unforgettable summer where I was learned about myself and my own dark, thrilling fantasies! And then lived them out in real life! **
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The Submissive Housewife

The Submissive Housewife

JJ Argus

JJ Argus

Erin and Greg have just moved into a gated community, and while he works long hours and commutes she stays home with their baby and works over the internet. That is, until the local welcoming committee in the form of a statuesque blonde brings chocolate over. Erin is delighted to be invited to exercise with three of her female neighbors, but startled at their nude sunbathing afterwards. Still, she doesn't want to appear prudish, and soon gets used to it. Their playing around takes on a definite sexual tone, though, and before she understands how it's happened she finds herself the low dog in a game of submission and dominance. Shocked, but breathlessly aroused, Erin is slowly, day by day, turned into the local submissive, at the mercy of the neighborhood girls - and the occasional boy! **
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Sierra and the Girls

Sierra and the Girls

JJ Argus

JJ Argus

It was a girls only holiday at an isolated cottage. But little did Sierra suspect what the girls had planned for her! The beautiful blonde was first seduced by her friend Taylor. Then, bound and blindfolded, she experienced the wonder and scalding heat as all the others joined in. Sierra was to remain bound, in a delicious, thrilling, outrageous game of domination and submission, for weeks to come, a servant and toy to the others, who made her mind burn almost as much as her body as her inhibitions melted away. Then, just to ensure she knew how obedient she must be, the girls began to bring men in on the game, to watch in fascination as Sierra submitted to them! Trained to submission, and breathless with excitement,Sierra extended her vacation even as the girls began to leave – and others arrived to take their place.
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Sorority Sex Slave

Sorority Sex Slave

JJ Argus

JJ Argus

All her young life beautiful young Claudia had repressed the terrible sexual urges and desires within her. Until she came to Delta Phi Sorority, where the debauchery of the select sisters unleashed, and then leashed the darkness which fascinated her. Willingly giving her mind and body, Claudia exults in the sexual freedom of her own enslavement, glorying in the cruel punishment of the fierce young lesbians who hate her for her weakness and hunger for the softness of her helpless flesh **
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The Submissive Nerd Girl

The Submissive Nerd Girl

JJ Argus

JJ Argus

Rin was soft spoken and very much a bookish nerd. But that was fine. She was sure she'd be excited by the intellectual stimulation she would get as she arrived for her first year at Princeton. She was ill-prepared for her roommates. Taylor was tall, beautiful and blonde, while Jada was black and aggressively resentful. And then, somehow, she is seduced by Taylor into her first lesbian experience – while being tied up! And then as she thrills to the most exciting – if kinky sexual relationship of her life, Jada joins in. Soon she's breathlessly experiencing a dark game of submission and domination every evening at the dorm, and then somehow trying to focus on astrophysics the next morning in class! And then her 'Mistresses' decide she needs to meet some men... **
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The Dark Library

The Dark Library

JJ Argus

JJ Argus

Hannah takes a job cataloging the library of the infuriating, irritating Lord Carling in his country mansion. When she finds a secret passage leading to an ancient dungeon the dark recesses of her erotic imagination come to the fore. When Carling must rescue her he begins a torrid game of cat and mouse, attempting to draw out her submission and make her his willing yet obedient sexual slave.
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