How to Get the Friends You Want

How to Get the Friends You Want

Jenny Alexander

Jenny Alexander

Peony Pinker is not 'cool'. She likes animals and messing about, notfitness routines and celebrity news. But when Dad becomes a celebrityagony aunt, the coolest girls in school invite Peony to join theirgroup. Now she's watching the right films and doing the rightactivities to fit in... and she hasn't got time for her old friends anymore. But is the 'cool' crowd really where Peony wants to be? A funny,thought-provoking story with a subtle self-help theme.
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How to Get the Body You Want by Peony Pinker

How to Get the Body You Want by Peony Pinker

Jenny Alexander

Jenny Alexander

It's winter and the Pinkers are out of shape - so Dad decides to usethe wholefamily to test out his ideas for a new fit-in-four weeks diet book. But after a few weeks of early morning runs and cardboard flavoured ready meals, (meaning Peony needs chips and double helpings of pudding at lunch every day to make up) Peony's become so unfit can barely walk up the hill home. And she's supposed to be climbing Mount Snowdon in just a few weeks! Can Granget the family back on track with some wise words and common sense? Hilarious family comedy with a self-help twist.
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The Binding

The Binding

Jenny Alexander

Jenny Alexander

When Jack and his family arrive on the remote, blustery Scottish island of Morna, the whole summer holiday seems doomed...until they find the den. The three children who claim it are the only other children their age on the island—and soon Jack, Tressa and Milo are initiated into their secret society, the Binding, which charismatic Duncan presides over with elaborate rules, ceremonies and punishments.Jack wants to belong. He doesn't want trouble. But as the summer goes on, he begins to understand more about the Binding. Jack's going to have to stand up to Duncan—whatever it costs him.A tense, compulsive exploration of the effects of secrets, authority, boredom, and fear.
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How To Get What You Want by Peony Pinker

How To Get What You Want by Peony Pinker

Jenny Alexander

Jenny Alexander

Everyone in Peony Pinker's family wants something. Her dad, a sports reporter on the local paper, wants to get out of doing the problem page while the agony aunt is missing; her mum wants to stop working at the garden centre where all the plants keep dying; and her big sister Primrose wants to be called Annabel. What Peony wants most in the world - even more than she wants a dog - is to stop Primrose's nasty new best friend Bianca from being horrible to her. When Mr Kaminski next door tells them the secret of how to get what you want, Peony decides it's time to put a stop to Bianca at last. But can she get what she really wants?
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How To Get The Family You Want by Peony Pinker

How To Get The Family You Want by Peony Pinker

Jenny Alexander

Jenny Alexander

Peony Pinker is fed up with her family. Her mum's working long hours setting up her gardening business and her dad isn't pulling his weight around the house, so they're arguing all the time. Her big sister, Primrose, is stressed about her exams and taking it out on everyone else including her lovely boyfriend Matt. Peony's Gran tells her you can choose your friends but not your family; as you can't have the family you want, you have to learn to want the family you've got. 'Not possible!' thinks Peony. But Gran is sure she'll think of something. As most of Gran's ideas go horribly wrong, Peony knows there will be even more trouble ahead...
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