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Hannah's Miracle
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Hannah's Miracle

  Hannah's Miracle

  Janalyn Knight

  Published by Janalyn Knight, 2019.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Hannah's Miracle


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four



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  About the Author

  To my favorite auntie, Marianna, beta reader and proof reader extraordinaire.

  Before you read this, you may want to read Cowboy for a Season, Hannah and Alex’s love story. It’s available on Amazon for $.99 and also free in KU.

  Buy it now


  Chapter One

  ALEX SLAMMED THE BARN door shut against the whipping wind blowing in from the North. A storm was coming—the third one in less than a week. October historically offered good rain to the ranchers in the Texas Trans-Pecos region, but having storms this close together seldom happened.

  Horses bucked and kicked and raced through the pasture, enjoying the extra zing in the air from the approaching cobalt clouds bristling with lightning.

  He'd hurried through his chores, glad that he’d fed a few days before at the new pastures he'd bought since his marriage to Hannah. They were farther away from the main ranch than he liked, given Hannah's fragile condition. He grinned. He wouldn't get away with calling her fragile to her face. His wife was one tough cowgirl and a better rancher than he was. It drove her crazy that she needed to take it easy. She'd endured intense Braxton-Hicks contractions for the past six weeks, and her doctor had given her strict instructions that she quit ranch work until she delivered their baby. Terrified of losing her precious son, she'd immediately begun to spend her days at the house, and even agreed to nap during the day.

  Bent into the wind that swept across the flat desert land, he headed for his truck, glad they'd laid in groceries yesterday. They could ride the storm out in peace tonight. Heat spread through him as he anticipated entering the ranch house. It felt as much a home to him as his mãe's house had in Brazil. His mother raised him, her only child, alone, and they'd been very close. Her death when he had just become a man, had devastated him. It was one reason he'd had no qualms about leaving the country and joining the PBR, the Professional Bull Riders association here in the United States.

  Hannah must have been watching for him because she smiled and waved through the family room window as he pulled into the driveway. His heart beat harder, as it always did when he saw his beautiful lover. Marrying Hannah had been the most wonderful day of his life. The wedding was amazing, but when she'd told him they were having a bebê, he was overcome with joy. Their honeymoon in Bora Bora, funded by part of Alex's previous PBR Final's winnings, had been a non-stop celebration.

  Hannah's profile turned and moved toward the front door. He laughed softly. Her belly was massive and the doctor had told them at her last visit that their baby boy would be quite big. With giant steps he strode to the door, needing to feel his arms around his sweet wife.

  The glass door swung wide and Hanna yelled above the sound of the oncoming storm, "I thought you'd never come home." She raised her arms, releasing the door to the wind. "Where's my kiss, you bull ridin' cowboy!"

  He laughed, and drew her close—at least as close as a baby-boy belly would let him—and kissed her hard on the lips, the way she liked it at the end of the day. He stepped inside and pulled the doors firmly shut. Rubbing her tummy, he asked, "How's momma feeling today?" and led her to the couch, settling in beside her. As he slipped his arm around her shoulders, he nuzzled her neck and made her squeak.

  Hannah grinned. "You're too full of spit and vinegar to have worked very hard. Tell me about your day."

  "Don't change the subject. I asked about yours first."

  She scowled. "The nursery's all done, the house is clean, and I don't like cooking except for making sure you eat good. Dammit, honey, I'm bored as hell! I wonder if letting Chloe stay with Todd and Becky so I could keep off my feet these last few days was the best idea. I miss her, and I worry about how hard you're working out there all alone. It's driving me crazy."

  He swept her long red curls back from her face. "Look, you hard-headed cowgirl, I'll tie you in bed if I have to so you’ll rest. No more blood spots. No more trouble. Just a big fat bebê when he's ready to leave his beautiful mãe."

  Hannah sighed and rubbed her swollen tummy. "You're right, I know. But I've never had to sit still like this. I wish I liked girly things like knitting or quilting but I've never had time for that stuff. My life has always been spent out on the ranch."

  He grinned "Is dinner ready?"

  "Well, hell, yeah. I have to feed my hungry man."

  "Let's eat, and then I'm giving you a shower."

  She smiled. "My man loves me."

  Alex pulled her to her feet. "What did you cook?"

  "BBQ beef ribs cooked covered and on low in the oven 'til the meat falls off the bone. Southern fried potatoes and some corn."

  He patted her bottom as they entered the kitchen. "Meu deus! This smells amazing!"

  "God had nothing to do with it. Just these hard-working rancher's hands."

  He squeezed her waist. "You sit. I'll put the food on the table."

  After they'd filled their plates, Alex clasped Hannah's hand. "I'll pray tonight."

  She nodded, smiling her sweet smile that he loved.

  Bowing his head, he began. "God, I thank you for my beautiful, smart wife and for making her agree to marry this broken-down bull rider."

  Hannah laughed softly.

  "God, you blessed her with the bebê she wanted so bad, and I thank you. I promise I'll take care of her and the child You're giving us. I'll be a good and faithful husband, and I'll love my bebê forever. One more thing. Please make this stubborn woman rest. She won't listen to me, her Lord and Master of the Universe."

  Hannah burst out laughing.

  Alex continued soberly. "Thank You for Your blessings, God. Amen." Crossing himself, he raised his fork and, without cracking a smile, shoved a bite of potatoes in his mouth.

  Hanna grinned and took a bite herself. After she swallowed, she said, "That was quite a prayer, my Lord."

  Grinning, Alex said, "You forgot Master of the Universe. I may need to punish you."

  With a quiet laugh, she took another mouthful. "Hmm, punishment for a pregnant lady. What would that look like?"

  He narrowed his eyes. "I'm sure I can come up with something."

  She smiled seductively and caressed his arm. "So, let's see. I have a shower at your hands followed by suitable, ah, punishment?"

  He laughed and clasped her head full of soft curls, pulling her in for a kiss. "You're being very naughty for a woman in your condition. I may have to spank you." The glint in her eyes told him she’d have something to say about that. He grinned. Tonight, would be fun.

  Chapter Two

  HANNAH GLANCED AT HERSELF in the full-length bathroom mirror while the water in the shower heated up. Ugh. There was no way to make nine-and-a-half months pregnant look sexy. Then she looked closer and grinned. Her feisty little boy was jabbing her with his foot. It stuck out of her lower abdomen like a blunt stick. She could almost count toes. He'd be a handful, just like his daddy. As she massaged him slowly, he retracted his foot and relaxed. Damn, those belly pokes were uncomfortable, especially if they were near her bladder.

  Cupping her breasts, she hefted their heavy weight. They were ginormous now. She planned on breast feeding her sweet baby boy and couldn't wait for him to be born. Turning sideways, she examined her profile and groaned loudly. How in holy hell did Alex stand the sight of her? She was a whale! Tears sprung to her eyes, and she crumpled down on the commode lid, burying her face in her hands. This was why she'd told him she didn't want him to give her a shower. And what if she was still fat after delivery? She'd never been fat in her life. She had no idea how to lose weight! Everything she'd heard said it was really difficult to do. Having babies was hard!

  Then she wrapped her arms around her swollen belly—her eyes closed as she imagined holding her beautiful baby. Would he have Alex's dark hair or her deep red curls? Dark hair was a dominant trait, but Alex had said he had a red-haired aunt though he had never met her because his mother was cast out of the family. Hannah was counting on his recessive red-hair gene to hook up with her dominant one. She wanted a red-haired baby so badly.

  Stepping into her shower, she remembered that was another drag about being pregnant. She loved scalding hot baths. She'd had to take showers this past month to protect the baby, and she couldn't even take really hot showers. Her Braxton-Hicks contractions had dilated her cervix slightly, making infection to the fetus a possibility.

  A short while later, as she was toweling dry, Alex knocked on the door. "It's your Lord and Master. May I come in?"

  She threw her wet towel at the door and grinned. "If you want to sleep in my bed, you'd better knock that off."

  He cracked up and peeked in the door. "In that case, I'm just your ex-bull ridin’ cowboy." Looking her up and down, he whistled. "You're sexy, girl. Hurry up and get out here."

  Feeling happier about her body, she said, "You sure know the way to a girl's heart, you fast talkin' bull rider, you."

  When he'd closed the door, she looked at herself again. Maybe she wasn't so fat after all. And losing this huge chunk
of baby boy in a day or two should make a big difference. She slid on her nightgown and hurriedly did her girly things before walking out the door.

  Alex must have used the guest bathroom. He lay showered and perfumed and brazenly naked on their bed, arms behind his head. His grin was as big as Texas as he said, "Are you ready to be punished, wife?"

  Hmm, he was serious about punishment. This could be interesting. She raised a brow. "As you're just a cowboy now and no longer My Lord and Master of the Universe, you have no right to punish me."

  Alex grinned evilly. "But I was your Master when I sentenced you. Punishment stands."

  Hannah chewed the corner of her mouth. He was going for it. Then she glared at him. She was damn sure tougher than this bull rider. Crossing her arms over her belly wasn't easy, but she managed it. "Do your worst, Mr. Universe. I can take it."

  He pressed his lips together, obviously suppressing a grin. "Woman, get over here, and do it fast."

  Her eyes narrowed. He was really pushing it. "Yes, Master."

  Shedding her gown as she approached, she grinned as his eyes widened in appreciation. Her panties disappeared under her tummy in front which meant she dragged them off from behind—so not sexy. Stepping out of them, she stood at the bed, hands on her blown-up-by-pregnancy hips. "So, let's have it, tough guy. I'm ready for your shit."

  He burst out laughing and pulled her on top of him. "You think so, huh?" Turning over, he laid her beside him. With a gentle hand, he tucked her curls behind her ear. "I'll have you screaming for mercy, cowgirl, so I hope you are ready."

  His evil smile sent tingles through her, and she shivered. There were many ways her husband had made her yell before. A few were her very favorites. "You don't scare me. I know all of your tender spots."

  He narrowed his eyes. "You do, don't you? I guess I'll have to be careful." He let loose a sensual smile that melted her insides. She was in trouble.

  She gave him a stony look. "Let's get this over with, pal. I'm sleepy."

  He hooted, breaking character. "Darlin' give me a little while. You'll be up all night long thinking of me."

  She grinned. How she loved this crazy, sexy cowboy. Never had a man cherished her the way he did.

  He rolled her on top of him. "Prepare to be punished, you bad girl."

  Giggling, she met his twinkling heated gaze and waited. Their sex had been very creative this past month since true intercourse had been banned.

  Cupping her butt, he lifted her to her knees. "Kneel, minha menina. My girl is not allowed to make a sound or move a muscle. You understand?" He locked gazes with her, his eyes glinting, a determined grin on his lips.

  Oh, damn, this sounded like a challenge she may lose, and she hated losing. What was her devil husband going to do?

  Alex nudged her legs farther apart, lowering her hips, and slid toward the bottom of the bed until his face lay directly below her. "What a beautiful view, meu amor."

  She groaned. Now she knew why he forbade her to move or make a noise. He knew exactly what his efforts did to her. He drove her wild, completely insane, unable to control herself. And he expected her to obey his lordly commands? She bit her lip hard. She would not lose!

  His gentle hands stroked her back, melded into her buttocks and caressed her. She lost herself in the strokes of his fingers, the massage of his palms. Warmth spread through her sex.

  The hot tip of his tongue entered her, just a little, and she spasmed. But no, she mustn't move. The hot feel of it slid to her sensitive spot and circled round and round. She drew in a breath and her knees began to quiver.

  He suckled gently as he stroked down with his tongue. She wanted him to enter her and she couldn't move! Despite herself, a soft whimper escaped her lips.

  He squeezed her butt in warning.

  Locking her legs in position, she sucked in a breath. She would win!

  He pulled her down to him, circling her opening.

  She wanted to beg him, please, please, inside, though she knew he shouldn’t.

  Sucking her sensitive spot while pressing against her opening, he squeezed rhythmically on her bottom.

  The tip of his tongue pierced her. And then again. And again.

  Hannah threw her head back. To hell with it! Her Lord and Master of the Universe could win! She called, "I love you, Alex!" A powerful force built quickly, tied to her sensitive spot and locked inside the depths of her woman's body. She rode it like a wild bronc, she couldn't tame it. It fought her efforts at control! She vaulted into the clouds, an indescribable pleasure streaming through her weightless body. Eyes closed, she felt the pulsing pleasure through every limb. In time, it gradually faded and her bowling ball was back.

  Alex slid up to the head of the bed. "You were a very bad girl. You moved and you made lots of noise." He grinned saucily.

  "What can I say, I'm putty in your hands, husband." She looked through her lashes at him. "I guess I'll have to serve you as my punishment, oh Master of the Universe."

  He laughed. "Honey, you're tired. And you don't bend like you used to."

  She threw a pillow at his head. "I'm having second thoughts."

  Still laughing, he said, "Forgive me. There's not one thing in this world Hannah Silva can't do if she puts her mind to it."

  "That's more like it," and she snuggled under the covers. "Now turn out the light, and come over here."

  Alex did as he was told and pulled her close to his chest, taking a deep sniff of her hair. "You smell great, Hannah. I always tell you that, but it's one of the things that makes you beautiful to me." He ran his fingers through her curls. "You're perfect, Hannah. I didn't know there was someone perfect for me until I met you." With a gentle kiss to her forehead, he whispered, "I love you, and I will always love you."

  She closed her eyes and nestled her face into his neck. His strength and his gentleness combined to make him the man of her dreams. She'd never known a man could be so soft, yet so strong when necessary. She felt safe with Alex—safe letting him into the deepest part of her of her soul. Caressing his cheek, she whispered back, "You make me complete. I never want to be anywhere else but here in your arms, having your babies, and running our ranch together."

  He squeezed her as tight as he dared. "I wish our big boy wasn't between us. Much as I want him, he's a pain in the ass when it comes to loving my wife."

  Hannah moved and ran her hand across Alex's chest, stopping at his taut nipple. "Hm, my cowboy's excited." She slid her lips around it and sucked hard.

  Alex drew in a sharp breath, and hissed. "Dammit, woman, be careful what you wake up."

  She laughed quietly. "It had better wake up. I have plans for it."

  His cock jumped and hit her belly.

  "That's more like it. It's rodeo time, only he ain't gettin' rode. We'll be doing some semen testing tonight."

  Alex cracked up. "Have I told you how bad you are, Hannah Silva?"

  "Well, I need to find out if you test out in bull semen standards as very good or just good. After all, you'll be making all of my babies."

  "Let me see if I understand. I have to pass a semen test tonight?"

  She grinned. "Damned straight. You up to it, bull rider?"

  He laughed and shook his head. "Hell, yes. Let's do it, you crazy woman." He squinted his eyes. "Do we need a cup?"

  "It's taken care of."

  Leaning back and grinning, he waited for her next move.

  Hannah raised up and slid astride him. He was hard and ready for loving. She regretted the restrictions they had to obey for the baby's safety—that he couldn't be inside her. She rocked forward, dragging his foreskin with her, knowing she was slick and hot.

  He moaned, "I love you, wife."

  She moved in a steady rhythm as Alex's breaths grew faster.

  He guided her hips with his large, calloused hands, quickening her rhythm.

  Clutching his hands, she stopped.

  "Hannah!" he said huskily.

  She chuckled softly. "Time to test my bull."

  He groaned as she dismounted, then gasped as she slid her warm mouth around him. "Mãe de deus!"

  "No, my name's not Mary." She grinned then got back to business. Sliding up and down his shaft, sucking hard and stroking him with her tongue and fist, she drew gasps of pleasure from her man.

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